A short article on how to easily and correctly sign your Cordova Android APK.
Hello World, Today we are going to see how we can make a beautiful Splash Screen in your Android App.
Custom Rating Bar in Android
As mobile apps connect more of the planet, and enable users around the globe to engage in more interesting and innovative ways
Cross-Platform Frameworks have gained popularity over Native mobile development over the years. The primary advantage in using Cross-Platform development approach is that it saves time and reduces development expenses as it uses the same code across Android and iOS platforms.
Hello there, Today we are going to learn how we can make an amazing custom toolbar with gradient effect and also apply the gradient to the status bar like below
by Oleg Sklyarov, Fullstack Developer at Skyeng company
How to create a grouped bar chart with Jetpack Compose
In order to start configuring, you need to install the Android studio and the 'Java SE Development Kit'. First download the android studio from here: Android Studio.
EventBus is the number 1 event library for android and java. EventBus uses the publisher and subscriber pattern for loose coupling which means the possibility of errors will be less. EventBus simplifies the communication between different components for example communications between different levels of activities or even services. You need very less or no setup to use EventBus in your existing project.
A journey from a web developer to a drone maker, with all of the problems and solutions that come with making a drone using a Raspberry Pi and ESP32.
Hello World, Today we are going to see what is cardview in android and what it’s advantages.
Shimmering is present in almost all applications that have networking. Here's how to do it in Compose.
I’m going to give you some useful hints on how to advance your skills and get hired for your dream job as an Android app developer.
Hi I am Amr Hesham a Software Engineer, I am interested in Android Development and Compiler Design 😎
With Android 9 (API level 28), Google officially started supporting what’s famously known as the notch, a cutout display at the top (because the last two years were the years of the notch?). I can’t claim that but with the notch support, most of the brands came out with their version of a cutout display and with that, we as developers need to think about yet another edge case, especially if we’re working with a completely immersive experience.
Android Studio has some functions you probably do not know. So, I am sharing the top 10 Android Studio Tips and Tricks.
I have been playing around Android OS for a while and this post is one of the learnings I wanted to share. The misleading yet catchy title still points to the essence of this post - yes, we are going to talk about the VOLD demon. Sorry *daemon.
We’re big fans here at Evrone of Google’s Flutter SDK for building Android and iOS apps, but when we were building Medcorder, we ran into a problem: there wasn’t a way to record speech using the Google-provided APIs. The client who we were developing Medcorder for came up with the idea of the development of the audio recording plugin as an open source contribution. So, we built an audio recording plug-in for the project!
Google Call Screen for Android helps users to combat robocalls. Apple has its own feature in iOS 13 that allows users to send unknown callers to voicemail. While this feature is nice there is one glaring issue. The problem is that sometimes the user is expecting a callback and does not want to send the caller straight to voicemail, such as a call from a recruiter, delivery driver, Uber/Lyft driver and etc. To help solve this issue, I have created my own call screen solution using Twilio Studio and Node-Red.
From genomics to space exploration, from robotic controllers to reverse compilers, Java is at the nucleus of the technology juggernaut.
Here we explain how to use Work Manager in Android to schedule a synchronized periodic background job.
A version catalog is a replacement for the previous patterns, supported by Gradle, without the drawbacks of the previous approaches.
Often times as engineers we end up spending way more time and focus in writing high level code for our application. Write code and click the Run button - something happens and the app gets installed on the device.
Hello World, today we are going to see how we can make a todo app using a firebase cloud firestore database. The Firestore database is a very flexible and scalable NoSQL database to make our development very fast. Firestore is very easy to use in android.
Coroutines are lightweight threads providing better use of apps they are operating on.
In this article, we will analyze the interesting points of the animation Fragment API.
The main goal is to make TreeView easy to use, customize and extend almost without limitation and to be up to date with the new android versions.
In this article I want to evaluate the impact on performance of multiple switching from xml to compose and back.
Stop publishing your Android apps manually and start doing this fully automated at any stage with the boilerplate for building a CI/CD pipeline for Android.
In this article, we will analyze the interesting points of the Fragment API, I think that it will be of interest to all developers who develop an application.
The foundation of learning programming for Android is basic categories.
A fragment can have its layout file, fragments have their lifecycle. A fragment exists in the context of activity and has its life cycle;
Overview of Android Networking Tools: Receiving, Sending, Inspecting, Mock Servers
Google with its Pixel event and launch of two new phones, started rolling out the latest Android 11 OS. Like always, the Pixel phones are the first ones in getting an update and the rest of the devices will get the updates based on their OEMs and how they optimize the new OS for their respective devices.
ndroid App size is one of the biggest factors that can affect your app’s install and uninstall metrics.
To help you in selecting the right Android framework for projects, we made a list of the best Android Frameworks that you may use for Android app development.
Learn how to create any type of adapters in android easily with a lot of customization.
With the Noonies, we hope to highlight some of the best minds in tech, regardless of formal education levels or what company you work for.
New ideas about how to use the Android CodeView library easily to do implement features that can be used in any app not just Code Editor's or IDE's
Here's a list of the best tools and libraries for database handling in android development.
Is Android a better way to step into mobile development for your business? What are real advantages it offers over iOS and are they really important?
They are definitely the top notch in Android development for now. Let’s make it easy for you and review some beneficial courses for future Android developers.
Hello, Today we are going to see how we can customize the button in android. We will see how we can make a rounded corner button with background color and also see how we can gradient to the button.
In this slogging thread, the HackerNoon team weighs in on the Apple vs Android mobile phone debate. We discuss the benefits of both brands and which is better.
Hello World, today we are going to make a custom switch. Why? Because the default one looks so boring and ugly. Why we use a switch? As the name suggests, the switch is used to trigger the value either it is on, or it is off. Let's see, how our custom switch will look at the end of the tutorial.
Hello World, today we are going to see how we can implement a dark theme or night mode in our android application. This tutorial is going to be very simple and easy to understand. The dark theme is attractive to users and it is comfortable for low light conditions.
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