The best worst little scripting language since Perl.
I will setup a very simple php page with docker and nginx.
How you can upgrade your laravel application to version 9
I encounter this issue while working on an application for a client recently. Instead of using a JWT library build for Laravel, I used firebase/php-jwt to generate and authenticate users. Don’t ask why as there were many reasons behind this decision. If you are using any Laravel library for JWT like tymondesigns/jwt-auth then you don’t need this anyway, use the library if you want.
I will get MariaDB and Phpmyadmin running in a docker container. I will reuse folder setup and all files from previous recipe - 02.
I like to show error messages on top of the page and it’s pretty easy to do that with Laravel and Blade:
Hello, my name is Adrian. After writing an article about 6 Eloquent Tricks Every Laravel Developer Should Know and receiving a better than expected feedback from the readers, I decided to show some more Laravel tips that are used at Weap.
Admin templates that perfectly matches your aesthetic appeal, functionality and tech stack requirements are readily available online. PHP admin templates (or templates that include PHP files) help you start building your PHP project right away.
Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: A Comparative Study in 2021 discussing the UI/UX design, features, complexity, their back ends, and their front ends.
Magento permits a unique server setup that enables each customer to choose which version of PHP to utilize or switch PHP versions in Magento.
If you are making your first steps in the world of web development, either as a prospective programmer or a potential employer, it won’t be long until you come across PHP. It’s no surprise, as PHP ranks among the most popular web programming languages. On top of that, the whopping 79% of all websites are built on PHP, and the web tools you use daily, like Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, MailChimp, and Pinterest, are among them.
Developers should know how to make a file uploader with PHP to have a better file upload feature.
These days, the term QR code is gaining more popularity due to its common use in daily routine life. It is commonly used in online shopping and digital payment. A QR code (Quick Response code) is a two-dimensional Barcode that is first designed in 1994 for use in the automotive industry in Japan.
It’s time for a web project that has real-life uses.Today I’ll show you how to make a feedback form using a website, a PHP engine, and some mailing magic. Why?
The Auction Events Platform for Creators is a Laravel PHP web application streaming live video from an auction event, using the LiveKit.
A 30 line piece of script can finally provide a good solution for a repository pattern in Laravel apps.
Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer from Italy.
Are you writing a single page application or SPA? If so, you'd probably want to store some session data in the user's browser in order to keep track of the GUI's state.
GraphQL is an amazing specification, no doubt about that. I loved it when it first came into my knowledge but as I started learning it, well, I started to hate it and I still do at some extent because I am still learning it. So much boilerplate code to even starting the graphQL server.
Top programming languages used by web developers are Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, CSS/HTML. Amongst these PHP is perhaps the easiest to grasp - approximately 80% of websites were built using PHP as of Jan 2020.
The choice of a programming language for your startup directly depends on the needs of your project, your budget and other parameters.
How to Migrate a Wordpress Site from Godaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator, to AWS LIghtsail Using the Duplicator Plugin Database Copy Method
As a Magento developer, you are dealing with a complex code-base that you have to navigate through. That is why it is useful to have an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that helps you write your code and ensure its quality.
Full-stack development has been in the limelight in recent years. There has been a lot of talks surrounding the future scope of full-stack developers and how this position could change the business game for companies all across the globe. The rising demand for seamless technology has enabled developers to work on both back-end, front-end and many other related fields.
Most of us consider PHP is only for web apps and machine learning can't be done by web developers. Yes with PHP you can do it, even implement deep learning.
When you are looking for a software development partner for your app idea you obviously want to make sure, that your product will be developed in the best technology possible.
How to replicate your production environment in your local machine with a few configuration.
What to expect in laravel 10: An overview of upcoming features and changes. Laravel v10 is the next major version of Laravel after Laravel v9 and laravel v8
Sometimes your PHP application might produce many different types of earnings.
Hi everyone. In this article we are going to talk about how can you write a simple web scraper and a little search application using well known existing technologies which you perhaps didn’t know they can do that.
This Slogging post is a rebuttal to the idea that PHP is not dead and many websites still use it.
Theme Redone is the new WordPress framework for creating custom WordPress Gutenberg websites by WebRedone.
Functional programming is old. But it did not become popular, and probably for a reason.
When writing a single page application or SPA you might inadvertently end up duplicating code because at the early stage of any project it is quite common to ask yourself so many questions.
