With high security measures kept in place for quick financial transactions in banking industry. It mandates for the integration of Biometric Authentication like fingerprint, facial and vein pattern recognition to be completed for going into mobile banking and thus improve user experiences.
Biometrics is an authentication tool that can capture the physical characteristics of humans and then verify it through the resemblance factor, in their successive access for digital services. It may be used for granting permissions to employees and customers on a daily basis in retail, government and banking sectors. Some of the regular banking industries have already undergone rapid digitalization for maintaining a high level of security utilizing biometric authentication processes. It ensures to the validity of its customers and employees doing banking with them and further prevents in any thefts and malpractices from taking place.
This process of modernization in digital banking has introduced to the Biometric Identification as an integral part of Net Banking, digital wallets and e-commerce payments gateways. With the presence of frequent security breaches in banking it is the Biometric Technology that overcomes the vulnerabilities of PIN and password security through physical identification of a person’s characteristics that may be recognition of voice, fingerprints, handwriting, face, retina of the eyes. In this way bankers are progressing well and making way for their customers to have a better user experience in mobile banking.
Introduction about Biometric Technology
The Biometric Technology is predicted to grow rapidly in the next successive five years according to the study conducted by Grand View Research. Biometric economy is expected to reach over $24.59 billion’s contributing largely in the growth of mobile banking. We have some of the latest biometric technology trends that are meant to be utilized in the near future for developing mobile banking services within banking industry.
Passwords are no more insecure
Most of the Banks make promises about keeping the customers data protected and assures with confidentiality. Despite all these initiatives there are a growing concern for fraudulent activities happening too often. It has drawn the attention of big players in IT industries like Microsoft and Intel to develop advance security systems based out on Biometric Authentication Technology. This password management technology can offer the Biometric a unique Sign-On facility and then prevent every other data from unknown customers. Also, Biometric Technology encourages the banking industry to transform all of its processes into fast banking without giving way for insecurities.
Fingerprint Sensor
Nearly over 30% of Mobile App Development Companies are prepared to use biometric authentication for promoting to a safer online banking experiences. However, making customers consciously aware and comforting towards mobile banking experiences is a tedious task for many of the bankers. This can be easily sorted out by studying the behaviour of mobile technologies and its raising security factors provided for the smart phone users.
Security and Convenience
Security levels can be set high for any banking institutions in the form of unique mark, retina, voice, heartbeat and facial identifications. In the recent past, HSBC introduced biometric QR Codes for an automatic sign-in facility and then ensure to the swiftness in credit portability from anywhere. This gives customer banking a new faith towards making digital payments without tormenting with retrieving passwords.
Acts as a Boon
Although, biometric authentication provides the comfort zones for mobile banking, still there are many customers who are unwilling to go ahead from traditional banking practises and then adopt to biometric technology. It is a boon once the release of Apple iPhone 5S came up to the market, built-in with fingerprint sensor for reiterating the biometric authentication model. This has resulted to more and more PIN and Password based mobile banking systems to transit and change the mainstream security procedures to fingerprint identification systems.
Biometric Modality
Biometric Modality is the term of classifying the list of biometric identifications that can be accessed either using a smart phone or individual sensors. There are also individual biometric sensors that can be attached to a mobile device using USB cable, Wi-Fi Connectivity. Given below are some of the biometric authentication methods that are already implemented in some of the banks for good use.
Iris Scanning
Iris Scanning is one of the most secure ways of performing biometric authentication that allows customers to initiate a transaction through mobile banking. It contains approximately 200 or more unique points of data for authenticating the user across the banking server and databases. Iris Scanner can be used even in total darkness for unlocking phones and then bank with virtual wallets and banking institutions.
Voice Scanning
Voice Scanning is comparatively the best among all the existing biometric authentication models that enables faster cash transactions for customers at ATM’s and Mobile Banks. It is a totally secure method using hundreds of biometric characteristics of an individual and then cause the disruptiveness for safer access in mobile banking. HSBC is one of the banks that has introduced to voice scan systems and remit cash at ATM dispenses without needing any smart cards or password entries.
Facial Scanning
Facial Scanning is a powerful machine-learning based biometric algorithm that can instantly create a highly secured banking environment for all customers. Sometimes in the past there were many Mobile App development companies in Chicago that developed financial transactions through facial recognition. In time progression they ultimately succeeded in enhancing the security for customers who are performing Online and Mobile banking Transactions. Facial Scanning is now a highly authentic biometric system that grants permission to customers even at low lit access points in ATM’s.
Fingerprint Scanning
Fingerprint Scanning is one of the most sought after biometric authentication model that is preferred worldwide for mobile banking. It is a primitive type of user authentication process performed over any smart phone devices for readily accessing to independent bank accounts and transactions.
Vein Pattern Scanning
Vein Pattern Scanning is the process of recognising the patterns of veins ingrained in the palm, fingers and eyes in order to sign in with complete authenticity. In this current financial sector both customers and banking authorities are well aware of the underlying security procedures required in making any reliable transactions. Once the Vein Pattern Scanning got introduced to banking it became instantly their utmost favourites, simply for its uniqueness and resistance against financial security breaches.
Certainly the day-to-day presence of Biometric Technology in our lives is lasting more fervently with high security offered on our data and also in performing quick bank transactions. Once Biometrics were thought to be incredible and lesser known only through Sci-Fi Movies. It has now in fluxed into all parts of mobile banking infrastructure.
Biometric Finger Prints are getting a habitual practise and trendier for all general authentication and unlocking of smart phones, therein eliminating upload photos, signatures and PIN securities. The wide spread of biometric technology for improving security is at fast growing pace in many of the industries belonging to mobile app developments, government, retails and financial services.