Carlo Occhiena from Italy has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Carlo had to share.
Hacker Noon Contributor of the Year - Startup Lessons
Indie Hacker Writer of the Year
I'm currently the Head of Digital Ops for an energy startup in Italy where I co- created the new brand, as well as all the digital products from scratches. I sit in the digital innovation board of Axpo Group (one of the most relevant energy players in europe) and I am also a member of a Data Science Committee. I am a member of Digital Mastermind, a group that gathers top-notch digital professional in Italy. I often organize events about startups and digital innovations.
I am passionate about solving problems and creating meaningful experiences for users, developing new approaches to problems and pain points.
I work mostly with marketing automation and CRMs. I also love to code in python, automating boring tasks or optimizing my job routine.
Building things, creating something new that doesn't exist before. Solving weird problems no one is thinking about.
Too little time
There are a lot but "never quit" is a very good summary
It hasn't so much, hopefully.
At the moment I am interested in nocode solutions. So far I'd go for Bubble https://angel.co/company/bubble-hq
"How you do anything is how you do everything" There aren't such things as minor tasks or useless details: you have to smash it and go all in.
Slack, Google Drive
Python and marketing automation stuff
For much the same reasons Hacker Noon decided not to put good ideas behind pop-ups or paywalls — nor abuse your personal data to target you with creepy ads — we also decided that you don’t have to be an influencer or have 50k followers on Twitter to earn the recognition that comes with a 2020 Noonie Nomination.
Make somebody’s day and nominate them to be recognized in the Internet’s most independent and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.