I will cover plugins that I use and recommend for your PhpStorm installation.
Kubernetes or auto scaling can create a bit of mess in your monitoring data. Learn how to monitor your Laravel application by services instead of hostnames.
How to add ReactJS to your Laravel project
we decided to create a step-by-step guide demonstrating the bigger picture and providing easy-to-follow guidelines for people who want to learn PHP.
A scan of over 2.6 million domains for exposed phpinfo() data from PHP and the analysis of what was found. Exposed database credentials is only the start.
A design for a streaming media server using ReactPHP and Laravel.
PHP tools help improve your website and web applications. We have compiled the list of the best PHP tools used and recommended by many PHP developers worldwide
In this part of my series, we will install a minimum viable local environment for Laravel development.
It's no secret ACLs can be tricky. Since voters seem to be the alternative to ACLs recommended by Symfony, I recently decided that I'd write my own easy-to-use Symfony 5 bundle to manage access control lists (ACL) in my applications.
Self-hosting for small to medium companies, business owners, non-profit organizations and individuals.
This guide is for all PHP developers that need a deeper understanding of how to introduce background Jobs in a Laravel application.
In this article, I describe how I've used GitHub Actions and PHP to automatically update my profile README to list my blog's latest publications
It’s no secret that PHP is sometimes considered a “low-barrier-to-entry” programming language. Laravel is a phenomenal framework and it scores better than most.
When it’s about Python vs PHP, I certainly feel that Python is used for general purposes as similar to Java. With great choice of libraries Python can be used for developing scientific and AI/ML applications. PHP is open-source, offer exceptionally straight-forward, and case sensitive. For all this, PHP became the favorite most programming languages among web developers.
In this article, we explain how to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL and then find out how to configure PHP.
A short guide on how to set-up a simple PHP 8.1 environment using docker
Choosing the correct language for web development can be difficult.
I am happy to announce that I launched a new feature a few weeks ago in GoOnlineTools which you can use to share code snippets easily with your friends or colleagues.
When you talk about web scraping, PHP is the last thing most people think about.
Writing clean code isn’t hard, but sometimes getting a piece of code to work right can get in the way of making it maintainable.
A short introduction to Inline Conditionals (or Ternary Operators) in PHP. They are inline conditionals used instead of traditional conditional statements.
Learn how to set up a local development environment with Apache and PHP installed from Homebrew running natively on macOS.
Design patterns are an essential part of software development, providing a common language and best practices for recurring problems.
This Slogging thread by Arthur Tkachenko, David Smooke, Limarc Ambalina and khunshan occurred in slogging's official #programming channel, and has been edited for readability.
By just having the right IDE setup — you can learn and grow, meanwhile producing quality code and software.
Am I proud of this montage? You bet I am (by the author)
This article originally appeared on the Cosmic JS Blog.
Symfony is without doubts one of the most popular PHP frameworks. It has amazing flexibility and is written in an applaudable modular fashion. Some Symfony components even power other prominent frameworks like Laravel. Running Symfony is a bit tricky at times, especially the permissions of the cache and logs folder, this blog post demystifies running the Symfony Demo App in a docker container and hosting it serverless on Google Cloud Run.
Attribute validator for PHP Models and Value Objects, based on the new feature in PHP 8
Learn how to fetch data from a MySQL database and print it on a webpage using PHP.
PHPize.online is a project I have been working on for the last 2 years.
For any database administrator, being able to employ tools that make the job a bit easier can be the difference between getting everything done by the end of the day and struggling to meet deadlines.
Is almost never the right answer when developing systems, at least the sort that I build. The easy path is almost always best and that feeling of “something being easy” is often a sure sign of being on the right track.
Let’s imagine this scenario: You are working on a Laravel application, and you found a bug either in the framework itself or in one of the third party libraries you are using. You edit the code inside your project, or maybe you installed a fresh copy of Laravel and library that has the issue, and you edited the code there. You saved the changes, but when you went to your terminal to commit the changes, GIT just ignored what you did. You start wondering “What’s happening here?”.
This post is about what to expect from Laravel Sail, how it works and how to make the most of it; it is also a plea to developers to break away from it.
My top favorite tools for spotting N+1 problems in database queries for Laravel projects.
A guide on how to implement resumable uploads in PHP with TUS, TUS-PHP and Uppy
I believe developers of middle and senior levels should always use these must-haves processes with at least one external data store.
