The key difference in both VoLTE and LTE network is VoLTE supports both voice and data at same time without hampering each other. Whereas the LTE network may or may not support data and voice together, or it may affect the quality of call.
The term VoLTE and LTE are often thrown around so much, especially for marketing, that their meaning is often confused so much. So that consumer often don’t know exactly what they both mean or what they entail.
The term LTE and VoLTE often used together for marketing, but the two are very different things from each other, though one is depended on the other.
LTE is basically a 4G network or rather prelude to a 4G network. In market first came 2G, then 3G, however technology still not has advanced to the stage where the 4G as described by 3GPP (3RD Generation Partnership Project) exists.
However technology and speed have improved over 3G; Hence LTE is a network between 3G and true 4G. LTE stands for long term evolution. It is marketed as LTE 4G or 4G LTE.
So that LTE is a network similar to 2G and 3G. IT offers speed that the previous two which make it easier and faster to transfer data over the network. This is also what enables VoLTE. VoLTE stands for Voice Over Long Term Evolution. It is a type of service that is available over the LTE network . It allows one to make call, even video calls directly over the LTE. As LTE is capable of higher speed downloads and uploads, It results in almost seamless calls.
While it is possible to make call over 2G or 3G network, these speeds were get slower which results in lacking or calling drops. The faster speed of LTE stops this from happening and improves the quality of call. Theoretically LTE supports download speed of 100 MBits per second and upload speed of 50 MBits per second. However in practice this speed varies significantly depending on the region and the country.
Due of this transfer speed, VoLTE allows one to simultaneously send voice and data over the network without affecting the quality of voice. Basically one can use data, i.e the internet with also making the phone call.
In the previous networks 2G and 3G this was not possible. The person can only make a phone call or either can use data or rarely both at the same time. Even it would be possible to do both at same time.
Even it would be possible to do both at the same time, the quality of the phone call would be suffer.
Currently a lot of networks are marketing themselves as VoLTE, basically they are just trying to promote the fact that VoLTE network supports both voice and data at the same time, without interrupting each other. The traditional LTE networks may or may not support data and voice together or can affect the quality of data or call.
1. LTE stands for Long-term Evolution.
2. It is a type of a network.
3. The next type of cellular network faster than 3G.
4. Definition on Wikipedia – In telecommunication, Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is standard for high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals, based on GSM/EDGE and UMTS/ HSPA technologies.
5. Data may or may not support when it is used for voice call.
6. Using data and voice at the same time may or may not affect the quality of voice call.
1. VoLTE stands for Voice over Long-Term Evolution.
2. It is a type of service provided on the network.
3. Phone calls over the cellular network.
4. Voice over Long-Term evolution is standard for high speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminus.
5. It supports data usage and voice call together.
6. Using data and voice at the same time does not affect the quality of voice call.