My 6-year old daughter once told me “Mama, I do not understand your work. Why you don’t go to an office? Why do you always just type on your laptop? It’s too wordy. Too many envelopes (email)!”
This Slogging post is about the 5 best video games of 2020 that helped me get through the year with my sanity in check.
If you know me, you might’ve noticed I created a new blog with Ghost. My old WordPress blog is just 2 months old, it’s still up, but I’m thinking to redirect the traffic from that blog to my new Ghost blog.
Today we are living in a generation where talent and ideas are being valued more than anything else (fortunately!). There was a time when businesses were only for the people who either have a legacy or a bag full of money.
Slogging is an app that makes Slack work for Blogging. You add it to your Slack community, and turn great conversations into timeless Hacker Noon stories.
Most full-time streamers get an average $3000-$6500 per month. Gamers received up to $1,000,000 donations on Twitch.
Using programming as a mindset
There are great games on the horizon, but these Nintendo Switch games coming soon are what I'm excited for.
If you use Microsoft Word and Excel frequently, you might have repeatedly had the question of how to add symbols such as the tick or checkmark in your document or spreadsheet. Keep reading to learn about the various shortcuts you can use to make these routine tasks take less time and effort.
The top 16 crypto blogs that can keep you up to date with cryptocurrencies, including crypto news, product releases, new regulations and product reviews.
Japan Bound publishes articles about Japanese culture and pop culture. We publish a lot of anime content, as well as insights and tips for living in Japan.
A brief review of why this combination rules out all other pairs of headless content management systems and static-web app generators.
A complete On-page SEO guide for beginners to rank their website page and posts higher on Google.
"Umer, tell me something about yourself" I am a blogger and a certified digital marketing expert with 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry.
Those claiming to be an “SEO” probably provide little marketing value
About four months ago, I wrote my second article ever on my website, Followchain with little to no prior knowledge on SEO.
WordPress is the most in-demand CMS in the world that accommodates a huge number of information and business blogs. It allows for launching and managing full-value websites with minimal coding, exempts bloggers and entrepreneurs from the need to hire a webmaster or learn complex programming technologies.
In this blog post, we will discuss five ways that you can get more organic traffic without having to worry about your SEO strategy.
GPT-J takes on Voltaire and proceeds to
Check and audit link/URL health using Github actions. Test dead links in a fast and efficient manner
The idea of starting my own blog has been on my mind for quite some time.
A sports blog can become one of the most exciting things for sports fans. No matter if you want to create a sports blog for entertainment or profit, read on.
My take on why I switched to Ghost for my independent publication and newsletters, compared with Substack, Medium or Wordpress.
Remember, there are many other great blogs out there, so don't be afraid to explore and find what works best for you.
A consistent permalink structure can make your site more SEO-friendly, allowing you to attract more visitors from search engines.
What This Year's Singles' Day Results Mean For the Holiday Shopping Season
Xbox acquired Bethesda to either make the developer's games first-party exclusive or to publish titles as a third party.
My 2022-year-in-review for blogging. It covers my top posts from this year, top all-time posts by traffic, and the insights I’ve gleaned from the data.
If you're new to blogging, these 8 tips will help you get started. Follow them and you'll be on your way to a successful blog.
It's time to celebrate the past year's achievements and learn from the mistakes of 2022. Thanks to Hashnode for organizing the "Dev Retro 2022" campaign.
My thoughts on artificial intelligence writing bots.
Using these 6 blogging secrets and focusing on providing value to your readers will help you become a thought leader in your industry and grow your blog.
Many tips and tricks on how to make amazing content.
Great content—blog posts, case studies, newsletters, etc.—is a valuable tool for engaging your audience while providing value. Before ever asking for a sale you’re able to give them something, which drives a makes a great impression on anyone who comes across your content.
Many bloggers in the blogosphere have invested a lot of money in their blogs in other to establish its authority, make it a go-to source of information and earn
When talking about marketing, link building is what that takes most of the time. And that's why the majority of small businesses struggle with building quality links.