The ultimate goal of the web development project is to build feature-rich web applications or corporate websites but which is better?
Say no to Python/Django!!!
If you want to join the Freelancing market, a good first step would be to actually understand what the market is looking for; what technologies are popular...
Learn how to setup a development environment for Wordpress plugins.
The value a software provides to users is often a function of the quality of data it is able to manage.
I have stumble upon this site looking for some solutions for my Django problem, and I loved it. I decided to signup and share my views on technology and apps development. I'm like 5 years experience PHP and JavaScript developer, although in that time I have developed one Angulajs mobile app.
Keep your Model Observers in Laravel under control.
One of these issues you might stumble across using the PHP framework Laravel is this one:
NodeJS vs PHP vs Ruby? Find out what to use when coding your web application be it a static site; a dynamic web application (SaaS, online portal) or eCommerce.
Are you looking for a comparison and an ultimate guide for Django vs laravel? You got the final destinations with features and benchmarks.
This article will serve as a guide for deploying a sample laravel app using the Debian 11 vagrant box.
Check out the best tools for Laravel developers to boost the workflow.
I love to learn, I love to code. I'm on a journey to learn (at least the basics of) several new languages to enhance my resume. Join me!
This list will rank PHP books based on their total number of reviews alongside their average 5-star rating.
Building a secure user registration form with PHP seems like a scary task. How do I protect myself from MySQL injection and other methods of hacking. Surprisingly, with only a few steps and precautions, you can greatly reduce the chance of success for attacks.
Today I want to give you an easy-to-use template in order to use Docker with PHP, explained so you can understand how it works in just 10 minutes.
What open source projects have you always dreamed of contributing to? I have been able to check off three - Faker, Electron, and Vagrant.
Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl - all these languages share similar age and features, yet one of them is way more popular than the others. In this article I explore why
How to upgrade your laravel application to the latest version
It is important to write code that is optimized for better performance. In this article, we will explore some tips and best practices for optimizing PHP code to
In this article, we will also go over and configure anything exclusive to PhpStorm. We start by setting some good defaults, that help with automated code format
What I wanted to be able to do is just mass upload and display some of these images in an easy-to-use fashion...
The web development ecosystem is enlarging every second, and new technologies and tools are frequently becoming part of this space. Due to the arrival of new tech and tools in this space, developers and programmers have a critical dilemma in choosing the tech stack for application development.
How I encrypted, documented, and unit tested my first REST API using PHP, PHPUnit, GuzzleHttp, Next.js, ReactJS, and more.
Learn how to install multiple versions of PHP on Ubuntu the native way (without using Docker, Vagrant, etc.).
Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice co-routine framework.
As a Product Owner planning to start a new website or API written on PHP, what does PHP 8 mean for you? What benefits can you realize by upgrading an existing project to PHP 8?
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor and is a widely-used, open source server-side scripting language.
Sometimes you have a problem as a programmer and you have nobody to turn to
How to configure PhpStorm and Xdebug to run PHP in Docker for php-fpm, cli and daemon worker processes in 2022.
With 2022 ahead, e-commerce businesses should be using voice assisted technologies to enhance website user experience. Here's a roadmap of voice assistant A.I.
A walkthrough of how to build a simple web directory using CodeIgniter and MySQL. The code is available in this github repo.
ExpressionEngine 1.x and 2.x are really solid, but they definitely do not work on PHP 7. Because I went through this process a couple times, I’ve now documented
What is Patternlab?
You've probably heard about Heroku by now, but do you really know how Heroku works and when it should be a consideration?
There are tons of articles about the number of developers in the world. But most of them either lack good methodology or simply borrow statistics from other resources.
Search for brainy quotes about laziness and you'll find a bunch of them saying something not too nice, but did you know that being a lazy programmer is actually a good thing?
As part of my Borum Jot project, I made a Web API for all my front-end platforms to create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) data on the database. In this article, I'll discuss what exactly an API is and how I made my own Web API.
Creating a Chart JS Scatter Diagram Using 2 Datasets
Since the introduction of Composer package manager and the PHP standards, writing PHP became easier and more manageable, whereas in the past you were almost forced to use a framework to maintain your project in a professional matter, nowadays this is not necessary, and today I will show you how to glue together a small API project with basic routing, third party packages, and testing without a framework.
In this article I would show you how to turn on analytics in the dark side of your application: "background Jobs and scheduled Artisan commands execution".
