'The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.' Aristotle
Oh boy, this is going to be interesting. A freelance writer with a law degree writes about Linux. Just when you thought you have seen and read it all.
One of the most common pieces of advice given to jobseekers is to “be more confident.” But what does that really mean? And how can you do it? The truth is, conf
Jack Pullen is a young motocross rider specializing in both 65cc and 85cc categories.
I am one of you who had stage fear, self-doubt, and hesitation when it comes to public speaking? In this blog, I will be sharing the journey of My First Talk
This Slogging thread by Arthur Tkachenko, David Smooke, Limarc Ambalina and khunshan occurred in slogging's official #programming channel, and has been edited for readability.
The market for ideas (the pie) is bigger than we can imagine. PIEces of the pie are bigger than we can imagine, so don't let people say it's small.
They say that the only way to self-mastery is by assuming absolute control over your life processes. Entrepreneurship is one of the activities that can have a massive impact in that respect. It is an activity that will not only allow you to take matters into your own hands but also reveal the essence of the words responsibility, discipline, and productivity in all its glory.
This story is a part of Hacker Noon's Meet the Writer series of interviews. Aleksandr Pindyk is an AI game developer and HackerNoon contributor.
March 30, 1853. Vincent van Gogh was born. He is one of the most recognizable and influential painters of all time. But, what’s the link with human and machine, self-awareness and self-isolation? Well, something happened last week that made me question the way I think about our relationship with technology. And this started with Van Gogh.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Before I started turning this question over in my mind, I decided to do something I used to do while preparing for debates when I was in school: I Googled the exact meaning of the word.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Over the last few decades webinars have been growing in popularity, but with the rise of pandemic - when traditional face-to-face tools are unavailable and more and more people work remotely - they became a crucial part that fills the gap between offline and online business communication.
Forget about the y-intercept; slope is the only thing that matters in the long run.
Let's explore the scientific and psychological benefits of embracing our inner foolishness and why it's important to be a little bit silly every now and then.
We’ve all seen the graveyard of abandoned projects folders. Desperately competing for attention but failing in the glow of a new adventure or app that will change the world. I use to do that all the time, now I finished 4 apps, and 2 other projects within the last year by applying the following steps.
In an uncertain and polarised world, some things are worth remembering.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Is it worth believing in mankind? Here I have raised up the questions that have been inside me due to growing competition in the recent generation.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Sometimes, it is about thriving. Sometimes, it is about surviving. We would be wise to adjust our strategies accordingly.
Imagine what it would be like if one person's life changed after hearing my story and if a thousand more read it.
As someone who’s been the CEO for years, I think I might be of some help here. Over these years, I saw hundreds of things not working out the way I initially planned but, knowing that I was in the middle of a process kept me going.
The real reasons behind why i decided to start a blog and write. Putting your ideas or projects into the public makes you more accountable than having a mental
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Why we need to make time to visit our own depths of thought.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Although we tend to adhere to malfunctioning heuristics, this does not give us a justification for not trying to fix our biased thinking.
Brandon Sanderson, a bestselling fantasy author, presents a framework to achieve hard things, based on his experience.
. By learning and implementing these experiential secrets from Japanese culture, you can take control of your life and make the most of every moment.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter X: Nothing in Life is Humdrum
Planning ahead and having clarity about what you want to achieve can save you time and increase your outputs, especially as a leader in a large organisation.
Thoughts on life and the human condition.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter XII: Dangers to Avoid
The surefire way to ensure you always have time for the things you love doin.
Lantern was nominated as one of the best startups in New York City in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon
How to die with zero regrets and 100% fulfillment?
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
The science behind becoming your own personal tyrant
Back and front with no end.
Two years back, I was a guy with zero programming skills. For my whole life, I always kept running away from Computer Sciences and I ended up pursuing my engineering in Computer sciences only. Well it was kinda blessing in disguise because now I feel that it was right decision to choose Computer Science( just because I feel like it is much easier than other branches of engineering).
8 lessons from my last 9 years in tech, lessons which I have learned the hard way and have been instrumental in my journey through the tech industry.
In this article, Daria Nesvitailo, shares thoughts on balanced growth, professional development methods, and what it means to be an engineering leader.
Schadenfreude, Compassion, Envy and Mudita: explaining how we react to other people's fortunes or misery
It’s just the way things are and have always been, or is it?
RAIN can create a mental space to by practising awareness of our feelings, thoughts, and behaviours without being caught in their narrative.
A game with post-it notes that can be played both in-person or virtually using Mural or Miro for learning about your partner's likes, dislikes, and opinions.
My post will help you to start work from home by teaching you to become a Software Development.
Practising nonattachment is not giving up on aspirations or desires but realizing that it would be wise to drop the attachment to our thoughts on the outcome.
