Building a profitable business is impossible alone. A person cannot perfectly understand all the processes necessary to achieve a result. That is why both a beginner entrepreneur and a successful leader always have a team that helps create and improve a product.
The founder can use in-house specialists or cooperate with outsourcing companies for delegation. Findstack predicts that business process outsourcing will reach
Delegation is the transfer of responsibilities to specialists from the team or to outsourcing. Thanks to this action, the leader unloads themself from routine tasks and concentrates on more important ones that require their intervention.
Since various factors influence the process of work, there are three main types of delegation:
Full and Partial Delegation. Full delegation implies that the leader transfers tasks to the employee for consistent execution, and all responsibility for the result is now on them. The manager can contact this employee for information clarification or control the implementation, but they do not take part in it. The manager uses partial delegation when the task is too big, and there is not enough time to work. In this case, only part of the duty is transferred to the specialist, and several people are already responsible for the result.
General and Specific Delegation. General delegation allows an employee to deal with several areas at once in their department. At the same time, this employee must report the project's current status to the manager. A specific delegation refers to a particular task on a project. It may be collecting material for the customer, communication with the client, or documentation analysis. Such delegation ends when the project comes to an end.
Formal and Informal Delegation. Formal delegation is part of the requirements specified in the contract between the customer and the contractors. In this format, the employee is responsible to the manager, as defined in the documents. An informal delegation has no obligations. This type is used when the tasks are part of a job description (without a formal mandate).
You can see these types of delegation in every existing company. Each is a way to communicate effectively with subordinates and speed up the workflow.
A successful entrepreneur knows that delegation is one of the main components of a growing and developing business. Delegation allows you to keep yourself in good shape and concentrate only on tasks that are important for the manager. If you are wondering why delegation is the boom of the 21st century — you need to familiarize yourself with its benefits.
The balance between work and ordinary life is essential for every person, regardless of position. Even the most experienced entrepreneur will not be able to perform all the processes in the company on their own for a long time — this will end in burnout and loss of interest in business processes.
Delegation helps to separate working and free time. It gives the business owner the right to rest and receive energy for further enterprise development. Delegation keeps all departments productive, relieves stress, and frees time to acquire new knowledge.
The delegation will keep the entrepreneur in good shape and allow them to look at their business from the outside.
Aspiring entrepreneurs face delegation difficulties due to the lack of a budget for maintaining in-house specialists. For example, to develop a website for a business, you need a whole team consisting of programmers, a project manager, a business analyst, and a QA. In such cases, the startup manager has the opportunity to delegate the task to an outsourcing IT company. So the leader will be able not to spend the budget on monthly salaries, vacation pay, bonuses, and sick days. The outsourcing team will evaluate the project and, upon signing the cooperation agreement, will announce the final cost of services. You can say goodbye to them after completing the agreed tasks or hire them further as long as the need arises.
Time is money. Most people know this truth, and the business owner does. To not waste it and use it with maximum productivity, you need to set tasks for yourself wisely and with the expectation of rest. In order to remain in the resource and smoothly lead the company to success, the leader hires people to whom they will shift some of their responsibility. Giving project tasks to outsourcing or in-house specialists, the manager learns to manage their time and trust essential aspects of the work to experienced people.
According to Hrcloud, only
Delegation is an indicator for employees that the leader trusts them and is confident in the result. The worker immediately understands the responsibility put on them and is involved in the process much better. The specialist understands they are part of a big deal, and now they cannot let the whole team down.
The delegation also improves the relationship between the leader and subordinates. It creates a close bond between people and allows for more communication. This format influences the company's growth and the pace at which the project is closed.
Companies are always looking for leaders among their employees who create excellent conditions for further career growth. There is training and education for employees to identify leadership qualities — business owners are ready to invest in this. Delegation is a way of discovering such people and inspiring them to display their abilities. It teaches people new skills and shows the field for creativity. Their training in practice in a short time will allow the business owner to retire a bit and do more critical work to promote the company. Having leaders in the team, you will not constantly check the completion of tasks and correct every specialist's action.
If you decide to start delegating to grow your company, you need to understand that this is not an easy process. A leader cannot trust all tasks to all people. You need to know the delegation rules to create an ideal environment for business scaling:
decide which tasks you will delegate;
determine the outcome that the trusted task team should achieve;
hire a person or a team to take on the project and talk about all the details of cooperation;
create motivation for specialists that will inspire them to achieve the best result;
tell the staff about your vision of the development and check the reporting throughout the process;
evaluate the work fairly and make the necessary changes.
If you are giving a project to an outsourcing team and worry about the final result, discuss your expectations and requirements before signing the contract so that each party does not incur losses.
Modern business owners need to understand the importance of delegation and know the benefits they get from it.
You can delegate tasks for which there are experienced specialists on the market with excellent cases: content marketing, accounting, administrative tasks, HR tasks, IT, and much more. In 2022, most of the tasks outsourced were related to software development. Building on this, Exploding Topics says IT outsourcing spending is projected to reach
Don't be afraid to delegate. All that is needed from the manager is to find good contractors, set clear goals, and trust the specialists who help hundreds of enterprises!