Flutter app vs Kotlin app. MVI Clean Code Freezd and Riverpod
Yesterday, 2022 Oct 7th one of the larger blockchains had to be halted. This news was shocking since most blockchains are decentralized by definition.
The most beautiful code, the most beautiful functions, and the most beautiful programs are sometimes not there at all.
It's easy for technical debt to grow in our codebase. Commit to spending 20 minutes a day for 30 days to tackling technical debt and get 1% better every day.
More code smells for your reading pleasure
The article describes how a relational database should be designed to properly work in OLTP mode.
A story about how important it is to keep a smooth balance between complexity and simplicity while building software.
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not required fixed per se… (You should look into it though.)
Decouple your Go components by leveraging Mediator and Event Aggregator patterns. Learn how to use open-source mediator / event aggregator library called mob.
GitHub Copilot is not a threat for great software designers. Just a shortcut for lazy ones.
In this article, we'll cover the benefits of utilizing the repository pattern in building backend systems with FastAPI.
Extension functions allow you to natively implement the "decorator" pattern. There are best practices for using them.
We reached the 100th code smell!
One of the first techniques developers learn is the if/else statement. For obvious reasons if/else statements are a primary way to create logic trees. This is where we handle calculations differently depending on the input variables. However, complex and nested if/else statements become a cognitive burden to reason about. Therefore, it can be hard for the next developer to understand quickly.
There are a set of skills and qualities which make the ideal software developer we are all searching to be or searching for to employ. However, right now I am going to emphasize the importance of a quality that is mostly found in senior developers.
Code smells are a classic. It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved.
Maxi is a software engineer and teacher from Argentina. Learn about this talented HackerNoon Writer!
Identifying smells in your code and debugging the easy way.
I transcribe the instructions to create a working wordle using natural language.
In this post we learn about concept of Submodules in git by actually troubleshooting a case of embedding multiple git repositories
The article compares coding to building a castle with Legos and emphasizes the importance of following best practices to avoid mistakes and build a sturdy code.
When you are new to programming, you’re focused on making your code work—not on making it look pretty.
This blog post summarizes the book “Clean Code” written by Robert Martin on how to write a readable and maintainable code.
This article summarizes my experience as a writer during the pandemic year 2021
Warning: Setters Considered Smelly
The first time I heard someone say: “the code is the documentation”, I thought it sounded completely wrong, like a lazy excuse for not producing documentation.
A year ago, I, the almighty mobile application developer, was brought down by a pesky bug that was causing my precious creation to crash frequently for users.
We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development. Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong.
The Y2K22 Bug is the consequence o very bad software design
What is refactoring? Why do we go through the trouble of improving code that works?
You likely often hear that test-driven development (TDD) or just writing tests can make your code better.
The Rule: When naming a variable, don't encode it's type into its name, even in a dynamically typed language.
Use mature tools to make mature software
Learn how to build a culture of code quality to improve maintainability, scalability, and efficiency, and stay ahead of the competition.
When you have multiple developers working on the same code, you may face a lot of challenges when merging. That's where branches come in.
All software companies must take an intentional and structured approach to code reviews. Here are some tips on how to do that.
Alex is a software engineering veteran with over 30 years of hands-on professional experience. He is a staunch advocate of Extreme Programming and TDD.
This article explores what good code is and shares some tenets of good structure.
Clean Code is a Lie and Nobody Writes it.
The Typescript quirks that pushed me to reinvent the wheel by creating a new-brand Dependency Injection library for Javascript.
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. Therefore, they are not required to be fixed per se… (You should look into it, though.)
It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved.
TODOs are a tricky subject for developers. Many codebases are guilty of having TODOs linger around while nobody knows who’s responsible for a TODO or even has the required context to tackle it. Yet, should we feel ashamed for our lingering TODOs?
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not required fixed per se… (You should look into it though.)
More code smells incoming
A static analyzer can reduce the possibility of bugs, such as when you accidentally overwrite a variable with another value.
How to build scalable products by coding for future feature expansion & code deprecation while maintaining a simplified user interface for complex functionality
We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
How to debug your code the easy way
It smells because there are likely many instances where it could be edited or improved. Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong.
New code smells arriving!
The term Bug sounds like an excuse out of our scope infecting our systems. It is not. Software quality is under our control. It is our responsibility to deliver
Yes, you read that right. If you have been coding for a while and if Python is not the first programming language that you started with, then you definitely know what a Switch statement is, and appreciate how flawless it is, when you need to factor in multiple conditions/cases for a control flow.
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. Therefore, they are not required to be fixed per se… (You should look into it, though.)
