This post was inspired by Wes Bos and his brilliant project - https://uses.tech/ in which I recently participated. So, today, I would like to tell you about some tools and software that I use on a daily basis. Here we go, Top 15 Most Useful Tools in 2021.
I would like to start with Notion, which is almost an ideal tool for organizing things. It feels like Evernote on steroids. I could definitely recommend a Notion to anyone who likes planning and getting duck in a row.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
Simply the best todo app that I have ever tried so far. Runners-up: Google Tasks, Things, Microsoft Todo.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
I never really liked the standard Gmail app. I mean, it is ok, and I use it a lot, but on the other hand, I was always looking for a better alternative. I did use Newton for a couple of years, but then it became paid, and I switched to Spark. That decision was just right.
Mobile / Desktop
For me, the Endel was an absolutely surprising and unexpected choice since I have never used any musical apps on a daily basis. Well-designed, energetic, but calming.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
Grammarly improves the quality of my texts by a lot. Must have for writers. Even the free version (that I actually use) is very impressive.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
A Pocket is an ultimate tool for saving things for later. I have been using it for years.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
The one IDE to rule them all, I guess?
A new trendy IDE from creators of Coda. Quite pricey, but absolutely adorable.
I truly like podcasts, and I have tried a lot of podcast apps, like Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Castbox, and so on. Anyway, I feel that the Pocket Casts app is the most elegant, simple, and powerful.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
"The gold standard of macOS file transfer apps" - as it described on its official website. By the way, it is made by the same company that created Nova.
One of the best applications for handwriting on a tablet. A little bit too high an entry barrier at the beginning, but it is worth it.
Mobile / Desktop
It is time for coming out. I am a statistics nerd, so I really love this kind of apps allowing you to record and store training data. Strava goes even further, it is more like Instagram for sports, not one more boring stats app.
Mobile / Desktop
Free / Paid
The better WhatsApp.
Mobile / Desktop
Respectively, the best calendar app. Unfortunately not available for desktop.
Free / Paid
I am an old user of Tweetbot, the first time I heard about it in 2011. I still have not found anything better.
Also published on dev.to
Check out my site https://villivald.com and my GitHub profile https://github.com/villivald