Apache DolphinScheduler is a distributed, decentralized, and scalable visual DAG workflow task scheduling systeåm. It is committed to solving the complex dependencies in data processing workflows, making the scheduling system ready-to-use out of the box. Ambari is a tool for managing Hadoop clusters. Although Ambari does not directly support the installation of DolphinScheduler, we can integrate it into Ambari through a custom service. This article will describe how to use Ambari to install DolphinScheduler.
Place the service installation package that needs to be integrated into Ambari in the following directory:
sudo ambari-server restart
After the integration, you can proceed with the service installation on the Ambari web page.
Script location: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/3.3/services/DOLPHINSCHEDULER/package/scripts/params.py
Modify the content:
# hdfs_httpfs_host = config['configurations']['hue-desktop-ini']['hdfs_httpfs_host']
hdfs_httpfs_host = "dfs_ha_enabled" # Comment out the original line and assign any value to hdfs_httpfs_host
After making the changes, save and restart the ambari-server service to reinstall DolphinScheduler.
cp /tmp/mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar /usr/hdp/current/dolphinscheduler/alert-server/libs/
cp /tmp/mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar /usr/hdp/current/dolphinscheduler/api-server/libs/
cp /tmp/mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar /usr/hdp/current/dolphinscheduler/master-server/libs/
cp /tmp/mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar /usr/hdp/current/dolphinscheduler/worker-server/libs/
cp /tmp/mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar /usr/hdp/
chown -R hdfs:hdfs /var/log/dolphinscheduler
chown -R hdfs:hdfs /usr/hdp/
chown -R hdfs:hdfs /etc/dolphinscheduler/
ln -s /usr/hdp/ dolphinscheduler
After making these changes, start DolphinScheduler from the Ambari management platform. The metadata will be automatically initialized and tables will be created during the startup process.