Is it possible to set up a custom subdomain with Hashnode? The answer is yes.
SIEM stands for "Security Information and Event Management". It is a set of tools and services that offer a holistic view of any organisation's information security. It works by combining two technologies: Security information Management(SIM), which collects data from the log files and runs an analysis on the security vulnerabilities and reports them, and Security Event Management(SEM) which monitors any system on a areal-time basis and also keeps the network admins notified about the threats. SIEM is used to identify threats and anomalies in the network, cyber attacks from gigs of data.
Slogging has the potential to be a content writer's best friend. One use case I'm very interested in exploring is the creation of listicles at scale. With Slogging, maybe community conversations are just one side of the coin.
First, let me turn off your warning bells.
In part three of our "Building a Gatsby Blog" series, we delve into the blog itself and create the list and post pages.
Free hosting is real but it has hidden costs. Free hosting has drawbacks & hosting providers use it for advertising. Reliable hosting will always come at a cost
A few days ago, I accidentally stumbled upon Publish, a static site generator that uses Swift as the language for building websites. Despite not being a Swift developer, I thought this sounded quite awesome. So I decided to try if the time I've spent playing around with SwiftUI could be enough to get up and running with a static site built with Swift.
Find out how blogging can help founders quickly solve many marketing challenges and acquisitions by effectively creating content that can solve common problems.
Slogging is a simple app that lets you turn conversation threads on Slack channels into beautiful drafts on Hackernoon ready for our 3 million monthly readers.
How much do I get from a micro transaction for a user that visits my monetized page?
Content development is a process of creating content through sequential phases. We will show how the process is similar to the software development process.
GatsbyJS is a fantastic framework to use when creating your blog. In this series of posts we will work together to create a blog from scratch!
Is blogging fair?
Demonic possession is not real, its just stupid, and it harms real people, here is why...
Not long ago, the internet was a luxury, reserved for the select few. Today, anyone can establish an online presence with under $10 USD. And nowadays, with tools like WordPress and Wix, you don’t even have to know how to code. But do you really need your own website?
The blogging best practices that took me from clueless to ranking #1 in search and making money from my blog.
One thing we all dread is mundane work of getting started, and all the hoops it takes to get going. I am going to setup a system to help me post more.
In this article, we’ll be sharing some of the best tips and tricks to make writing easy and effective for developers.
In this article, I described how I created my blog using NextJs, Chakra UI, and GraphCMS. I also disclosed the tools, technologies, and services that I used.
99.9% of the time single-word search or short-tail keyword queries are far too general and vague.
How much does Squarespace cost? Is it worth the price? In this article we'll look at Squarespace's pricing and features.
Blogging about tech is fun. Having your own blog allows you to help others, polish your skills, and maybe get you a job. Blogging on popular tech sites is great. Obviously you're reading this on Hackernoon, so you know I do it. It's fun. But having your OWN site to manage your content is important as well. This gives you freedom to do things exactly as you want, try out weird applications and patterns, and experiment.
I want to share about the beauty of the site which i recently came across because just recently I realized something about this platform that I hadn’t previously so i was curious to share this with you guys.
This Slogging discussion is about Netflix via VPNs, DVD collecting in Japan, and Studio Ghibli.
The real reasons behind why i decided to start a blog and write. Putting your ideas or projects into the public makes you more accountable than having a mental
Making mistakes is part of human nature. After mistakes are made, you figure out what you did wrong and adjust yourself so you don’t repeat the mistake in the future. Am I right? When it comes to online blogging, we have made the mistakes for you so you don’t have to. With the information provided bellow, you can go straight to making those much needed adjustments that will create a much better reader experience.
If you’re thinking about starting a blog need to choose a blogging platform. There are other options aside from WordPress available to chose from like Wix, etc.
Learn how to choose the best blogging platform for your developer blog. See what are the most important things to look for when choosing a blogging platform.
Nowadays, creating a blog is easy. But, with all the different options available, you might go crazy by just doing the research.
