I don’t like bad apples in companies or on teams. They bring a negative attitude to the equation, they infect positive people with negative venom, and they destroy company cultures slowly but surely. Typically they practice and create all five of the common dysfunctions of teams, and wreak havoc on small businesses around the country. So why do so many people “allow” and therefore “encourage” the bad apples? Because they simply don’t want to confront them, that’s why.
What do Bad apples do?
When you have a bad apple on your team you spend more time soothing than you do selling. You spend more time massaging than coaching and you spend more time “walking on egg shells” vs. building a real culture. Bad apples “infect” the whole bunch slowly but surely and will ultimately destroy everything, including your profit margin or ability to win a championship.
What do I do with my bad apples?
There’s a reason people constantly say “One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.” It’s because they can. I can’t tell you how many “bad apples” I see in companies that undermine, back stab, are ungrateful for their opportunities or take advantage of the company they work for. They suck the life out of all the hustlers and grinders.
I say we take a stand against all of those that are under performing and get back to removing entitlement and restoring work ethic and team work. Will you address all the bad apples in your bunch or continue to allow them to erode your culture and potential? If you do, then this one is on you.