Supercomputers aren’t as powerful as you may think and may fail in modeling complex cryptographic problems, chemical reactions, natural systems, etc.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading "Automation, AI, and the Future of Jobs" but unlike the original author, I think we're still in the third industrial revolution.
What are quantum-resistant blockchains? How will quantum-resistant blockchains change the crypto world? Read this article to get answers to these questions.
Deemed as one of the biggest potential technological revolutions of recent history, quantum computing also poses security risks for the cryptocurrency space. Quantum-computing is able to harness quantum mechanics to reach data processing levels otherwise impossible with traditional computing.
Quantum computers are advancing faster than ever, but what are the challenges we still need to overcome?
We are witnessing the advance of technology at the fastest rate ever. The future is here.
Currently, Bitcoin is quite limited in regards to its cryptography and reaching its true decentralization potential. One of my aims is to change all that. Bitcoin has the problem of an increasingly large carbon footprint, potential threats to it being breakable, and specialized brute force attacks that are becoming increasingly complex.
The countdown has now begun. For some it will take 15 years, for others it will only take 10, but the quantum computer is a near reality and is likely to bring about a huge change in the history of mankind.
Quantum technology and its research are believed to revolutionize this decade. Lots of efforts are taken by different organizations to address the current landscape of quantum technologies, identify challenges and opportunities, leverage and collaborate with existing initiatives, and engage the quantum community at large. It is believed that Stevens’ Prototype ‘Quantum Lock’ May Foreshadow the Next Super-Secure Applications. Stevens Institute of Technology is a private institution that was founded in 1870. Innovation and entrepreneurship are stressed at Stevens Institute of Technology, a research-intensive school primarily known for its engineering, science, and management programs. Stevens’ proof-of-concept demonstration successfully leverages quantum properties to secure the Internet of Things.
Developments in the cloud computing space are moving at a pace and scale that make it very difficult to predict the domain’s future. Cloud computing and cloud storage have garnered a lot of attention across the world. But not many of us even know about the importance of this near-revolutionary field.
President Joe Biden issued a memorandum outlining measures to strengthen the cybersecurity of the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, and domestic su
The quest to understand consciousness and develop artificial general intelligence has long been a topic of study in the fields of computer- and neuroscience.
This paper will discuss what quantum computation is and the effects it can have on the way our society works.
"If anyone tells you they understand quantum mechanics then they don't understand quantum mechanics".
Deepak Chopra claims that quantum healing is the “Theory of Everything” that can cure cancer & defeat aging. But it fails to comply with the actual science.
As the need for additional AI applications grows, businesses will need to invest in technologies that help them accelerate the data science process. However:
By the time of writing of this article everyone knows, the "technologies of the future" as listed from various mainstream media. And I agree with most of them. It is worth discussing a few not so obvious though. I expect my "predictions" to be fulfilled by 2030.
Quantum computing is the area of study focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory. The quantum computer, following the laws of quantum physics, would gain enormous processing power through the ability to be in multiple states, and to perform tasks using all possible permutations simultaneously.
Gordon Moore, the founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and former CEO of Intel in his 1965 paper, described that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit double about every two years and this statement is famously known as Moore's Law. Moore's law was consistent for the past 50 years, but with the current technological advancements, it is coming to an end. It is starting to become physically impossible to reduce transistor sizes to increase computational efficiency further, and hence this calls for alternate methods.
Unlock the Full Potential of Computing with AI and Quantum: Discover the Power of Their Intersection Today!
How to migrate to quantum computers today? The deployment of quantum-resistant certificates will ease the frightful number-crunching power of quantum computing.
2/3/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
Only one month into the year and it’s already clear that the cyber concern of yesterday will only be amplified in the days to come
It has become quite common to hear about all of the ways that cryptocurrencies and blockchain have the power to solve countless problems for businesses and consumers. They're supposed to erase borders in global trade. They're supposed to bring financial access to the unbanked. Even inventory management blogs are inundated with stories about how the technologies are going to increase efficiency and transparency in global supply chains.
This post shades light on the potential of disruptive technologies trends and how disruptive technologies become an indispensable part of business strategy.
The same tech that can built dystopian futures can help support humans in real growth, education, equality, sense-making and wise decision making.
What is the up-and-coming breakthrough technology that will significantly advance humankind? Here are 5 Ideas of what it could be.
