Let's look into some case studies to find out should our manufacturing lines stay manual, or be automated.
With a new year starting, you would have already seen a lot of industry experts sharing their insights on the future of AI and considering 2020 to be the year when artificial intelligence will become a reality. However, the reality is quite the opposite of what non-tech people imagine.
The progress is constantly speeding up and the future is at our door — it is something that everyone keeps repeating even not thinking much of this future. But if you start thinking, you find evidence to this in every tool, in every method and technique present in all spheres of life.
Quantum cognition as the path to explaining the mind
The process of old movies remastering into digital 4K resolution is gaining momentum. And that’s quite obvious: people are full of day-fly action movies with repetitive scenarios. They want to rewatch golden era films they were growing up with: BladeRunner, Matrix, Star Wars.
And that’s really cool the modern world can give us this opportunity to enjoy our favorite films on the biggest screens and feel comfortable. 2K, 4K or even 8K - everything is possible.
If you're just sitting at home most nights, wondering what the hell you should be doing, rejoice! I've got a list of 10 of the hottest, coolest programming languages you can stuff in a single sack (or...blog post).
Some light-hearted thinks after a long Friday...
The Need for Reflective Computing
Today is November 8, 2030, and on this 47th birthday, my entire life seems to be controlled by artificial intelligence, driving my peak performance in everything.
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What is it about the word automation that makes some perk-up while others cringe?
Bright points, potential pitfalls and what you can look out for
Additive manufacturing is an alternative production technology which allows for a layer-by-layer creation of more durable, lighter and stronger objects. It promises a revolution for companies across industries. However, like all major changes and opportunities, it also comes with several challenges.
A couple of weeks ago Alphabet shares dropped 6%, Facebook tanked 7.5%, and Amazon shed 4.5% of its value. Why did this happen? An anti-trust probe was called into life regarding Alphabet’s Google Search business and investors fear a similar fate for its tech brethren, seemingly rightfully so: This news story unearths a public debate that has been discussed intensively since the 2016 US elections concerning Big Tech’s power and the need for anti-trust legislation. A debate, which appears to have the nearly unanimous agreement that these companies should be broken up. Logically, therefore, these firms should already be broken up, yet they are not. Why is this? Aside from the strawman “The government is corrupt/incompetent” reasoning, there actually exist multiple genuine arguments for keeping Big Tech intact, which we’ll be examining in the following.
There is a general debate going on how ethical or unethical the use of AI is, however not many people are talking about the challenges in adoption of AI by Small and Medium-sized enterprises. So, before we go onepondering about how people will lose their jobs due to AI , or before weactually start looking for new careers without actually knowing what AI is about, let me take you through a few challenges we are facing in the implementation of Machine learning and Deep learning programs and apps developed on AI platforms, in the real world especially by the majority of businesses around the globe.
“By the 2030s, virtual reality will be totally realistic and compelling and we will spend most of our time in virtual environments. By the 2040s, even people of biological origin are likely to have the vast majority of their thinking processes taking place in nonbiological substrates. We will all become virtual humans.”
Can machines think? Can we escape from our bodies?
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been celebrated for its application across a ton of fields, from medicine to agriculture, science, computer programming, finance and security. For the 21st century farmer, AI can help detect crop disease, predict crop yields and spray pesticide with pinpoint accuracy. With respect to medicine and health, AI can allow scientists to analyse the genetic code of DNA to detect genomic condition, predict hypoglycemic events hours in advance of them occurring, and detect cancer in tissue slides better than human epidemiologists. AI is also a key driver transforming the banking industry; helping banks save time, boost their revenue and bringing more accessible technology to consumers.
Gene Roddenberry is one of the visionary thinkers of our time, but we seemed to have missed his point.
I wasn’t around when the internet was discovered for the first time but I could only imagine this must be what it’s like to do so.
Turn your inverted camera thirty degrees to the mobius strip shape on the right and record
It's raining lenses, from chip to cloud, and I want to go through the footprints of the silicon area outside. Tomorrow I'll probably feel a little bit rusty.
As the world moves forward, those working with AI — meaning almost all of us — need to take the ethical matter into our own hands.
economy in the year ahead and continuing to worry that inflation is eroding everything, business leaders are bracing for rough times in 2023.
Curious about your (soon to be :D ) favorite writer? Read on!
The mission of Tesla is to “accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.” The company builds electric vehicles designed to be more efficient and faster than traditional automobiles. Tesla envisions a zero-emission future for our fossil fuel-reliant world, yet must continue to advance technologically in order to achieve this aim.
(Will biological ‘wet-ware’ always have a place in the economy?)
Technologies from the so-called fourth industrial revolution (4IR) could “escape our power to master” said the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Klaus Schwab.