Technical Debts have been in the center of software engineers debate for quite some time. Not only its analogy to financial terms has been discussed, but also the different contexts and aspects a debt contains.
The smell of code smells is a classic, but you should look at it more carefully if you want to improve your code smell.
.NET developers can evaluate and visualize the codebase using the robust static analysis tool NDepend. It aids programmers in understanding the quality and main
In the article, we cover the topic of code refactoring and discuss the value of the process.
Beginners are afraid to remove code. And many seniors too.
Reducing the nesting level of code by applying a guard clause.
Learn to fish out code smells and debug with ease.
We are humans, we forget, we make mistakes, we change things, ideas; This happens when we work solo, imagine when you are in a team!
It's easy for technical debt to grow in our codebase. Commit to spending 20 minutes a day for 30 days to tackling technical debt and get 1% better every day.
Another year is drawing to an end, and it's a perfect time to make yourself a cup of coffee and reread the reviews of bugs collected across open-source projects over this year. This would take quite a while, of course, so we prepared this article to make it easier for you. Today we'll be recalling the most interesting dark spots that we came across in open-source C/C++ projects in 2019.
I believe that software development has a problem with mis-promotion, and over-promotion of "Clean Code".
Does your code read like a book?
If you are looking for a tool to start managing technical debt this article will help you make the right decision.
Clean Code by Robert C. Martin is the most recommended programming book of all time. There’s a good reason why.
In the previous article, we looked at the macro trends that make tech debt inevitable. However, even though tech debt is a fact of life, technical bankruptcy doesn't have to be. So this time, let's look at the methods we can employ to avoid technical bankruptcy and save everyone a lot of grief, time, and money.
I want to share basic concepts on how to write robust and good maintainable code. They will allow you to write better and more maintainable code.
Choosing the right CSS selectors can be a lot of trouble and there’s so much information out there that it can even be a little overwhelming at times. Words like “combinators” and “specificity” get thrown around a lot, you read how greater specificity increases efficiency but then how ID’s (the most specific) should be avoided like the plague, according to some. What’s a poor coder to do as he navigates the cascading landscape of style sheets? Hopefully by the end of this I will have been able to outline some good practices, and provide enough additional resources, to clear this issue up for good.
It goes without saying that data is the cornerstone of any data analysis.
Code is read more than it is written. To write code we are constantly reading it. Here are 8 rules for writing cleaner code based by choosing better names.
Every tutorial I've read for the last 30 years starts with the infamous 'Hello World' example. This could be one of the reasons we write crappy software.
Yet more code smells? Aren't them enough?
How to stop worrying and embrace Auto Formatting in your python code.
Developing a complete word game is very easy with TDD
A parable about missed deadlines and over-engineering
It’s easy to pay lip service to company culture. But few companies actively consider those few cultural characteristics that make a meaningful difference to performance—because that’s the hard part.
There are more code smells. Let’s keep changing the aromas. We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development. Let's look at some possible solutions.
Sometimes a short thought can bring amazing ideas. There are some great quotes I’ve been collecting. I use them as inspiration or motto for some articles.
There’s nothing new about Functional Programming. Functional Programming has been around for much longer than OOP as it dates back to the 60s.
In this short, but nonetheless useful article, I have summarized the most beneficial tips for writing clean code. These rules are independent of the language you use and are invaluable for both beginners and experienced programmers.
Perhaps it is not news to everyone that there are two hard things in Computer Science.
In this article, we cover how to use pipeline patterns in python data engineering projects. Create a functional pipeline, install fastcore, and other steps.
Dependency Injection(DI) is a set of software design principles that enable engineers to develop loosely coupled code. This stack overflow post is the best ELI5 description of DI:
I blog about clean code, refactoring and TDD. I have been working on the industry for the past 25 years
More smells on the way.
Why the first instruction we learn to program should be the last to use.
The most complete curated collection of software and programming quotes
More code smells. No joke. We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
Yet more code smells? Plenty of!
The code smells bad. Let’s see how to change the aromas. In this series, we will see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our developments. We will present possible solutions. Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not rigid rules.
I recently wrote a blog post introducing some of my favourite NuGet packages: My Top 4 NuGet Packages for ASP.NET Core. In that post, I briefly introduced a package called MediatR. Today, I will dedicate this post to revisiting MediatR in further detail.
Are we done on code smells? Probably never!
We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
Marvel kotlin sample application using android components architecture in a modular project
This another code smell chapter
There are yet more code smells. Let’s keep changing the aromas. We see several symptoms and situations that make us doubt the quality of our development.
Are we tired with code smells? Not yet!
The Rule: Whenever you name a variable, function, or class, ask if it is concise, honest, expressive, and complete.
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