Holochain was conceived and developed as a decentralized progression from blockchain. It is designed to embody and support social coherence based on a set of agreements for reliable data and value sharing. Holochain transcends high computational overhead for consensus achievement, which eliminates unnecessary Pareto Principle effects.
Holochain is a git (free and open source distributed version control system) that does not require Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). It is based on the DHT (distributed sloppy hash table) protocol utilized by BitTorrent for data lookup and file sharing. However, holochain implementation is also peer validating, sharded (horizontally partitioned), and centered around a monotonic distributed hash table. Each node operates its own source chain that can be shared to a mass-distributed git repository.
Holochain is composed of three primary sub-systems:
Application (Nucleus)
Local Chain
Shared Storage (Validating DHT)
Within each subsystem, there exist two holochain participation modalities- chain author and DHT node:
Local chain authorship – Your chain is a signed, sequential record of the data you create and share on the holochain. Depending on the holochain’s validation rules, this data may be immutable and non-repudiable. Your local chain/data storage pattern is as follows:
DHT node validation and publication – Your node receives a request from another node to publish DHT data. It validates signatures, chain links, and other application-specific data of the publishing source chain.
Each modality may be run in a separate container, which communicates via network interface. Holochain is powered by holographic data, which quantifies blockchain security and information quality within shared information system designs and processes:
'Holochain’s core takes an agent-centric view of data, with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Since data is really about remembering our lived and shared experiences (warm data), and governance is about recognizing and evolving our mission and processes through those experiences, distributing the storage and processing of that data fundamentally changes how we coordinate and interact with each other. -Collaborative Governance Technologies
(Originally published here)