Russia is experiencing a bout of winter blues at this time of the year. The winter blues cause emotional strain and illness. It does not only affect humans but also affect animals living in the country.
Samo Burja goes over how the future will be.
Leading technology companies like Microsoft, Google, and even Meta, have shifted their investments and resources from metaverse projects to AI chatbots.
Gone are the days when banking services were standardised and restrictive. Evolving digital technologies, shifting consumer preferences and increasing competition are creating new challenges for banks.
By 2035, in the leading industrial robotics countries, factory productivity will grow by 40% and gross value added will double.
Deemed as one of the biggest potential technological revolutions of recent history, quantum computing also poses security risks for the cryptocurrency space. Quantum-computing is able to harness quantum mechanics to reach data processing levels otherwise impossible with traditional computing.
The term “Frankenstein’s complex” describes a fear of man-made AI technology turning against its creators. It’s a compelling image: a frightening, unwavering pa
There are several types of robots used to automate production.
Perhaps dating back to the beginning of humankind, we have reached out to touch someone. Not just one of the best advertising slogans of modern history, handshakes, hugs, and kisses are ways we touch someone to convey welcome, partnership, love, friendship, empathy, acceptance, and countless other emotions with acquaintances and loved ones. With the threat of virus transmissions now at the forefront of people’s minds, is there a place for the human touch in our future?
A few years back, I visited the Dutch consulate in San Francisco, where Dutch writer Arnon Grunberg talked about his work and life. His presentation seemed to be unprepared and quite random, which was great, because serendipitous entanglements can lead to fresh insights. That night was no different. He mentioned how one of his colleagues, literary scientist F.W. Korsten, said that games where “the future of literature.” Although the short article he wrote about it back in 2015 suggests the opposite, he was very skeptical about this in San Francisco two years later.
The far is aspirational. The near is commitment. Aspirations define commitments and commitments realize aspirations. Commitments are what you do on a daily basis, they are tangible and easy to understand. Aspirations are what you want in the future, they are intangible and hard to articulate and solidify. Although they are separated in the time domain, they continuously influence each other.
A short story about the 30th birthday of a New Yorker girl in 2030 that tells about the future of ownership based on future studies.
The GameStop drama points to a new world and not just the investing world. Again this is something Asimov predicted.
If only 49 were it...so many bad actors with billions.
On August 15th 2019, high school students in the UK received their A-level results.
The Asia light electric vechile market is predicted to grow at 7.0% CAGR during the forecast period with the market size reaching USD 52.8 billion by 2024. The market is driven by the factors such as technological advancements, government support, rapid urbanization and low maintenance requirements of these vehicles.
What Can We Learn From WordPress To Boost the VR Content Market?
I remember the excitement of the space race as a young child, excitement recently reawakened by the 50th anniversaries of the moon landings.
Human civilization is fast approaching the Post Human Era or Transhuman Era where machines start to become more powerful than us. I’d say 2020 was just a taste of the overwhelming power of digital technologies such as social networks, smartphones, ubiquitous connectivity, etc. This is extraordinarily overwhelming, disastrous, scary, crazy, beautiful and awe inspiring at the same time. You feel every emotion possible to know that we are living in the future.
Is predicting the growth of technological progress hard or not?
Post-money economy simulator in the form of a free fictional game based on gift economy that tests the hypothesis of having a market system without any exchange
Written by Chris Kalaboukis, Chief Philosopher, Engineer, and Futurist at hellofuture written for Nodle and Hackernoon.
Facebook recently announced that it will launch an AR-powered wristband that will help you browse the internet with just a click.
It hasn’t always been the case that small businesses needed their own servers. But as technology has changed and evolved to become such an integral part of our daily lives, even small businesses with only a handful of employees find themselves either relying extensively on Google Docs or turning to a server.
2019 has been a big year for AR.
Roshen Sethna sat down with Vanessa Mason to discuss futurism. What it means, what they do, and what skills they need to succeed.
What do I think about creating a world in virtual reality? I think it's amazing! What's the problem with that?
Contributor of the Year - GAME DEVELOPMENT. An Interview with Tigerchops
Current situation in the sphere of world's car development has pushed us toward the idea of revolutionary type of transport. There are many companies in the world, which tried to create something similar. However, they did not wanted to lead theirs products on the global market. Our goal is to make an air transporting affordable for everyone.
Science fiction writers of the 20th century invented derivatives. We may have just crossed beyond their imagining into uncharted territory .
In regards to Quantum Origin, you may have read my post from June. This is a follow up to it. In our observable universe, it seems infinite in terms of the scale everything is in, whether going on in the micro, nano or cosmic scales and beyond. I followed up on the fact that there are certain mathematical patterns in regards to everything and I'm evidentially wanting to make a theory of everything. Proof in regards to my mathematical proposals in terms of computation would be solving the holy grail of man's biggest questions. While I'm confident in regards to the math and the way things are structured, there are things I have thought about in regards to taking things a step further.
