In this article, we will be discussing some of the common mistakes that developers do when using HTTP status codes.
In this article, we are going to see what an API Gateway, BFFs, and how they are used for Client-Server communication in a Microservices architecture.
In this post, we'll go through the best practices for API monitoring, such as which metrics to prioritize and how to troubleshoot when an issue arises.
Online payment platforms have changed the way we shop every day. With the help of such payment platforms, we can easily send and receive without going to the bank.
The classic 3-tier architecture is need of a reboot. APIs have changed the way we write application code and we need to redefine how 3-tier architecture works.
Understanding what API Gateways are, how they differ from a reverse proxy & load balancer and their use in a microservices environment
As the number of APIs continues to expand without bounds, what can we expect from API Management platforms in 2023? What are the important human interactions?
A easy way to jump to jump into the serverless world in AWS
AWS API Gateway is a great service but can be quite expensive, and even cost-prohibitive in some cases.
Separation of concerns, abstraction layers and API's
Amazon web services (AWS) is a powerful platform for almost every webservice you can imagine. With AWS API Gateway and Lambda you are able to create REST API’s with ease! API gateway is enables you to create the API. Lambda lets you execute code when the API is invoked. This code can be in many programming languages like Python or Node.JS.
API has become one of those catch-all terms that developers throw around without really considering the context. On any given week, you will come across discussions like "How to use the Twitter API", "New framework X is great because it has a low API surface", and "Best practices for building an API."
APIs are a cohort of communication protocol that allows applications to communicate with one another. It works over the OS limitations and enables applications to share data without more complexities. And it is the magic bridge that possibly making things work together in our mobile applications and web interfaces.
Yet, its open doors and wide visibility makes it vulnerable to attacks. Also, attackers can easily find the way to the heart of applications and systems via APIs. Hence it is essential to fence APIs with all possible measures.
If your microservice design results in a very large API or multiple services accessing a single database, check out Kong Gateway.
In our previous post on API Gateways we discussed how services handle external client to service (North-South) traffic.
It's good practice to put an API gateway in front of your microservices-backed application. Path-based routing makes this possible when deploying to Render.
Monitoring your HTTP APIs can transform your decision process with actionable information instead of guessing around user complaints and high bills.
Part 1 of this series provides detailed description on GraphQL server and how to start setting it up using springboot, Schema Definition Language (SDL) and its types.
What's a gateway? It is an entry point. Things go in. People, traffic, requests. If you've spent any time with microservices, you may have come across the term "API gateway".
Automate thankless tasks like splitting grocery bills using a Telegram Bot and AWS.
Creating a full-fledged API requires resources, both time and money.
API Gateways can help you create microservices and micro frontends, and expose rich APIs to your customers while keeping things simple on your company.
In this quick debugging article, you'll learn what does the error api gateway encoding not enabled mean, and how to handle or debug it.
We’ve conducted some initial research into the public APIs of the ASX100 because we regularly have conversations about what others are doing with their APIs and what best practices look like. Being able to point to good local examples and explain what is happening in Australia is a key part of this conversation.
Have you ever experienced an itch you just can’t scratch? If yes, then you will feel my pain. A few days back, everything was fine, I was happily writing code(!) and doing standup meetings regularly. Just before the weekend, my boss called me and shared this problem with me.
In his blog post, Marco Palladino, Kong CTO and co-founder, went over the difference between API gateways and service mesh. I highly recommend reading his blog post to see how API management and service mesh are complementary patterns for different use cases, but to summarize in his words, “an API gateway and service mesh will be used simultaneously.” We maintain two open source projects that work flawlessly together to cover all the use cases you may encounter.
A definitive guide to building an API DevEx Portal for your API users.
Limiting flow was fundamental to TCPs success, why is it any different for APIs?
The world of API-First has swept developer marketing by storm. Learn some tips to get a grip on this trend and avoid being blindsided!
In today’s world of ever-increasing digital interconnectivity, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have emerged as essential tools for integrating data efficiently and cost-effectively.
TL;DR: yes, API Gateway can replace what a Load Balancer would usually provide, with a simpler interface and many more features on top of it. The downside is that it doesn’t come cheap.
How to deploy a single node Kong API gateway in front of multiple microservices?
We recently wrote about whether API Gateway can act as a Load Balancer. The answer is yes and, in many cases, they are substitutes for each other. But how should we choose which one to use?
API Economy is taking off exponentially and its every business need to expose their digital services and assets in a secure way. I'll walkthrough in this article how one can take a API-first , design first approach to take into the account, the needs of API consumers and various steps that lead to creating a Developer Portal using all the tools that we've currently. Please note that these tools have alternatives in the market, but these are what got me to the goal post in the fastest way and case could differ for others.
A quick, hands-on demo
One of the benefits of Serverless architectures is the possibility of scaling applications without worrying about load balancers and clusters of servers. While services like AWS Lambda hold their promises on this area, there are usually misconceptions about how they work.
WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 the third release of the API Manager 3.x series, simplifies integrating with other ecosystems while reducing complexity of large scale deployments.
In Part 1 of our Complete AWS Lambda Handbook for Beginners, we gave a refresher on the fundamentals of AWS Lambda and what is AWS Lambda. In this post, we’ll look at AWS Lambda pricing, some interesting Lambda facts and examples of great AWS Lambda use cases in your serverless application.
An Application Program Interface (API) is a bunch of capacities or systems that gives programs admittance to a typical information source.
One thing that API Gateway supports but you can’t do with AppSync out-of-the-box yet is custom domain names.
The 6 core concepts you need to know to understand HTTP caching.
Don’t want to spend hours and hours reading RFCs and documentation ? Read this guide instead!
OpenAPI Spec — The blueprint for your API
Today APIs have become a key way for application developers to generate revenue, meaning monetisation is becoming a sought-after feature in the API Management space. Even though API monetisation has a broader meaning than simply charging for APIs; in our experience, most companies want to charge for API usage. There are a number of different ways that this can be achieved, but let’s take a look at the two most popular and how they can be effectively rolled out to bring in revenue.
In this post, I've shown several non-exclusive options you should consider to secure Apache APISIX.
Insights into the Differences Between API Gateways and Service Mesh
I was trying to create my first actual microservice program and very soon I faced an issue: "How many times I should do the authentication?"
Definitive guide to setup KrakenD on GKE
Discover a new toolset aimed at solving application and API connectivity challenges, while still staying focused and meeting business needs.
What follows is a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up Kong to proxy gRPC services, demonstrating two possible scenarios.
Let’s face it.
Totally Nerdy Cofounder Patrick Pittich-Rinnerthaler joins us in this Slogging AMA to talk about his API technology tyny.dev.
Elixir represents relatively new programming language for wider audience. It was published back in 2011, and is in development ever since. His main trait is that adops functional pardigm because it is built on top of Erlang and runs on BEAM(Erlang VM).
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