As a developer, I am solving a lot of technical problems everyday and I love to share it with other developers around the world. Contributing something back to the developer community gives me a moment of happiness and getting a “Thank you” comment or a message from a reader is one of the most satisfying moment for a blogger. I want these moments to happen frequently, So I spare my time to craft useful tutorials.
Creating an unique piece of tutorial is not an easy job. Also, It takes a lot of effort to keep up on latest trends and technologies. I try to learn a lot of things just for the purpose of creating new interesting tutorials. It is not always about creating an unique content, Sometimes solving problems in an efficient way makes a great post.
You may think why “making money” is at number 3. By helping people and learning technology continuously with blogging, Making money occurred naturally as a biproduct. Using IdiotInside.com and It’s facebook page, I was able to monetise using affiliate marketing and I’ve made a pretty good numbers. Even though I am not doing affiliate marketing nowadays, The money I’ve made earlier is more than enough to run my blog for decades.
By writing articles regularly and sharing those with others, I am able to inspire some people to start their own blog. This moment is the most fulfilling moment for any blogger.
When you run a blog, you have the opportunity and liberty to do everything by yourself at your own pace. I take care of everything starting from purchasing a domain and setting up a web hosting server, maintaining servers, creating theme and plugins for the website and distributing content on social media.
I’ve found that sharing my blog content with supporting memes drives more traffic to the website. So I challenged myself and learnt to use image editing tools efficiently to create memes and featured images for my blog posts. Sometimes I just do it for fun.
Blogging is the new resume. It may open doors to many great places. It is by far the best way to showcase my area of expertise, passion towards my work.
When I’ve gone through a bad day, I scribble whatever I felt and what happened around me. Later, I look at it as a third person and see if there is any meaningful message that I can convey through that situation. If not, I move them to trash. This habit has a huge effect on my mental health.
Since I am a web developer by profession, having a technical blog increases my credibility and expertise in specific niche.
Most of my gadgets I use are bought using my savings and blog earnings without having to ask my mom. This habit of getting things on my own boosts my self confidence.
I like the idea of creating multiple income sources. One that pays you well and another that makes you happier. Creating steady income through blog is slightly difficult when you do it part time. But once you get there, It becomes a brilliant life hack to boost your self confidence.
Most of the times, Before I try something new at work for example, choosing a new framework. I try it unofficially and develop something and experiment with it and then decide whether to proceed forward or not. By doing this, I am able to do my task fast at work without any glitches in production.
When I start my blogging journey, I chose to write only technical articles. I was always afraid of writing non technical articles, So I took it as a challenge and started expanding my comfort zone.