Minimum Viable Cult is the next big thing for Web3. Are you ready?
Hear Kunal Kushwaha's story - DevRel Manager at Civo, founder of Community Classroom and Kubeworld + Twilio Developer Searchlight Honoree
In 1999, the word “community” took on a new meaning on the web.
Hello, Hacker Noon people! Technology guilds are a popular but still fresh way of implementing communities of practices in companies. Still, there are many questions, especially related to guild responsibilities and organization. Together with Andrew Kozin, I've prepared this post for you as a summary of our personal experience and understanding of the role of a technology guild nowadays.
Building tech communities is harder than it looks. This article talks about some of the lessons I've learne by building a 5000 strong community on a tiny island
Building strong community through two-way communication, community talent, and transparency and how it helps your business in the long run.
I guess the first question is, Why? Why should an internet community become a DAO?
NFT utility is waiting to be unlocked! All hail the new 'Input Economy' - Niftyz.io
The best thing about Linux is the community behind it.
Telegram strives to maintain an active and healthy community of volunteers. However, the big question is, why create these spaces for participation?
Tips on how to be an effective Contributor to Open Source.
An interview with Pierre Bourque, NFT artist and founded of Blockchain Radio.
We all know the story of how many startups come and go very fast. It's a fast competitive road, and many startups feel chiseled out within months of creation. Yet, startup founder Moshe Reuven Sheradsky has his company Wedu on a different trajectory that’s more promising than the systems we’re used to.
Apps for social planning are designed to help you at every stage of the planning process. To plan your outing, you may look up hundreds of attractions and event
"Blockchain, Blockchain, Blockchain" - CEO of Verse.
I want to share about the beauty of the site which i recently came across because just recently I realized something about this platform that I hadn’t previously so i was curious to share this with you guys.
Hear Marcus Eagan's story - Staff Product Manager at MongoDB and Twilio Developer Searchlight Honoree
A discussion with the XDAO founder about DAOs that can build a new level of trust, transparency and good governance in the crypto industry.
Interview with I-Ally Founder Lucinda Koza where reveals she wants to save millennial family caregivers from a broken system
Community.HackerNoon.com: Tech professionals talking shop
The community is the core of any crypto project. This is a trust factor for product users, investors, and media.
I know.
Okay, so it hasn’t actually been a year. It’s been slightly over eight months. But I digress. Since February of 2019, I have been a moderator on a discord community named DesignCourse (Coursetro). Created by YouTuber Gary Simon, this place serves as a forum for questions and discussions regarding all sorts of design and development related topics. Recently, I realized that I have grown as a mod, as a developer, and as a person, since that day in February.
Since the dawn of the internet, people have found groups they can connect and share similar interests.
It's time for deep reading in Web3
Do we have the 'right' to 'write' what we want, even if it is technically incorrect? Read about an experience I had and decide for yourself.
From electric cars to recyclable plastics; there have been several moral responses to the earth's clarion call to caution, many have become a mainstream tech. The development of alternative energy is also bridging the gap between being a moral responsibility and being a much-needed technology that is clean and cost-effective. One of these much-needed technologies is the solar home system.
A crypto community management is essentially a group of people who share a common interest in crypto, blockchain, or Web3 in general.
Goodnight Journal was launched on Jan 1, 2013 and has been serving over 100,000 members in the world. It started as a side project and became a full time job when I decided to revamp the app and community completely.
How to grow an open source project on github
Software developers, community stewards, content creators, artists, and beyond all have something in common: they are creators.
Explore the cult-like appeal of Web3 and why it's gaining momentum amidst a failing financial system.
Does it seem like everyone is meeting online these days? Consider that lesbian, bisexual, and gay adults are twice as likely as those who are straight to have used a dating app or site, according to Pew Research. This means for the LGBTQI+ community, dating apps are a huge part of how relationships are formed.
Sarath Kuruganty is a product expert, community builder, and content creator. He is passionate about building communities around self-sustainable communities.
Developers of AI systems can create complex algorithms for a wide range of use cases, including in investing and trading.
Technical blogging can reinforce your learning, educate people in the tech community, and serve as a good source of income. As a tech blogger, you have the great benefit of becoming a lifelong learner because you need to be well-versed in the field you are writing about to explain the concepts to readers clearly.