It's high time we call for ethical and regulatory oversight in AI. Transparency in AI may take some time, but it is going to be of crucial importance.
The failure to recognize the Black Pterodactyl event means we run from fearful attack to fearful attack.
While many older movies set in the future paint the 2020s as a futuristic megalopolis, the reality is that we have yet to transform into a society that sees flying cars and teleportation as normal parts of everyday life. However, new innovations and developments in healthcare, such as ambulatory surgery centers and telehealth, are slowly starting to usher us into a new age in which highly advanced technology is becoming more and more accepted and utilized.
In 1950, Alan Turing first proposed a means to determine if a machine had developed the ability to think independently, giving rise to the concept that we now recognize as artificial intelligence (AI). Almost immediately afterward, researchers, journalists, and politicians began to ponder the implications of such a technology, wondering what sort of ethical constructs would be necessary to regulate it.
The concept of artificial intelligence as a non-human intelligence originated in the 1950s, but no one then could have imagined what success AI would achieve in the 2020s. In just 70 years, we have had bots that can learn, solve complex computational problems, write related texts, generate images and music, and analyze tons of information in seconds.
Gripped by anxiety, Jackson settled into his seat. He did not want to fasten the seat belt yet. He thought he might want to go pee again. One never knew when the stewards would tell everyone that the restrooms were closed for take-off preparations. The rules inside these metal beasts seemed so arbitrary. Whether on the tarmac or not, once one was in the fuselage, one’s rights and choices seemed to evaporate.
If 2021 was the buzz of Web3, in 2022 we will understand more about the huge impact of emerging technologies on decentralized economy & remote workforce.
What if i told you that during your lifetime, the world will change more than it did in the entire history of mankind combined.
But it will be much bigger than the Internet.
Engineers are good at solutions. We're even fairly good at problems. Give us a client, and we will interview for the pain points, carefully describe the key problems, and design the most effective, doable solutions. And we'll do them, breaking them into actionable steps until the solution is realized.
The slow death of the old ways
This Slogging thread by Arthur Tkachenko and Mónica Freitas occurred in slogging's official #random channel, and has been edited for readability.
For the purposes of this essay, both neural networks and a nonspecific future artificial intelligence will be called “AI”.
Cryptoland in 2020 and beyond
Currently, in order to promote the open innovation license, I have decided to launch an engineering challenge.
It should be no surprise that I’m obsessed with science fiction. Considering that I’m both a graphic designer and work in cryptocurrency, it’s practically required that I pay homage to the neon-soaked aesthetics of Blade Runner 2049, have a secret crush on Ava from Ex Machina, and geek out over pretty much anything Neal Stephenson puts out.
The Rollerball Cryptocurrency Hypothesis: I was putting real money into cryptocurrency based upon the belief there would be a Rollerball League.
To accelerate humanity's path out to the stars and colonize other planets, we need to industrialize space and build a space economy.
It has become quite common to hear about all of the ways that cryptocurrencies and blockchain have the power to solve countless problems for businesses and consumers. They're supposed to erase borders in global trade. They're supposed to bring financial access to the unbanked. Even inventory management blogs are inundated with stories about how the technologies are going to increase efficiency and transparency in global supply chains.
A revolution just like the Summer of Love is nigh.
Do First World Problems = First World Solutions?
For the last three years, the hype in blockchain space went from its highest ever to the lowest point. There are a lot of niches where blockchain technology found its product market fit, such as exchanges, cross-border payments, grey market financial operations, DeFi (not quite yet, but it works). But there are still tons of areas where it didn’t.
For digital marketing professionals, the end of 2019 marked the end of a decade that was dominated by social media. In those ten years, almost no digital marketing strategy went without a social media component, and certainly, none were successful without one.
According to the World Economic Forum, in 2020 the entire digital universe has reached 44 Zetabytes of Data.
Some experts believe that the STO market will die soon, but in this article we’ll try to overlook the STO market and its trends from 2017 to 2020. But first, let’s define what an STO actually is. An STO (which stands for “Security Token Offering”) is a method of raising funds in a way similar to an ICO, but unlike the latter an STO is legally compliant with all regulations, making token issuers responsible for all their actions. I've asked 6 best STO experts on the market - one of them is Marvin Steinberg.
Bionic reading, a trend, that focuses the eyes on artificial fixation points in a body of text, can revolutionize the way we read. This piece explores how.
10:12 A.M. 11OCT 2022 <system voice notification> “Hi Marc, I’m transferring $15K of your free-cash to investment-account and buying Amazon (AMZN) at $1621. Also, the home-insurance was renewed for 24 months. You saved $2400 in premium paid.”