This is the introduction to a series that was originally published on tech.osteel.me. Only the introduction was brought to Hacker Noon — links to other parts will take you to that other website.
Web self-hosting for small to medium companies, business owners, non-profit organizations and individuals.
PHP is highly popular, and needs no introduction. But, so are the frameworks, Laravel, and Symfony. This blog shares detailed insights on the two.
A quick step by step on how to set up Localtunnel on your computer.
A simple tutorial on how to get started with PHP and MariaDB.
Here are my top ten best programming languages to learn first. Start from here, choose your path and get yourself on the road to your dream job.
In this article, we’re going to help you painlessly configure the mail function in your application.
It's no secret ACLs can be tricky. Since voters seem to be the alternative to ACLs recommended by Symfony, I recently decided that I'd write my own easy-to-use Symfony 5 bundle to manage access control lists (ACL) in my applications.
Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer from Italy and CTO at Inspector.
Read Part I here
In this article I would share a set of ORMs optimization strategies that I'm using in almost every backend service I'm working on.
Create your own no-code solution in three easy to follow steps.
Magento 2 has a wide range of tools that help you with developing modules. One of the well-known CLI tools in Magento is Magerun. This is an extension of Magento's own CLI tool that already comes out of the box when you install Magento 2. One of my favorite tools that I use a lot is Pestle by Alan Storm.
You can improve your productivity in Laravel by using these developer-friendly tools and resources to cut down on time spent on tedious, avoidable tasks.
Read Part II here
Debugging in practice means getting lost on tangents, trying to look good in front of your subordinates and doing just a little bit of debugging on the side.
Want to know advantages, weak sides, and the types of projects that will better suit NODE.JS or PHP? Read our article!
A few tips on how to wrangle an old codebase with none of the comforts or practices you might be expecting.
This article provides a detailed explanation of Laravel Unit and Security Tests for web applications built using the Laravel framework. It explains the process
It used to be the case that when you program a Laravel project, you program in PHP within the Laravel framework, and then have Vue.js or some other front-end framework at the front-end.
Hi, I’m Valerio, software engineer from Italy.
Sometimes we want to show menu item content in a separate tab for various purposes.
Java programming has been a challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable career choice for me. Pieces of code written by us programmers drive mobile apps, websites, banking transactions, shopping, and pretty much everything in the digital world.
How to set up a repository with Docker 'from scratch' to develop PHP 8.1 applications in 2022.
Ten years ago NewRelic, DataDog, Splunk, Dynatrace and SolarWinds built tools we loved to use. They were easy to implement and solved problems quickly and efficiently. Each company was known primarily for a single, well-conceived product. NewRelic’s APM. Splunk’s log file analyzer. DataDog’s server monitor. SolarWinds’ network performance monitor. These companies were beloved by users during the 2000s.
When a post on Facebook, on Christmas Eve, about the poor quality of WordPress plug-ins gets hundreds of replies within a few hours you know you are not alone.
Are you a beginner developer? Are you trying to get the hang of file upload? Are you confused about how file upload works? Do you want to have more understanding of java points?
When we make changes to our database it's usually done through an installation or upgrade script. We start by creating an install script that has a php class "InstallSchema" and in it we write our PHP code to make adjustments to the database. Then when we need to change a table, we create an "UpgradeSchema", look at the version where it needs to upgrade and add our changes.
Packages play a big role in the Laravel scene. How big and which packages? To find it out we took the data from the Packagist.org API and filtered out the Laravel packages.
In this tutorial, we will look at PHP logging. Specifically, we will learn how to configure logs, how to show logs, and how to employ best logging practices.
Laravel has soared in popularity in the last few years. The Laravel community even says that Laravel has made writing PHP enjoyable than a pain. Laravel 6 has some interesting new features. Getting a super scaleable working URL for your application take hours if not days. Setting up something like Kubernetes is a huge task. This is where Google Cloud Run shines, you can get a working HTTPs URL for any of your containerized app in minutes.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. As the name suggests, it is used to create, update, and store databases. It is based on SQL (Structured Query Language). So, today we will be checking out the 13 most asked questions on MySQL.
PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor) is a popular server-side scripting language mainly used for developing websites and web applications. It can be used to build either static or dynamic websites. It is very simple and easy to learn. So, today we will be checking out the 11 most frequently asked questions about PHP.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.