The success of a website’s performance is directly tied to the amount of traffic it receives. While the number of visitors to a website is not always indicative of success, it is essential to understand the data and insights behind each traffic report. By unlocking the secrets of your website traffic, you can gain a better understanding of when, how, and why visitors arrive.
Start generating leads to your blog using this simple guide.
To write a blog post outline you need to determine all relevant subtopics that cover your main-topic thoroughly.
How I learned the opportunity cost of not using a paywall...kind of
In part 4 of our "Building a Gatsby Blog" series, we will promote engagement and design cohesion by adding images to our pages and blog posts.
Your blog is the perfect way to keep visitors entertained while putting your value proposition on display. Use this opportunity to share your expertise.
Some of the best children's books of all time voted on by Hacker Noon staff and contributors.
In this digital world, having a business website is no longer an option but a necessity. However, there is a huge difference between creating a website and driving traffic towards it, and this difference turns out to play a vital role in the success of different businesses.
In the second part of the "Building a GatsbyJS Blog" series, we will create a page layout and scaffold the main pages of the blog.
Dwell time is an essential SEO factor. If you can keep your website visitors engaged and interested, you can earn better rankings! Read how.
To blog effectively, you need to use the right tools and grow your business. Here are the critical tools that will help you leverage blogging to meet your goals
When it comes to creating a niche blog from scratch it can be challenging to attract visitors to visit your content and scale your content output alongside you
Unfortunately quarantine has become our new reality for some indefinite time. However, it doesn’t mean we are completely doomed to give up on what we love doing. Of course, certain limitations are inevitable, on the other hand when life gives you lemons... you know what to do.
Whether music is your greatest passion project, full-time career, or favorite hobby, you can now get paid for social media posts about it and support other artists at the same time. It’s all happening right now on LUIVE, the premium social networking and content monetization platform for creators and communities.
The Ghost blogging platform offers a lean and minimalist experience. And that's why we love it. But unfortunately sometimes, it can be too lean for our requirements.
Here's what I learned growing an online side hustle from $0 to $800 per month in 3 months: Growing an online side-hustle is not easy. Content, in particular, is a risky marketing proposition because of a steep learning curve, high labor and input costs, with very uncertain returns. Yet content forms the basis of pretty much any online marketing strategy — from email to blogging to social. It’s vital for online growth.
Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in JavaScript and it powers an incredible range of websites; from individual bloggers who are just getting started, to large teams of writers and editors at some of the largest organisations in the world. Currently more than 2 million websites running on Ghost including Getform's Blog that you are currently reading!
This Slogging thread by Arthur Tkachenko occurred in slogging's official #random channel, and has been edited for readability.
how to Work with influencers in crypto
Comaring 9 different content collaboration tools and platforms to determine which is the best for developer blog management.
This is my first time writing an article here on Hackernoon. For lack of anything "tech" that I can think of writing about at the moment, I'll just talk about how I stumbled into the crypto rabbit hold in the first place.
This article shows the top 5 resources you can use to stay up-to-date by reading quality technical content.
Ever wondered what powers a beautiful blog? It's a static site generator (SSG) called Eleventy, which is super simple to get started with.
Technical blogging can reinforce your learning, educate people in the tech community, and serve as a good source of income. As a tech blogger, you have the great benefit of becoming a lifelong learner because you need to be well-versed in the field you are writing about to explain the concepts to readers clearly.
In this slogging thread, our community shares their best suggestions on tech, financial, work, travel, gaming, and pop-culture-themed blogs to follow.
It's fascinating to see how psychology comes into play in copywriting and content marketing. You just read the phrase "most persuasive words in the English language" and it rang a bell.
This article I wrote on Medium earns me over $2,000 a month.
This week in The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship, we discussed what we find most difficult about the writing process.
Be it for your passion for writing or to help generate an extra income, blogging is your one stop solution.
This guide will walk you through 10 easy steps towards starting your own blog.
Recorded the journey I took to migrate my data science blog from Python-based Pelican to Golang-based Hugo, then deploy to Netlify for free.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.