.NET has two big desktop technologies. They are WinForms and WPF. But we live in a WEB world and we have many tools to create great UI using CSS and JavaScript. So how can we use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a .NET desktop application?
Please welcome, Electron.NET.
We host .NET inside Electron. Electron starts .NET and our View in Renderer Process. Then It looks like a regular .NET app. You can send requests to a .NET host and get responses.
Install Nugget Package
PM> Install-Package ElectronNET.API
.NET process is self-hosted and managed by Kestrel web server. You need add at Program.cs
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
And starting VIEW
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// Open the Electron-Window here
Task.Run(async () => await Electron.WindowManager.CreateWindowAsync());
Install Electron.NET CLI
dotnet tool install ElectronNET.CLI -g
Goto ASP.NET folder and run for the first run.
electronize init
You have to get "electronnet.manifest.json" file in an ASP.NET folder. It's your electron-builder configuration file. You can find all settings here https://www.electron.build/
Start app
electronize start
Or you can watch for file changing with
electronize start /watch
electronize build /target win
electronize build /target osx
electronize build /target linux
You can specify your .NET build
electronize.exe build /target custom win-x86;win /dotnet-configuration Debug /electron-arch ia32
You can find API usages in special demo package https://github.com/ElectronNET/electron.net-api-demos