Over the past decade, I’ve worked on and off as a journalist. It became clear to me early on that having some data skills might help me find interesting stories.
Work-life balance is always a struggle at every stage of our life. How to make work-life balance work? By understanding that it isn't a state, but a journey.
After years of distractions and poor decision making. I rediscovered the art of focus. I realized that if I did not plant my butt in the chair, I would fall behind in my ambitions. Since October of last year, I have been taking serious action to improve my attention span and my ability to do deep work.
Cognitive dissonance is a psychology theory about how we strive to make sense about conflicting cognitions and behaviours.
These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away
You have chosen a career in tech. You know it is going to be a constant chore to keep up with change. However, riding the tech learning cycle is not the HARDEST thing to do while managing your career. The hardest thing is knowing when to LEAVE the job you worked so hard to land. Use the “2 out of 3 ain’t bad” rule to help you manage your career in technology.
The greatest message we can take from da Vinci’s life is maintaining a child-like wonder sense and noticing the unseen as we were to check Mona Lisa’s smile.
"All I want to know is where I'm going to die so I'll never go there." - Charlie Munger
Is feeling alive important?
Becoming Consistent
Just in time for Halloween failures in production are scarier than most movie monsters. Here's a personal scary story of a production fail.
As soon as the World Health Organization declared Corona Virus to be a global pandemic, there was an immense quick heat fired up around the globe, with people being highly concerned about their survival amidst these hard times. People actually started to stock up for months, according to CNN, grocery stores ran out of the daily use products, and basically, it was all depicting the scenario of the end of times.
Have you ever been frustrated and felt like quitting? Well, wanting to quit one's job is normal, but little did I know. These are my biggest mistakes & lessons.
Stockdale had no reason to think that the day’s mission was to be anything unique.
Ikigai (生き甲斐) is a Japanese concept that means your reason for being. ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth.
Entrepreneurship is a lot of things: sexy product launches, acquisitions, and funding. But it's also lonely as hell. Here's why, per my own experience.
Cross-pollination between projects is a reliable method to recharge our creativity.
We humans crave a perfectly ordered world though the chances of something going as intended is fairly rare. When there’s more than one human being involved in the equation, the predictability goes for a further toss. What do we do when things do not turn out as intended? Instead of being curious and trying to learn from the situation, our mind assumes the worst possibility.
Jomo is the opposite of FOMO. And FOMO is a pandemic right now. In this article, we will give tips to enjoy JOMO.
To start with, this is a tricky topic, where I might find people in conflict with my perception but after all when isn’t conflict a promising act. Conflict by its meaning is a disagreement where one holds an entirely opposite perspective and surely does one defend it as if it was their very own life at stake. I think that is a beauty of it, perhaps lasting for a long time that is unexpected or usual. I would put it as my experience to suggest that I have seen people get excited and enthusiastic about doing something. It can be an idea or a project or anything that they either want to achieve in life or a common goal to which one puts an effort.
Why date an engineer? He has the right kind of confidence. He is incredibly rational. He doesn’t know how hot he is!
Perhaps we need to learn to become friends with our here and now to build better tomorrows.
What's the best way to learn? Think like a beginner! It’s time to take pride in being a beginner and seeking a plurality of viewpoints.
Covid-19 made people miss out on their normal life, let's find out how they are trying to recover in a post-pandemic world that is opening up in the aftermath.
We gravitate towards people who are like us and will most likely believe what we believe. Doesn’t it feel good when others conform to our ideas? Who likes being told that they are not right or what they believe is far from reality?
A collection of 56 ideas I came across or developed working as a product manager in 2021.
Adopting a stoic mindset, employing consistent habits, learning to enjoy improving in our craft could bring meaningful insights into our efforts.
Early in my career, I placed a lot of focus on doing more in less time. I thought I was being productive. The reality was I was simply scrambling from one task to the next without clarity on whether my work was effective or how I could do better. I focused on the end goal, the result I wanted to achieve without really caring about the process to get there.
t is important not to confuse narcissism with self-love because they are two very different things. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inf
we are not brains that have an attached body. We are bodies.
We all have our peculiar reading tastes that we don’t need to defend — de gustibus.
*Doesn’t matter, either way, you’re probably not as great as you think you are (and neither am I), so let’s instead panic (just a bit) and keep going.
Before I started turning this question over in my mind, I decided to do something I used to do while preparing for debates when I was in school: I Googled the exact meaning of the word.
Overcoming depression is a long and challenging process. Here’s what else I have learned.
Self-fulfilling prophecies describe predictions of a situation that can change our thoughts and behaviors, thus becoming real.
Get rid of useless telegram channels that shill crypto scams and ads. Here you'll find the list of 7 best telegram channels for crypto and web3.
