Every organization needs to set quality improvement goals to keep its competitive edge.
We all know the story of how many startups come and go very fast. It's a fast competitive road, and many startups feel chiseled out within months of creation. Yet, startup founder Moshe Reuven Sheradsky has his company Wedu on a different trajectory that’s more promising than the systems we’re used to.
Inspired by James Clear’s Goal Setting Method, Motion helps you set better goals using 4 main strategies.
Having a clear set of goals is important for developing your career. Without a clear goal and vision, it can be hard to fulfill your career potential.
A technological world sure has its pros and cons
I don’t have many regrets in my professional career. In fact, I have none. Regretting is useless and a waste of time.
The ability to think big is the first step to break out of our bubble of self-imposed limits and to channel our energies to explore a bigger and better future.
Goal setting is one of the most important ways to foster growth, let’s look at some key concepts and frameworks.
This Slack discussion by austin, Linh and Limarc occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel, and has been edited for readability.
Kieran Drew goes over how to reflect on 2022.
Goal setting is the seemingly simple process of committing yourself to a milestone in future. This is important both in professional and personal fronts.
Founders need to love what they do. It’s a premise for success that also offers risk for founders as they might fail to shock-absorb their convictions.
Harsh Makadia explains how to achieve your goals in 2023.
The most popular goal-setting frameworks — FAST goals, SMART goals, OKRs — break when it comes to the engineering department.
The cornerstone of every framework is specificity, but most engineering departments run on benchmarks and estimations that are vague, subjective, or constantly in flux. Common project measurements, like story points or t-shirt sizes, lack objectivity. And while lists of completed features are definite cause for celebration, they’re too broad to provide insight into the actual work being done by the engineering department.
To get specific, you need data. With information from your VCS, it’s possible to gain visibility into your development workflow and spot opportunities for advancement.
Subjective measurements, like t-shirt sizes and story points, can be replaced with objective metrics that are comparable across projects and teams. For example:
Do you feel unmotivated? Lethargic? Overwhelmed?
Humans are naturally predisposed to some attitudes and behaviours which can close us off from good choices.
How can I make motivation part of my life to do things that will help me achieve my goals in the long run? For me, motivation was a state of mind. Some days I was all excited and motivated to get to my toughest goals and important tasks that I had avoided in the past. Then there were other times I felt lost, unsure of how to make even tiny progress on things I got to do.
It probably makes sense to write about where I come from for my first HN story. My next post will be where I'm and we're going.
How do you approach failures in life?
Goal Congruence: Align With Who You Are
In most organisations, big picture thinking comes off as a seasonal flavour often appearing every few months. Mental gymnastics that goes with determining the “why” - meaning or purpose of goals, promise of a better future, and the excitement of doing something new definitely gets the creative juices flowing. Though not for all, most people in the organisation find this phase highly energising and exhilarating. But does this motivation last long?
After years of distractions and poor decision making. I rediscovered the art of focus. I realized that if I did not plant my butt in the chair, I would fall behind in my ambitions. Since October of last year, I have been taking serious action to improve my attention span and my ability to do deep work.
Hey everyone, welcome to the first edition of The Mirror. This week we’re looking at a different way to approach goal setting. Ideas are adapted from Atomic Habits and How to Fail at Almost Everything And Still Win Big. Views are my own.
The last two years has accelerated the growth of the E-Commerce sector. With such rapid growth, finding the right KPIs is a challenge that many businesses face.
Everyone likes to achieve success at work, but very few take the time to define what “success” means to them.
What motivates employees? 4 psychological theories of motivation show why intrinsic motivators such as leadership development are surpassing traditional perks.
Early in my career, I placed a lot of focus on doing more in less time. I thought I was being productive. The reality was I was simply scrambling from one task to the next without clarity on whether my work was effective or how I could do better. I focused on the end goal, the result I wanted to achieve without really caring about the process to get there.
Before you start with your self-improvement journey, you must find your "WHY" If your “why” does not you affect emotionally (we like to say if it doesn’t make you cry) then it may not be a big enough reason to motivate you to create the better you. Make your WHY genuinely heartfelt and large enough so that it ignites passion and intense emotion behind your dreams. These emotions will inspire urgent need in you for self-improvement.
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