Cloud computing has been very boring for a long time. Everything is inside the data center and you don’t even see the systems that you are working on.
The single biggest cause of network errors are people.
Are you wondering how IoT development services and edge computing could be beneficial in your life or business? Learn more about how IoT services work in this guide.
Cloud computing has grown exponentially in the past decade and is not about to stop. As predicted by Forrester’s research, the global public cloud infrastructure will grow 35% in 2021, many thanks to the pandemic. Due to the lingering effects of covid-19 in 2021, the cloud will be the key focus for organizations looking for increased scalability, business continuity, and cost-efficiency.
Why do we need Edge Computing? Why is the cloud not the solution for everything? Why is Edge Computing adoption taking so long? What's the solution to it?
Qoddi is a PaaS app platform made for business, free for developers.
Edge chipsets are here to stay and improve how people use and produce data. With the pairing of AI, every task, no matter how small, becomes simpler.
The Folding at Home research project uses crowd sourced CPU power to help model simulations to develop treatments for diseases. You can help them by taking 5 minutes to download their client, and donate some CPU Cycles.
The lightweight Kubernetes OS that is known as k3OS has quickly been gaining popularity in the cloud-native community as a compact and edge-focused Linux distribution that cuts the fat away from the traditional K8s distro. While k3OS is picking up steam, it is still on the bleeding edge and there is still a bit of a shortage of learning material out there for it.
The AWS Snow Family is a group of three products that solved the problem of slow data transfers and edge computing associated with cloud storage.
The Croquet Collaboration Library and Frameworks are the easiest & most powerful way for developers to create instantaneous shared experiences.
economy in the year ahead and continuing to worry that inflation is eroding everything, business leaders are bracing for rough times in 2023.
AI at the edge means that we’re simply moving at least portions of the process out of centralized data centers closer to where the data originates and where decisions are made in the physical world.
In the rapidly-evolving technology landscape, competitive advantage is based on the ability to innovate rapidly and continuously improve an offering through software- and, increasingly, hardware-defined experiences, not to mention better services.
Business applications of computer vision technology for Enterprises, retail analytics, edge computing, intrusion detection and monitoring
As we watch various industries react to movement restrictions and new work-from-home environments, it has also caused us to reflect on the future of IoT and the role edge computing will play. We wanted to take this opportunity to share a few observations on how the current situation exemplifies the benefits of edge computing and having remote orchestration capabilities for critical systems through IoT solutions. While we hope that we’ll see a return to a more normal way of life soon, we believe that remotely-orchestrated IoT edge solutions will be an integral part of businesses’ digital strategies well into the future.
Data is the lifeblood of any application and any business venture.
Without the CDN infrastructure, Disney+'s 100 million subscribers will not be able to enjoy the movies at home during the pandemic.
From healthcare to lifestyle, everything is being influenced by emerging technologies like IoT and edge computing. Moreover, as data remains the foundation of today’s economy, businesses can use these emerging technologies to offer a more personalized experience to their customers.
Why an Open, Trusted Edge is Key to Realizing the True Potential of Digital Transformation
Certain industries greatly benefit from high-performing, low-latency, geo-distributed technologies.
1/14/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
Technological advancements and digitization have become inevitable in this online world.
On May 12, the Eclipse Foundation launched the sixth edition of the IoT Developer Survey. We encourage developers in the IoT open source ecosystem to add your voice to the IoT Developer Survey to help the industry gain the broadest possible view of the state of IoT technologies in the context of commercial IoT!
The true edge intelligence lies in this decentralised topology, which will give rise to a new generation of chip companies focusing on computation and more.
introduction to computer vision technologies, applications, use cases and key models.
Getting to “Advanced Class”, Including Focusing on Compounding Value with the Right Partners
A messaging platform that was purposefully built utilizing Kubernetes is a crucial component to successful deployments in hybrid and edge environments.
There is a trend in neural networks that has existed since the beginning of the deep learning revolution which is succinctly captured in one word: scale.
Demand for accelerated computing brings a large environmental impact. Remote GPU software will sharply reduce that impact via higher utilization of GPUs.
Why does 5G excite me?!? As a technologist (though I guess everyone on Hackernoon is), I have been on the never-ending hunt to speed up all critical things in my life. The internet is certainly one of those things. The theoretical maximum speed of 5G is 100x faster than current 4G technology. That is faster than a cable internet connection. It's more akin to having a fiber connection installed, but it's wireless! Doesn't that just blow your mind?
Edge computing platforms like Cloudflare Workers and Deno Deploy allow us to write serverless middleware and backends that are both very fast and cheap.
Anthos on Bare Metal allows you to spin up a cluster from as few as 2 Intel NUCs. It’s a relatively straightforward process.
This article is about how self-driving cars and 5G will make roads safer for everyone.
Often, cloud applications are deployed “as is,” without the proper security controls needed to prevent data leakage, data exfiltration or malware infection.
Edge Computing uses local devices to compute, store and communicate data. Edge computing can therefore be thought of as an extension of cloud services (which allow compute, storage, analytics, and other functions to be executed remotely) to the user’s local devices, speeding up computation and making it more secure.
How to use edge machine learning in browser for privacy-first location detection. Turn your users invisible while building location-based websites.
IoT adoption in enterprises is on the rise. Yet despite interest in the space accelerating, organizations of varying sizes and verticals have run into several roadblocks in implementation.
In Part One of this two-part Q&A series we highlighted some key considerations for edge AI deployments. In this installment, our questions turn to emerging use cases and key trends for the future.
Part 2: The Future Begins with The Road Side Unit](https://hackernoon.com/edge-computing-is-so-fun-part-2-the-future-begins-with-the-road-side-unit-4ls3wrp) This is the second in a series of articles on edge computing, delving into the infrastructure of outdoor edge computing, the emergence of the Roadside Unit as a common building block, a real-life example of the Roadside Unit, and the way forward.
A new edge compute platform goes live. appfleet allows users to deploy containers and applications to multiple global regions
Recent research suggests that the number of Internet of Things devices used globally will exceed 38 billion by 2025.
But it will be much bigger than the Internet.
The computing landscape has long observed a swing between centralized and distributed architectures, from the mainframe to client-server to the cloud. The next generation of computing is now upon us, representing both a return to the familiar distributed model and a breakthrough in rethinking how we handle data.
We'll learn how you can leverage our API Developer Framework to add Edge Caching to your GraphQL APIs without locking yourself into a specific vendor.
Edge computing in relation to the metaverse
Struggling to communicate between your edge sources and the home cloud? Messaging could be the solution.
In this tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how to deploy a distributed Node.js app at the Edge using Section's Edge Compute Platform.
A zero trust security model at the end would prevent breaches from happening.
The millions of devices that currently make up the Internet of Things (IoT) reside not in the cloud but on-premises: from retail stores to factory floors.
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