It is not 'if I fail then I will do X'; it is 'when I fail I will do X'. Slightly changing her words, the phrase above belongs to Brené Brown, Dare to Lead, and they are perfect to start this short piece about testing and failure. Everything written is not my knowledge, but of great people like Jeff Hunter, John Maxwell and Brené Brown, I am just interpreting their wisdom. A special thanks to Shane Parrish, I have learned a lot from his interviews and comments.
Muhammad Bilal (Pakistan) is a 5x 2020 Noonie Nominee for contributions to the Entrepreneurship, Founders, IoT, Life, and Life Lessons tag categories on Hacker Noon. In this interview, Muhammad shares personal perspectives regarding self-awareness, problem solving, and stagnation.
Money does not bring happiness. Money buys freedom. Freedom to take a leave when you feel burned out. Freedom to leave a country. Freedom to own a house.
Money does not buy happiness, money buys freedom. Having a bit of wealth means the possibility of taking time off from work when feeling burned out or sick.
Photo of a brand new car without a plate number.
Few adults have been trained in the core skills and mindsets of effective learners. How do we learn to learn then?
What is the link between industrial/organizational psychology and modern kitchen layouts? It all started with Lillian Gilbreth.
Procrastination is a coping mechanism for negative emotions such as boredom, frustration, self-doubt, and anxiety.
We owe it to ourselves to try to find a productivity approach that works for us.
If you want freedom, security, and privacy, it's possible and worth the investment.
I have always been fascinated with the theatre and aspired to "learn" theatre (still do). Between 2017 - 2019, I was part of a Playback Theatre group in Bangalore called The Actors Collective. I was involved passively for a few months and some months very very passionately. As I revisited some of those experiences, it shed light on a few core principles that intersect nicely with the Startup mindset. The "Startup mindset" is something I think helps startup employees and founders, as well as folks who are starting a new role or dimension in their career. I'll go even as far as to say it is one of the most potent traits shared by a band of people that operate well together.
I thought I'd try to my hand at this entrepreneurship thing. Here's how it went, the lessons I learned, and the progress I've made so far!
It is remarkable how Alvin Toffler predicted in the 1970s this trend of reinventing ourselves periodically through learning, unlearning, and relearning: Roxana.
In psychologist Guy Winch’s book The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships, and Enhance Self-Esteem, I came across one of the most descriptive explanations on how to handle the emotional load of uncomfortable situations.
Shoshin is a Zen concept that companies, science researchers or regular people can practice for a better mindset.
Founders need to love what they do. It’s a premise for success that also offers risk for founders as they might fail to shock-absorb their convictions.
By now almost every country has either had cases confirmed within their borders or has set some legal structure in place to battle the spread of the Corona Virus. The United States leads the world with the most cases, currently sitting at over 160K cases confirmed. My twitter feed is saturated with posts about this global pandemic. People are posting about their struggles, their joys, their opinions and occasionally about the facts. It seems this Virus is all that matters right now in the world. But I want to encourage you through this post — there is more to life.
What humanities “best friend” has to teach us.
Personal experience snippets from an IT veteran
Why? What? How?
How do we become better known, better liked, and more trustworthy? These are the 3 main aspects of influencing anyone in life.
Eddie Pinero, among other things, is an international speaker, YouTuber and founder of Your World Within. Eddie is considered one of the leading voices in the f
Our human brains cannot correctly control multitasking and context switching, affecting our productivity and well-being.
We all hear that voice, the narrator's voice. So, let's explore how neuroscience deconstructs our inner monologue.
Transferable soft skills are crucial regardless of operating in a high-performance work setting or negotiating going-out rules with a 3-year-old.
By learning and applying new words and mental concepts, we will not simply react to what happens to us but stop, ask, revise.
I asked 100 people on reddit what fundamental lessons they learned as a result of quarantine, hopefully you can get some insight on how other people have been
There is an eternal conflict between our internal passions and the external needs of the workforce. Accept this struggle and strive to find meaning.
Everyone likes to achieve success at work, but very few take the time to define what “success” means to them.
"For every complex problem, there's a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong." - H.L. Mencken
In this thread, our community shared the main lessons they've learned throughout lo life - from exercising to investing in education and seizing the day.
Journaling is a self-care habit that helps us understand ourselves better through writing.
A discussion on the skills children should develop to face tomorrow’s challenges.
Over time, habits will compound into excellent or disastrous answers to our daily entropy.
Last year I posted an article about how to find the things that you love. This year I collected more metrics and I learned how to make my day better.
Kaizen is deceptively simple and utterly brilliant.
Marie Curie was a self-sacrificing genius with an incredible work ethic. She was also radioactive.
Deep work, although a crucial skill in our current economy, is not enough to thrive in our jobs.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.