Zain Kahn goes over 11 meta-skills to accelerate your career. ``
Choosing the right cloud provider can make a big difference in how bumpy the road to success will be.
My very first software development job was for my parent’s company. I had been poking around on a Commodore 64 for a couple of years and even had a few working pieces of code on Floppy disks that I would take over to my friends house and copy for them to use (Old School Github). Mom and Dad bought a new computer system that did not do what they needed it to do. My sheer luck, the system was written in a dialect of BASIC. Since I pretended to know BASIC, I stepped up and was officially a software developer.
Mason Pelt describes the best business advice he has gotten.
In an uncertain and polarised world, some things are worth remembering.
There’s no such thing as an expert. The experts are just newbies who never stopped learning. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, embrace your inner newbie
Discover the numerous benefits of intermittent fasting for software engineers, including weight loss, improved cognitive function, and better health.
The quest to achieve a work-life-balance is never-ending, but if you understand the problem, the solution isn't that far away.
Having a strong online presence accelerates your career and gives you optionality. Yet, many knowledge workers are getting left behind.
Hello All 👋,
Last fall as I started my last year at UCLA, I aggressively applied and interviewed for programming jobs. The decision agonized me for weeks and I devoured career guides and advice. And in the end, I chose a small 50 person startup over exciting companies like Facebook, Stripe, and Cruise. I basically chose less money for more work mostly because it was a startup.
A Minimum Viable Product is the initial version of your mobile application that contains the main features needed to satisfy the user’s problems.
Using programming as a mindset
In this opinion, we will focus on two types of watches: the traditional watch and the connected watch.
This vision is hard — nearly impossible — to achieve for many writers.
If you’re a working professional, you’ve probably heard your coworkers talk about APIs, Web Services, endpoints, and other weird words like 200 and 401. What the heck does it mean and what’s the difference between them?
Have you been studying React and heard about Redux at some point, right? You get interested and start learning the concepts behind Redux, everything cool until now, but then you start working on a project that makes some API calls and you start wondering, when should I use Redux?
A collection of 56 ideas I came across or developed working as a product manager in 2021.
When talking to people who are new to the world of computers (and who are hoping to land a job), I like to share my story of how my career began. I don’t do this for bragging rights or to make them envious of me. Rather it’s so that they may find some inspiration in what I have to say and be able to see that anything is possible once you put your mind to it.
Journalists get thousands of emails, ignore weird messages, and aren't surprised by almost anything that comes their way.
When you have an app idea, you need to get things sorted out before you jump onto the development train. Getting the right people at the table, talking to users and defining your blueprint will help you to get things sorted out. Read on if you want to get solid advice on doing so.
I’ve been a full-time founder for almost a year but have been into startup culture for most of my professional career as a software engineer (~4 years).
In hindsight, the first business I started had all the ingredients to succeed. I just didn’t realize it at the time.
Well, I'm certainly not a world-class expert, but I have put my 10,000 hours of deliberate practice into programming.
The Value of Attention - why your attention is so valuable and why you're selling it too cheaply
At the end of 2020, I gathered up the opinions of nine startup founders who shared their views of 2021, and in this article you will find out how they answered.
How to know which feedback to listen to for your startup.
Not long ago I posted a heartfelt 2 cents to the Government (Malaysia) in regards to the MSME (Micro Small Medium Enterprise) challenges, hopefully they might hear our little voices out.
Here I have shared some of the tips, that my mentor gave me, on how to start learning programming which you can follow to become better programmer within a year
I know, 21 is a lot of keys. Software development is complex, don't let anyone tell you different. I imagine some of these points will resonate with you and hopefully some will be new and enlightening.
Modern startup advice is to launch and grow revenue as quickly as possible, as aggressively as possible.
About a month ago I started Microverse’s Technical Curriculum and two days ago I finished its first module, HTML and CSS.
Learning is a process of creating knowledge in your brain. You have to allow your brain to make connections.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.