Over the past decade, the public has heard it a thousand times:
The walled gardens situation is on everyone's lips, as it pushes ad-tech peers on both buying and selling sides to fight over the scraps remaining after the industry titans saved the best ad budget slices for themselves.
Let's find out the effects of Topics API replacing Cohorts on business.
With white-label solutions, you can effortlessly create an ad tech platform that will satisfy the needs of a unique DOOH advertising niche.
Online advertising is considered to be one of the most effective ways to rise brand awareness and reach goals, but it's crucial to understand how it works.
Naviance, a college prep software, is selling advertising access to high school students.
A few thoughts on emphasizing immediate impact, while keeping an eye on long-term success.
An ad redirecting users to browser hijacking software was recently spotted on CNN's election tracking site. Ahead of election season, it's reason for concern
If you want to increase brand awareness and sell more cars, embrace these best practices for virtual selling.
Scam advertisements across major media outlets originate from DoubleClick and Xandr/AppNexus
Find out what types of visuals are worth to be integrated into your marketing strategy to make your content stand out.
While health data is governed by HIPAA, and FERPA regulates educational records, there are no federal laws governing how websites track their visitors.
In this article, I will tell you which ways of monetizing apps with advertising can be the most profitable.
In today's digital age, business are using social media to advertise their products this is why social media advertising is top marketing trend in coming year
LensAI is an AI-powered contextual computer vision ad solution that monetizes any visual content and fine-tunes targeting through identifying objects, and logos
Facebook Ads Offer Some Great Formats For Lead Generation And Sales. Discover More In This Article How You Can Scale Your Leads Acquisition And Online Sales.
An interview with Pavel Shkliaev, CEO of LensAI, who discusses the vision behind the founding of his company and how he measures the company's success.
Click farms have grown into a huge industry. Pay to click sites, botnets and a world of low paid clickers is causing havoc among the digital marketing industry.
Why exactly do villains not use iPhones? What's the point of this? This is not a boycotted conspiracy theory, all because of a clause set by Apple.
There are lot of ways how to do marketing. You cannot say that one is wrong and other is right. But you can say that one is efficient, and the other one is not.
A demand-side platform is the advancement of the digital marketing era. If you are investing $$$ to market your brand, you must be aware of DSPs!
Want to write an amazing Google ad copy that gets more eyeballs? Here are 4 tips to do it with ease.
Banner ads can make website visitors uncomfortable, but they are a big source of revenue. This article covers how to balance your user's experience & your ads.
Digital Ads are everywhere. And at times it gets very hard for startups & new brands to standout in the crowd.
Businesses in the continent take pride in running tv campaigns. Television is the holy grail of advertisement in Africa.
Web cookies have always been instrumental in achieving the goal of digital marketing. Cookies help advertisers to reach their targeted audience, and also to better understand which part of the marketing campaign that probably needs total reworking. Usually, a cookie is a piece of a snippet that gets integrated into users’ browsers over a period.
Explore the full potential of your marketing campaigns by avoiding these common digital marketing mistakes. Read the blog to learn how.
Twitter will now be sharing ad revenue with content creators for advertisements that appear in their reply threads.
So the cookie is going the way of the dodo, it shall cease to be and will push up the metaphorical daisies – and that’s actually a good thing.
Could behavioral advertising be on its way out?
Do we actually need so much data to do effective marketing?
Here are the key things to identify to know whether a Facebook Ad Campaign will produce a good Return On Investment.
Business?](https://hackernoon.com/what-is-a-reasonable-digital-advertising-budget-for-a-small-business) Have you started a small business, or are you planning to do it? You’ve probably started wondering exactly how much you should be spending on advertising. Advertising is a critical component in selling. So how much is the right amount? The truth is there is a lot of debate about this.
A lot of advertisers follow the suggestions made by Google algo and loose money. Here are seven ways to prevent Google ads algo blowing your money.
The internet has changed the world. Most would say for the better, especially those of us running an online business. When it comes to business, marketing has never been so easy as it is today - with access to a plethora of digital marketing channels.
"Association in psychology refers to a mental connection between concepts, events, or mental states that usually stems from specific experiences." [1] Once the associative link between events A and B has been built, the appearance of event A naturally entails the appearance of event B. [2]
The indie spirit lies in moving away from the comfort zone, making leftfield decisions, and experimenting. Experimenting with form, filling, user interaction techniques, and other processes. Stepping into the unknown is always hard yet fascinating. The same goes for promoting indie games.
Jim Walsh is the founder of CryptoDSP.io, a startup that helps micro-target web 3.0 innovations to people that are interested in it on Web 2.0.
Two of the world’s most powerful tech titans are on course for a collision.
These days, big data is truly omnipresent. According to revenue forecasts, by 2026, big data volumes are expected to reach a whopping $92 billion. What August 2019 CMO Survey goes on to say is that the majority of ad tech and martech leaders agree - big data and innovative technologies are two pillars on which their marketing strategies are based. Businesses use big data in order to develop a detailed portrait of each segment of their customer base and apply these marketing strategies properly.
Operating across mobile, PC, and console platforms, Anzu blends real-world brand ads directly into video games, esports tournaments, and live streams.
we will discuss a few methods to get rid of (to disable) the “Google’s Search activity, Search settings, disable Your data on Search”.
Interactive CTV is the next big step for the Connected TV industry. It opens up room for creative solutions, personalization, and enhanced engagement.
This article talks about referral-based blockchain-based protocol and how building infrastructure for Web3 applications is critical for society.
Explore blockchain's potential in digital advertising with OpenRTB integration, on-chain smart contracts, and innovative publisher solutions.
CTV is great for many reasons, and here is one more: it's perfect for hyper-casual gamers
With over 9 million transactions AdEx Network is currently the largest payment channel network on Ethereum. Here's how we did it
If the title of this article means something to you, then you are probably aware of the earthquake caused by iOS14.
It is estimated that in 2019, digital advertising spending in the world amounted to a staggering $333 billion. This means that almost 50% of the total advertising budget worldwide was spent on digital advertising. As businesses realize the value of digital advertising, there is an increasing need to also understand the challenges that it brings.
A discussion on LensAI case studies and contextual targeting.
In order to start making money, user data started being used to serve ads. It was used to predict our future behaviors in order to predict which ads to serve.
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