Social mining is becoming more and more popular among new platforms that want to reward their community properly, based on their value added to their ecosystem.
What’s better for a crypto investor’s ROI: building a portfolio alone or making decisions after a group discussion?
In this article, we'll talk about the importance of developer communities and interacting with them, both for yourself and others involved.
The emergence of new types of web3 ownership changes how we look at assets. The role of VC investment in this space comes with both opportunities and risks.
Startup Disrupt has become a part of the Czech startup world. This platform for startups aims to educate, inspire and connect entrepreneurs, startups, mentors, technology innovators as well as investors and corporations not only in the Czech Republic but also within the startup communities around the world. This initiative has been launched by Patrik Juránek who already built a chapters for global startup communities in past.
Businesses around the world have been forced to scramble a response to the current worldwide pandemic. Boardrooms have become (virtual) war rooms as organizations hunker down and try and devise strategies that will enable them to prosper or, in many cases, simply survive.
Unlike many others, I ended up in the blockchain thanks to my passion for writing and creating online content. My writer friends recommended Steemit, I tried it and started blogging there.
The Future of Web3 Gaming Being Built by Top Industry Players
Connecting with your community is a vital part of building awareness, trust, and loyalty. While this is always challenging, COVID-19's socially distancing has made it harder than ever. However, some small businesses have taken customer connection—both digital and in-person—to the next level despite the struggles that a global pandemic brings.
If nothing else, we’ve learned by way of pandemic both the strength of our Internet and how many tools are left to build. As developers, we are in an exciting position to set the standards of our new normal and lay tracks toward the next frontier. This weekend, we are hosting our first Pioneer Hackathon, an attempt to provide community for those in isolation and a bit of prize-fueled, productive fun to fight global cabin fever.
Detecting communities using label propogation algorithm spark
WeWork was Silicon Valley’s solution to the corporate burnout problem but now its books, and its leader have gone down in flames. By the fireside, CJ Tayeh reflects on what the company’s decline can teach us about the true value and nature of community spaces.
After eight years in software development, I decided it was time to contribute more to the developer community.
How do we become better known, better liked, and more trustworthy? These are the 3 main aspects of influencing anyone in life.
In the very beginning, the Internet was a free space where anyone could communicate. As time flew by, it started showing signs of monopolization: a common tendency for any economic environment. Big tech companies (Google, Facebook, Amazon) gradually took over various aspects of the global network, making it harder to launch new initiatives.
Ricardo has been one of the most active contributors to n8n and has created more than 60 nodes. He now works at n8n, and we talked to him about what drives his passion to contribute to n8n.
If you’re like us, you probably have some unread red-dot notifications in your Slack sidebar. Work-related, a few are from social groups or communities
The term marketing is synonymous with community building. This is the age of battle for attention. There are too many brands and products that give people ample choices; thus, making the arena of marketing more complex than ever before.
5 easy steps to create a sustainable tech community in your company that everyone loves.
The alarm you set last night chimes lightly on your nightstand. Morning light peeks through the window as the sound of the neighbors starting their day reverberates around the apartment complex. Spring air mixed with car emission wafts through the screen door as you gather yourself for the day ahead. Your work bag packed with lunch and your uniform in tow, you begin the commute to your first job, hoping the charge on your phone will last the bus ride.
Stories from around the TechSoup Global Network
Segmentation helps you break down the daunting task of creating a strategy for a developer community. But where do you start?
PR coupled with a strong product and well-functioning teamwork can bring good results: increase investor interest, and attract an audience.
Did you know that your audience can judge the effectiveness/appeal of your presentation in as little as five seconds? Or the attention span of most people (during a presentation) is for about 10-15 minutes?
Learn how to build, grow and manage a web3 community from the ground up.
Exchanging value within the Web3 economy by focusing on solving big problems
Rachel Monroe describes what it's like to be neighbors with Elon Musk's SpaceX.
Hear Bekah Hawrot Weigel's story - Virtual Coffee Creator and Twilio Developer Searchlight Honoree
Bekah is the Creator and Technical Community Build
A successful "Job Hunt" is a combination of Strategy, Marketing, and Sales tasks.
Two ways to make money in software: bundling and unbundling. Centralized socials polarized views and fueled tribalism. Socializing is about to go vertical
Crypto has gone food crazy. This summer, YAM, Sushi and UNI dominated headlines, and if you haven't been following crypto twitter, you'd probably still think we're talking about a low-carb diet. We’re not.
