I previously used the Coze platform (with zero coding experience) to build a Chat Translator AI that can be used on Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, and others.
Here, I will show you How to Configure/Integrate the Chatbot built with Coze into the Telegram chat.
Create a Telegram account. And if you already have an account with Telegram, you can use your existing account.
Search BotFather in your Telegram account search bar, and click Start as shown here.
Type this command /newbot and send.
You will see a message prompt to choose/set a name for the bot (which can be modified later) and a username.
Note: Copy and save the token from the BotFather conversation.
Go back to your Coze account, and click on the exact chatbot agent from Workspace to open it.
On the Develop page, click on Publish.
After you have "Publish", it will display a page to select any platform to "publish to".
'Click' on Configure for Telegram since we are integrating the Translator Bot into Telegram.
Enter the Access Token copied from BotFather on the pop-up page, and 'click' Save.
Finally, now 'click' on Chat Now or Copy Agent Link, and open it in your Telegram account to use the Chat Translator agent/bot, which can also be used in group chat (when you add it as admin).