Material design provides user a real experience with its clean and direct effect. Here are 12 best free material design UI kits & Templates for Sketch and Photoshop.
Material design has formed it’s distinctive design style since 2014. Created and released by Google, it becomes a full platform design language specification including Android Mobile、Android Tablet、Desktop Chrome, etc. Material Design can be seen across all of Google’s mobile apps including Gmail, Inbox, Calendar, YouTube and even the desktop sites.
Material design provides user a real experience with its clean and direct effect. Many UX/UI designers have followed this trend in their design work. I’d like to share 11 excellent material design UI kits, most of them are free, hope can bring you some inspiration.
Format: PSD
Price: Free
What’s special:
This free UI kit has been designed so that you can easily get your next Material Design project kick started quickly. Every element, widget, button and form within the kit can be fully customized as per your requirements. It comes in PSD format and you’re completely free to use the kit in both your personal and commercial design projects.
Download here. http://www.designtory.net/free-psd/free-material-d...
Format: PSD, Sketch
Price: 99$/1 user
What’s special:
Material Design UI Kit is the ultimate library of UI elements, App templates, and style guides combined into high-quality source files for Sketch & Photoshop. Everything you need for a faster workflow and better results when design for Android n is here.
Download here. https://materialdesignkit.com/
Format: Sketch
Price: Free
What’s special:
This Android Material Design UI Kit for Sketch was designed by Ivan Bjelajac. this great Sketch library contains plenty mobile app UI elements with more than 30000 download times.
Download here: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/852-a...
Format: Sketch
Price: Free
What’s special:
Google Material Design layouts, contain light and dark symbols for status bars, app bars, bottom toolbars, cards, dropdown menus, search field, dividers, side navs, dialogs, floating action buttons, and other components.
Download here: https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/597-g...
Format: SD element and HTML/CSS/JS implementation
Price: Free
What’s special:
Material Kit is a Free Bootstrap UI Kit with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s material design. It’s a great pleasure to introduce to you the material concepts in an easy to use and beautiful set of components. Along with the restyling of the Bootstrap elements, you will find three fully-coded example pages, to help you design your next project.
Download here: https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-kit
Price: Free
What’s special:
World’s most popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites and apps. Thanks to MDB you can take advantage of all feature of newest Bootstrap 4. It gives you detailed user-friendly documentation at your disposal, and help you to implement your ideas easily.
Download here: https://mdbootstrap.com/material-design-for-bootst...
Format: PSD element and HTML/CSS/JS implementation.
Price: 79$
What’s special:
Start Your Development With A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit inspired by Material Design. If you like Google’s Material Design, you will love this kit! It features a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing.
Download here: https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-kit-...
Format: PSD, Sketch
Price: 30$
What’s special:
Prototype, design or develop any material design mobile app! Lora Material Design is a huge UI Kit with more than 80 material design screens in 12 categories. Each screen is fully customizable, exceptionally easy to use and carefully layered and grouped in Sketch app and Adobe Photoshop. It’s all you need for quick prototype, design and develops any Material Design app in Sketch or Photoshop. You can use it for designing social network apps, dashboard & stats apps, media & news apps (blogs, videos, galleries…), e-commerce apps (shop, store), booking apps, music and much more… Enjoy!
Download here: https://ui8.net/products/lora-material-design-ui-k...
Format: PSD
Price: Free
What’s special:
This material design UI kits has a small set of basic pieces consistent with the guidelines of Material Design. By the way, there are photos from Mad Men show, which everyone should appreciate.
Download here. https://dribbble.com/shots/2064912-Material-Design...
Format: PSD
Price: Free
What’s special:
This UI kit contains many usable elements, including profile, music player, statistics, graph, button, navigation menu, sing in page, any much more. It’s designed based on Google Material Design. To create website and mobile app. you can find some small elements and idea about Material design, this PSD gives you free UI templates and elements. You can use those UI elements on your webpage design, or user interface design of your mobile application.
Download here. http://psdboom.com/downloads/free-material-ui-kit-...
Format: PSD
Price: Free
What’s special:
Every building blocks from the previous version are included in this material design UI kits, making it the most complete Design Kit to date. 2 tips: you must first install both Roboto and Roboto Slab fonts before using the Design Kit. And the recommended way to start designing is to use the Quick Start file, then Shift+Drag the required UI elements from the Building Block file
Download here: https://androiduiux.com/2014/01/10/android-ui-desi...
Format: PSD, Sketch, JPG
Price: $48
What’s special:
Vivid is a Soft Material UI Kit, that combines clean typography with pixel perfect elements providing you with a perfect tool for creating any type of website or web application. 6 categories includes Widgets — 55 components, Forms — 26 components, Shopping — 20 components, Blogging — 20 components, Style Guide — includes color palette, typography guidelines, icons and UI elements, Everything is vector based. Everything is well named and grouped helping you to fastly find the desired element and create projects within minutes.
Download here: https://creativemarket.com/TheUIShop/414366-Vivid-...
Handoff designs with accurate specs, assets, code snippets automatically
Abandoned excess impurities and disorder, material design only need to retain its most primitive pure form, spatial relationship, change and transition, with the flexible nature of the virtual world, restore the most real experience, to achieve the effect of simple and intuitive.
No messy colors, generally choose a main color with a backing color. Use color variations to create more multi-colors. “ Darker color variations are made by lowering brightness and increasing saturation. Brighter color variations are made by increasing brightness and lowering saturation.” check the resources here: How To Use Color In UI Design Wisely to Create A Perfect UI Interface?
In general, the desktop icon size is 48dp X 48dp, while the small icon size is 24dp X 24dp. The best area should be the central 20dp X 20dp.
Roboto for fonts, Noto for Chinese.
Above are the 11 best material design UI kits created by top designers and developers.
Compatible with Sketch App & Photoshop.
Compatible with Photoshop.
Compatible with Photoshop.
Forma: Sketch, PSD, xd Photoshop, Sketch and Adobe XD.
As a debut shot, it’s my pleasure to share with you this freebie — a Material Design UI kit for Photoshop, Sketch and Adobe XD.
Format: PSD. Material design widgets pack for desktop/mobile.
Format: Sketch. Web, Android, and iOS projects.
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