A San Francisco firefighter describes a smash and grab he saw.
Finding myself annoyed by all the "Top X Things to Know About Y" posts, I'm taking some time to list the top 5 things that I find positive about them.
What's the difference between community and it's digital representation?
Community: The New Business Currency?
Why the power is shifting from product-driven to community-driven?#CommunityDesign matters for web3 builders.
Communities thrive today because the various reasons people join or form them are being met. These results are even enhanced when there is someone to handle the community management squarely.
This article explores the use of NFTs as a marketing tool for creator-led communities. It highlights the shift towards community building in the creator economy
Let’s go over a few rules of thumb that I believe will take you from apparent scammer to valued community member.
47% of developers say the community’s biggest problem is bad project managers. But that's only the beginning.
Athens Labs received Ethereum Foundation grant and build the ecosystem alongside other participants: Blender Gallery, V as in Metaverse, JabLabs. Athens Greece.
MumbaiFOSS is a conference organized by FOSS United and FOSSEE to promote Free and Open Source Software in Mumbai. In this blog, I share my experiences and take
We’re sharing all the iterations that went into the creation of our logo and mascot, and what our thoughts were for each one of them.
Recently, at the invitation of Mick Griffin, I traveled to Poland to attend the 2019 Pipeline Summit and present a keynote sharing the Zest success story and how we earned our first 100k users.
How do you fairly compensate your employees for a job well done?
Look what the DisCO CAT dragged in!
Unlike the process of writing code, the creation of a crypto community is difficult to imagine as an algorithm. The community is a living phenomenon, the construction of which requires an understanding of human desires rather than formulas and codes.
What inspired us to build SimpleAsWater?
In this slogging AMA, we were joined by Tealfeed Cofounder Sourabh Kaushik, we discuss everything Tealfeed, including future ambitions for the platform.
ShardingSphere partners with Alibaba Cloud's OpenSergo to combine Database Plus & Database Mesh and release a database governance standard for microservices.
Lisk software development and upcoming blockchain application platform have been spearheaded by Lisk founder Max Kordek. Join us for an interview with him.
Do you want to start earning money as a Web3 community manager? I have gathered the thoughts of 10 Web3 community managers to help you navigate this path.
Read for opinions on growing a robust community in any niche, adapting your product to the metaverse, the power of outsourcing and the future of AI.
Can public good communities significantly decrease the case of scammers in crypto?
I wonder whether a person even identifies as a part of their said community in many cases. Different entities make communities as broad or narrow as they want.
I am pretty sure you all are familiar with full-stack, MERN stack, and many similar tech stacks related to development.
The world has experienced a giant digital transformation and almost no aspect of life has been untouched by this technological change. Not only do we use all kinds of tech in our daily lives, but technological tools and devices have found a central position in professional spaces as well. In fact, one might argue that the business and administrative industry has endured the greatest degree of change due to this digital transformation.
Community is about giving as much as you take, and it's important to remember that your members are not there to worship you.
Sophie Watts | Cultivating Success: The Importance of Community Within Content Creation
Ignoring your superfans prevents you from nurturing your community to its highest potential. Pay attention to the users that engage with you...
WePlay hosted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on the CryptoSquad Telegram channel. Here's what went down.
Black Hat World provides newcomers with access to relevant information to improve their digital marketing campaigns.
Lloyed Lobo | The Community-Based Business Model: Everyone Wins
Every good story starts at the beginning. I was five when the train jolted from standstill, slowly carrying my parents and me away from the crumbling USSR. Most of the people who I cared for in life stood outside, waving. In due time, I’ll get to see them all again — but I did not know that back then.
Hello, my name is Alex, and I'm an... Advocate. A Developer Advocate. What does that mean and how do you become one? I'll tell you all of it!
The more content a host creates, the bigger an audience grows. With that in mind, a host should create videos to grow their audience. Videos are an opportunity for hosts to experiment as creators, and build bigger and more engaged communities.
Lisk software development and upcoming blockchain application platform have been spearheaded by Lisk founder Max Kordek. Join us for an interview with him.
In this episode of Quality Sense, Federico has a conversation with Tristan Lombard, where they talked about the role of community building in software testing.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.