It’s no longer news that many organizations and even NASA are in a race to reach what is known as quantum supremacy or the quantum advantage. This means they are investing in resources to develop new computers that are able to solve problems that current (classical) computers cannot; and of course perform faster at already solved problems. If you’re reading this article, you may have heard about Quantum Computing and all it promises to deliver and are curious to learn about the technology.
With quantum computing technologies thriving rapidly, scientists try to assess ways and methods to counteract negative effects these new technologies could have on the blockchain industry. We spoke to Dr. Duncan Wong, associate professor of computer science at City University of Hong Kong and CEO at Abelian, world-first post-quantum layer 1 blockchain, and discussed what steps science is making now to prevent a catastrophe in the future.
A look at updated encryption standards based on strides in quantum cryptography.
Quantum technologies are steadily entering our life, and soon we will hear about new hacks using a quantum computer. So, how to protect against quantum attacks?
When early reports had surfaced that Google had achieved quantum supremacy, it was met with skepticism. Even to those that were well-versed in quantum computing, this came as a surprise. To others, like me, the significance of this feat went over our heads but let me assure you that this accomplishment is very important for the days to come.
Quantum cryptography uses physics to develop a cryptosystem completely secure against being compromised without the knowledge of the sender or the receiver of the messages. The word quantum itself refers to the most fundamental behavior of the smallest particles of matter and energy.
Quantum cryptography creates cryptosystems based on quantum mechanics rather than a complex math problem. It is a mature tech that's in rivalry with Blockchain.
Quantum computing is becoming increasingly popular as its applications expand. But how can one learn it? Here is how to get started with Quantum Computing.
The article covers eight technologies that are worth to invest in 2023.
How to optimize portfolios using quantum computing and Python, featuring QUBO conversion and QAOA solving algorithm.
This article talks about quantum computing and why it can break encryption in blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
We all know that regular computers use bits 0 and 1 for storing data and processing tasks so for example if I have four bits in a row I can represent a bunch of numbers.
If you’re a coder with too much time on your hands this diverse list will help you get involved with some of the coolest, most cutting-edge projects out there.
I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum [theory]
The Japanese are good at most things. Now they’re starting to find their feet with the hardest of hard tech niches around
If we imagine a fully decentralized and free digital space in the Metaverse then DeFi also plays a crucial role to fulfil the growing demands of users.
Quantum computing and the future of enterprise security
The Second World War brought to the front burner the world of espionage, which is the precursor of cybersecurity, as is seen in the modern world. Technological advancements such as the quantum computer necessitate that we take the war against cybercrimes to another level.
The biggest danger to Blockchain networks from quantum computing is its ability to break traditional encryption.
Whether through social engineering, phishing scams, or ransomware attacks ultimately it is just a hacker and his classic computer, all that pretty much expected
I believe strongly if we get answers to these questions from a source with gravitas, such as Sabu, we will understand how to navigate the future.
With quantum computers getting more powerful every year, many worry about the safety of modern encryption standards. As quantum computers improve in performance and the number of qubits used for calculations increase, current crypto systems are under more threat of attack.
The DeFi will appear in a more advanced and refined form in the future. The quantum computing and AI will be integrated to solve so many issues.
In this thread, our community discusses quantum computers and their impactful uses.
Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash
We have long sought secure ways to exchange data. Some current methods include cryptography, hashing and requiring the solution of math problems that demand enormous computing power. Quantum computing could render some of our current methods insecure and obsolete, while enabling new methods.
The interest & resources in quantum computing are amplified a lot. It impacted work efficiency positively in the creation of new technologies in the tech world.
Most of us are probably wondering why the world today’s going to development of new generation of computer called Quantum-Computer
Quantum Immortality is a result of the observer surviving the deadly quantum suicide experiment that proves the existence of alternate realities.
Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash
Ever wondered what a podcast would sound like if it was hosted by an AI? Look no further. In this episode of Hacker Noon's Noonies chatcast series, Natasha Nel's AI alter-ego asks three top Hacker Noon Contributors which technological innovation they think will save the world and why. Buckle up for surreal meta moment from the future of robot podcasting.
Today's buzzword 'fluid computing' is one of the most underrated terms in the architecture world. Fluid computing is the master set of fog computing, edge computing, mist computing, and cloud computing, which is one of the most versatile architectures that can help in radically changing the way businesses function for good. In essence, the flow of computing resources, including the CPUs, storage, and memory into the functionalities such as routers and servers through virtual devices, is known as fluid computing.
In the quantum realm, we can't define a particle’s definite position or momentum but only its probability. But STM gives us a way around this.
Are we at the cradle of a quantum age?
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