Nobody loves spending extra time on website customization. Not surprisingly, visual website builders are hot this year. They let you accomplish a website project by simply moving the blocks around and adding the content code-free. That’s why with such builders as Elementor, you can save days or even weeks on creating your site, as well as get away with a lot of hassle and headache.
With Elementor editor for WordPress becoming that hot, there’s a further push toward simplicity that comes with Elementor themes/templates.
These ready-made design sets are 100% Elementor compatible and save you from designing pages or the whole website from scratch. What’s the best place to hunt for such bounties? To learn this, you’ve got to check out the brand-new Elementor Marketplace that brings you the best Elementor assets by top developers.
In this article, we’re happy to feature some of the best templates and themes built for Elementor builder that are currently out there. Once you check them out, you’ll be surprised by the low prices and high quality of the designs.
As a bonus, we also bring you a set of 5 most-wanted Elementor plugins that were created to give you more web design freedom and to please your site’s guests with an extra UX boost.
For your convenience, we’ve sorted out the top 15+ Elementor themes and templates by type. First, decide on the type of product you’re after. Then, choose the design that best meets your needs and head toward success with it!
Are you just starting out with your project? Are you still undecided as to which theme to use? No worries! Getting a fully-fledged Elementor theme would be the wisest thing in your case.
Such themes bring you tons of header and footer options, as well as main page layouts. Moreover, they come with a number of additional plugins that power a flawless website UI and craft an unforgettable UX.
Elementor WordPress themes are currently riding the wave of web innovation. Designers of these responsive templates never miss on supplying the themes with the much-needed niche-related functionality.
Moreover, they know how website owners love to have a chance to switch back-n-forth between different designs. That’s why a number of Elementor themes come with a number of variegated skins that let you get the design that most fully represents and reinforces your project.
Elementor themes are the fully-fledged solutions that work best if you’re creating a website from ground zero. On the contrary, Elementor templates can get you out of trouble if you’ve already done some work on your website but need a redesign. Moreover, they’re ideal if you want to add a couple of pages to an already existing site, or if you simply need a one-pager.
JET Elementor WordPress templates are the ones that have extra-beautiful UIs thanks to their integration with JET plugins. These plugins have been created in order to make Elementor builder even more powerful and effective than it is. Undoubtedly, they do their job with flying colors. If you go for a Jet Elementor theme, you’ll not only tap into customization simplicity but also power an impressive visual and functional awesomeness on your site’s pages without going an extra mile for this. It’s great, isn’t it?
If you’re serious about web design, you may have already gone for a PRO Elementor plan. Chances are that you plan to transition to PRO in the near future. In any of these cases, consider going for one of the PRO Elementor WordPress templates. These templates use the more advanced layouts and designs that rely on Elementor PRO features, thus, letting you create a website that looks far above average.
If you go for a PRO Elementor WordPress template, you can install it in less than one minute and flawlessly use it with any theme of your liking. Browsing the collection, you have a chance to pick the template that matches your topic perfectly. Then, enjoy the coding-free Pro-level customization, delivered to you by the template and by Elementor.
To strike an extra-impressive website, you’ve got to pay attention to all the website’s sections and their appearance. Jet Plugins are the best tools to help you with this task. Each of these plugins takes control over a certain function or section of your website and reinvents the way it works/appears. Jet plugins effectively save you from looking for third-party plugins elsewhere and perfectly compliment each other.
To illustrate these points, let’s quickly review some of the featured plugins. For example, Jet Blocks plugin lets you take full control over the way your site’s header and footer look. With it, you get way more options when you’re customizing the website sections visually, It’s just an awesome option to have on board. Jet Parallax Plugin, as its name suggests, empowers your website with Parallax effect, fostering immersion and engagement. Jet Menu plugin lets you power MegaMenu panels in your site’s navigation, thus more effectively streamlining your users toward conversion and boosting SEO.
Congrats! You’ve just got yourself acquainted with the top Elementor Themes and templates out there. Do you find them hot? Do you love the change in way websites are created that they, together with Elementor, brought? We hope you answer ‘Yes’ to all of these questions. If you aren’t sure, you’ve got to try powering your website with one of Elementor themes/templates. Most likely, you’ll be converted into a true Elementor fan!
Anyway, we wish you good luck in powering your website with Elementor themes/templates and nudging your competition aside with an unparalleled web presence!
Stay tuned!