Clocks at Earth-Moon Lagrance Points
4.1 Clock at Lagrange point L1
Appendix 1: Fermi Coordinates with Origin at the Center of the Moon
Appendix 2: Construction of Freely Falling Center of Mass Frame
Appendix 3: Equations of Motion of Earth and Moon
Appendix 4: Comparing Results in Rotating and Non-Rotating Coordinate Systems
Acknowledgments and References
We give the transformation equations between barycentric coordinates and Fermi normal coordinates with the center at the Moon as follows:[6]
Here, the notation (m) as in V(m) represents quantities evaluated at the Moon’s center of mass. The quantity V (m) is the magnitude of the Moon’s velocity. Transformation coefficients can be derived and are:
Transformation of the metric tensor is accomplished with the usual formula:
where the summation convention for repeated indices applies. Thus, for the time-time component of the metric tensor in the freely falling frame,
The transformation coefficients are easily obtained from the above coordinate transformations and are
Transformation of the metric tensor using Eq. (72): the metric component g00 in the center of mass frame,
Summarizing, the scalar invariant in the center of mass system is
(1) Neil Ashby, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 (Neil.Ashby@Colorado.Edu);
(2) Bijunath R. Patla, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 (bijunath.patla@nist.gov).
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