From the entertainment industry to the food supply and accessories, a few notable startups caught the HackerNoon community's attention this year. We share a few of those companies that have inspired us this year in this thread.
This Slogging thread by Mónica Freitas, Linh Smooke, Sara Pinto, Teri Eyenike, Limarc Ambalina, Daniel, Khamisi Hamisi and Favour Amadi occurred in slogging's official #startup-hustle channel.
What startup has caught your attention this year?
For me, it was Cameo. Cameo is a video-sharing platform where celebrities and public figures send personalized video messages to fans. Video prices range from $1 up to $2,500 (and higher for some in-demand stars), and there are over 30,000 celebrities on the platform spanning chefs, athletes, and social media influencers. I was a bit shocked to know that something like this existed, but I guess it's a more practical and easy way to get a message from a celebrity than just opening they'll see your dm on Instagram: https://www.cameo.com/
What about you? Sara Pinto, Jack Boreham, Limarc Ambalina, Favour Amadi, EPOSI FRIDA, Linh Smooke, Aaron Rory, Khamisi Hamisi, Giovanna Marta Mormile
Love cameoooo! Here’s a vid I got from Kevin from the office 2 years ago as a birthday gift from David Smooke: https://www.facebook.com/721320652/videos/10156177501675653/
Mónica Freitas, I recently discovered Wonther. This Portuguese company is a circular economy platform that allows customers to recycle their precious metals and use the equivalent value as a digital means of payment. By using this approach and using materials from suppliers certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council, the company aims to decrease the impact of production on the environment and respect human rights. Although it is a little pricey, I appreciate the message they try to pass on.
Linh Smooke, You smarty pants! ahaha love it! That's so sweet! I had never heard of it, but I'm hoping to get an AMA from them. Fingers crossed!
Sara Pinto, Oh, that's interesting. So in exchange for a used piece of jewelry, the company gives you a discount on your next buy? Is that it? I just googled them, and they do have some adorable pieces. Have you ever bought anything from them?
For me, it is Eden Life based off in Lagos, Nigeria.
They are a service primarily trying to automate your everyday chore and 10x your productivity in terms of food, laundry, and house chores (cleaning). Also, it is a subscription-based service depending on the type of service you want and it is gardener keeps in touch with you.
For everyone, this topic is close to one of our main campaigns this year: https://startups.hackernoon.com/
Vote for your favorite startups this year!
Mónica Freitas, Yes, they offer 20% off the purchase for the exchange of a used piece. For those who wish to live a sustainable life, this is a great concept! I've never bought it, but maybe soon if I can save up 😅
I'm thrilled with this: https://www.kiwibot.com/
It's an automated delivery service! Take a look and I hope you get thrilled too.
Monica, Tartau, For me, Top Up Mama caught my attention this year. It is a startup based in Kenya that connects restaurants with suppliers. Restaurants can buy supplies that they need and enjoy free deliveries. The buying process is fast and easy. It helps them save money and time.
Top Up Mama exists in Lagos. Wow.
This is nice, Khamisi Hamisi
Teri Eyenike, I just googled Eden Life. Such a simple concept and so handy! I bet that there haven't had trouble finding clients. A service like that where I live would make a lot of people's lives easier. Have you ever tried out their services?
Sara Pinto, Would you say that there has been a growth in sustainable brands? Have you witnessed that in your country?
Khamisi Hamisi, Their website is so clean and easy! I explored the shopping process, and it's like any other major shopping platform, with no confusing descriptions, straight to the point. I can see why it is so handy for restaurants. Are they expanding beyond Kenya?
It'll be Get Equity (https://getequity.io/). I've always wanted to invest in startups I believe in but couldn't because of how expensive it is. Get Equity allows investments from $10 and above.
Mónica Freitas, I don't think they have had trouble finding clients as their value proposition is simple. It is for young working-class individuals who want to be productive with their time and let the gardeners handle the work for them.
I hope to try the service one day.
Mónica Freitas, Yes, at least I follow a couple of them, and I think the Portuguese people are becoming more aware of this issue and taking more measures. Therefore many companies have been taking that into account, even if they aren't fully committed yet. Since you are also Portuguese, do you agree?
Mónica Freitas, Yes. They are currently in Nigeria. They just raised more than $400,000 in seed capital. Ordinary people can now sell directly to restaurants at ease. Can this work where you come from?
Favour Amadi, Investing always seemed like an excellent way to make the most out of our money, but when it comes to buying stocks, it always seemed confusing and a bit difficult to grasp the how-tos. Is GetEquity related to the stocks market? If so, have you tried investing with them?
Teri Eyenike, Definitely! It'd be a game-changer if we had these kinds of services in Portugal, even in smaller cities like my own. I see so many moms, especially running around, working, and struggling to take care of everything around the house. They could use a break.
Sara Pinto, I do see a change in the way we come about waste. Yet, we're still thinking small, and being sustainable it's not imbued in the general culture. The young generations are far more mindful of these topics. I'm hoping our youth, which will be the main workforce in a few years, will shape companies towards a more green future.
Khamisi Hamisi, Oh, that's amazing. However, with ordinary people being able to sell directly, does that pose a quality issue? In other words, quality and food safety are essential for restaurants, so how will TopUp Mama be able to guarantee it if anyone can sell?
Khamisi Hamisi, It would work for sure. It's a huge time saver for restaurants. And I imagine that in times like the holidays, where the rhythm is chaotic, it would ease business owners' pace.
Mónica Freitas, They have a vetting process that ensures quality. I feel like they thought about that issue hence the vetting process.
You can probably speak with the team at Eden Life, and if enough people show interest, they could set up in Portugal, Mónica Freitas, talk.
Khamisi Hamisi Oh, that solves it! Thank you for the insight!