They say that fish cannot see the water.
The tipping point for the colonization of North America was the humble beaver pelt, funding expeditions, wars, and journeys into the unknown; All for the fashionable hats made from beaver felt that Europeans found so fashionable.
Since the plow, humans have had a natural wariness over technology that seems to threaten their jobs. It’s a natural anxiety. Factories, plows, and automation legitimately have scaled back the need for human labor. And now technology seems to be coming after jobs that previously appeared to be untouchable.
The key features of the cryptocurrency sector in 2019 were the endless talks about the importance of legislation emergence for cryptocurrencies. On the one hand - regulation will finally bring the market to “real money” (both from state and institutional), and on the other - it will finally bring to the end the “Wild West” period.
In today’s fast-paced world we’re constantly online, whether we’re at home, in the office, or behind the wheel. Connectivity and mobility rule our lives, and smartphones have become an integral part of our daily routine. But while connectivity and mobility bring tons of possibilities, they also bring new problems. One of them is safely managing our communication.
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. These two terms seem to permeate the tech world in every possible way one can think of. Along with giant terms like Machine Learning, IoT, blockchain and related ones, AI and Big Data are set to dominate our world in the years ahead.
In this week’s article we’re going to continue our exercise in futurism and imagine a world post-4th industrial revolution. Taking Alain Demasio’s ‘regime of the trace’ as a starting point, we’ll take a detour into the era of the ‘deep fake’ before we enter into the age of the ‘deep truth’.
There are few more exciting emerging technologies than that of Augmented Reality. With practical applications in the healthcare, entertainment, collaboration and plenty more, there’s plenty to be excited about across AR and the industries it has the potential to disrupt and enhance.
The Past, The Present And The Future of Online Identities
In the right hands, tech can set us free—but it's in the wrong hands right now. So what can you do to prepare? Read this.
Isaac Asimov may have been the greatest science fiction writer of all time. He certainly was one of the greatest science fiction writers who was also a scientist. In fact most of the books he wrote are non-fiction books not science fiction books.
Understanding Blockchain’s Purpose
This year brought us two Nobel prize nominees in literature. Feels like there’s a “buy one get two” promotion going on, and that’s good! More awarded authors - better stories.
The Black Swan is a cargo-hauling aircraft with no pilots on board.
Arthur was such a visionary. His predictions on the future of human to human communications was right on spot. It will continue to improve with the help of technology.
Sam Altman is the CEO of OpenAI, the creator behind ChatGPT. In this essay, he proposes a solution to achieve an American utopia where poverty is eliminated.
Artificial Intelligence is among the most current discussion in today’s era, and the main thrust behind the majority of the enormous innovative achievements of ongoing years. At this point, the vast majority of us know about AI as an essential piece of our regular daily existences. In any case, a considerable lot of people would be very astonished to learn about the aptitudes AI realizes how to perform. In 2020, it will move beyond the realm of imaginary technological advancement and into reality.
Scroll down for call to action & source code.
Mind Uploading is a technology that could digitally duplicate your mind. Some people believe that it will be closer to reality in the near future
I see the world as I see it but in the future I will see it differently and in the present I have no problem with that but who knows about future me?
It seems that in the past years, the СES exhibition has surprised us already with everything we can be surprised about. But no!
The Age of Exciting Opportunities
(NB this is part 2 of my Machine Economics series. Feel free to read Part 1, although this piece can also stand alone)
This week I asked a few blockchain founders a different question (the previous interviews can be found here). All of the founders I talked with are from different niches, including infrastructure projects, crypto trading tools, blockchain-based social apps, and more. If you’re someone who monitors the blockchain field, then you’ll definitely want to bookmark this article so that you can see which answers became a reality at the end of the year.
We talked to Tara Vasdani, the first Canadian lawyer to serve a Statement of Claim using Instagram, a writer for Canadian Lawyer and The Lawyer’s Daily, and founder of Remote Law Canada
This Slack discussion by austin, Dane and Patrick Lee (Mentor) occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel, and has been edited for readability.
Imagine winning the lottery!
We are flawed on a biologically fundamental level. Humans are self-interested, socially conniving apes from the bottom up and we need to change, drastically.
Do First World Problems = First World Solutions?
It’s now the year 2020 and crypto isn’t dead yet (far from it), unlike what most critics have predicted. The number of case studies where blockchain technologies found their market fit isn’t that big, sure (yes, that harsh reality is still the same right now), but the industry is doing quite well overall. Over the past few years we’ve cut through the hype, eliminated the “get rich fast” scams, and continued improving our products.
A rehash of ideas by David Deutsch, Balaji Srinivasan, Max Roser and Eli Dourado.
As I said in my article What Will Bitcoin Look Like in Twenty Years:
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.