How are you, hacker? 🪐What's happening in tech this week: The Noonification by HackerNoon has got you covered with fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day, every day at noon your local time! Set email preference here.
By @samwilliams [ 16 Min read ] Around age seven, two years after the divorce and relocation from Queens, Richard took up the hobby of launching model rockets in nearby Riverside Drive Park Read More.
By @ashumerie [ 4 Min read ] In the wake of Trumps acquisition of Twitter, this article explores the relevance of section 230 of the CDA and its relevance in this day and age. Read More.
By @historicalemails [ 5 Min read ] The Enron scandal not only had a huge impact on corporate America, it also provided one of the most useful tools in the fight against spam and phishing. Read More.
By @linh [ 3 Min read ] You know it was a crazy week in news when a billionaire putting 11,000 people out of work is only the 3rd worst billionaire of the week... Read More.
By @nawar [ 2 Min read ] How to DeFi: Beginners is a guide to learning and applying the technology behind decentralized applications (Dapps) and decentralized Finance (DeFi). Read More. 🧑💻 What happened in your world this week?It's been said that writing can help consolidate technical knowledge, establish credibility, and contribute to emerging community standards. Feeling stuck? We got you covered ⬇️⬇️⬇️ ANSWER THESE GREATEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS OF ALL TIME We hope you enjoy this worth of free reading material. Feel free to forward this email to a nerdy friend who'll love you for it.See you on Planet Internet! With love, The Hacker Noon Team ✌️