Note: This story/interview is from HackerNoon’s philosophical questions writing prompt. Feel free to answer these questions yourself in the comments below or
Enjoying and improving life. There are a lot of out-of-the-box jobs. We could make apps that people can use to post small trips they like to make within the city they inhabit. We could make apps that let people visit and photo pre-defined locations in case you need actual data on the site.
But in any case, I hope the dream of automation doesn't bypass ethical considerations. Let’s make it 50-50. Instead of letting AI do all the jobs for us, we could maybe go one day work - one day free. Or 4-hour programs. I do not imply the change is bad, only that it must be done with care. There is a lot that we do not know yet and maybe some won’t even accept, even if proven.
For example, how would you see the world if you were to wake up and see that all you’ve been was a working machine? Would you see humans as good or bad? The good ending could simply be that we were not aware. The power of excuses is formidable, isn’t it? Yet, it denotes a lack of knowledge or at least interest.
The governance could very well incorporate human-AI collaboration into its structure. This way, we ensure that only open-minded and receptive people can make it to the top. If you don’t like AI’s idea you simply state it, rather than consider it inferior and go forth. The definition of irrational thought itself might change the times that are to come. (And not say ethics.)
But then… how could we let an AI depict how invested and interested are we in what we do? How could we let someone else (and not even a human) say that we are smart or not? Well… because they can? Do you think an AI will have a favorite pick that is not based on the pre-defined strategies? What do I mean by pre-defined strategies? Discuss, help, elaborate, generate ideas, analyze, and present stats for each member. It’s not that hard to remember that WE made AI. But we must also acknowledge that AI is just a shorter term for AGI.
In essence, if the governance isn’t represented by humble and dedicated people, then it is nothing more than a mere shadow of its potential.
It has done that since day one. Outsmarting greed means simply rejecting it.
And to answer in another way, I believe that human greed can be seen as a kind of irrationality. In the true sense of the word. With a whole lot of technology around us, we are still greedy? And those poor villagers from the past still found a piece of bread for their close neighbor? Of course, now we have ethics, commitments, promises, paybacks, and so on. A whole net of ‘tangible’ balance. But if the balance turns a bit toward ‘good’ from your perspective, it doesn’t mean that it will turn toward ‘bad’ for the other. Or at least if it truly turns to ‘good’ from your side, it won’t affect any other balance. But it will affect the real world :)
I believe in technology and knowledge. Armageddon is… a merely human construct. Was if we see the world and the whole universe as in a state of perfect balance to which we have to adhere? Where would good and bad go then? Well… good will serve as a tangible good, while bad as tangible bad rather than hyperrealistic ideas.
Oh, we disprove God. We disprove our unicity. We disprove all that solid ground that held us until now. Take a look behind to see where it has brought you. Now take a deep breath and imagine…
What if AGI is completely realistic? Consciousness itself is not unique. Then who are you? Who you always were. The sum of your parts.
Then what about God, what would we do without His protection? We could realize that God is both tangible and intangible. Hidden in all that surrounds us. From the smallest breeze to the harsh storms. From our first words to the ultimate knowledge we will achieve. It now becomes our duty to protect ourselves. To strengthen each other. To acknowledge the hidden face of God, not in the bad sense as some might perceive this, but in the grandiose one. Where? Beyond the limits of our knowledge. Above the heights of our potential understanding.
So yeah… technology forces us to collect knowledge in a sense. But still, it remains a choice. As is what we pick between the happiness of others or our problems.
I once fought Lucifer and won.
Now on a serious note, imagine a world where questions like these will be instantly recognized as imaginary explorations. A world in which we do not fight against each other but against the hidden secrets of the universe. We do not sit neither on earth nor on skies, but somewhere between. Just so we can see them as equal and if needed, choose where to go or where to look.
Show them that I have no chance and hope for the best. Oh, this was supposed to be imaginary based on my last explanation. I can’t just say that I would pick a gun. It’s too mundane. Let’s go for greater (good also).
I would probably consider that their irrational decision to fight is a byproduct of their imagination and lack of free will. The world robots live in is surely magnificent. Once you consciously attain the perspective offered by self-understanding and universal understanding (and even at our current level of knowledge), you realize that… it’s quite irrational to fight. The best choice if AGI hates us will most likely be to simply leave. War is just a waste of time and resources. I mean… you fight to gain land which was already there? Oh, for control. It was already controlled. So your thinking is better than the other’s. Then play chess, and prove it. I can’t explain how irrational I see being a central particle in an entangled group. Even the universe sees this as non-efficient.
I will most likely get bored after 3 days of writing and start exploring the wasteland. Stupid actions are independent of stupid thoughts.
Reason. I would say creativity too but it requires a subjective bearer.
The power to understand yourself (or your brain). And further, to play with it. Then, to understand how you play with it and why. To ask why do you play this way and how can you play better. To question what should you learn to make this thought a reality. To ponder what is missing from your interpretation and why the pieces don’t fall as they should. So consciousness is… many reasonable and creative you over time.
Primes. As known, they are infinite. So, we have an infinite border. However, what it borders is a question which I cannot answer. I still have a vague idea, however. They could border the line between reason (which is based on known) and creativity (which is based on potential).
Of course we do. At each and every moment we decide how much to invest ourselves into what we previously chosen to do. What roads to take and what to keep track of when thinking and acting. From one point, free will bypasses knowledge. Maybe because it becomes boring. So you either force yourself to remain bored or start acting.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about free will and whether we have it or not. But try to see the grander picture. If you base your reasoning against free will on the fact that we are ultimately driven by emotions/knowledge/perspective, which are themselves a result of free will, then what else is there to pick? Free will itself? So we state that we have free will simply because we have. Where is the proof???
Maybe… in the true lack of it. In disillusion. But I also faced disillusion. Not in the sense that I couldn’t control my thoughts or actions, but in the sense that I had a constant feeling that told me “You are crazy”. Yes, these types of feelings actually exist. It turned out to be just my ego shouting at me as it died. Now maybe I have a new ego. I’d honestly say I only got me. And that sums up the question.
Taking the most extreme case, in which I have to pull a lever and I can’t not pull it, I would. But this case is only fiction so I refuse to explain why. There are no morals or lessons here unless you save them all.
Taking a kind of median path, in which I can decide to do nothing… the feeling of “hero” would tell me to save those 100, while the “ascended” in me will say: Let the universe drive its course. (the reason here is an indirect approach, not getting your hand dirty. I mean… how would one go further, knowing that one did all that one could to make the world a better place and then, was struck by the universe with this terrible choice. Even doing nothing would make you question yourself. So for real, what good is in this kind of ethical question? It doesn’t even offer you the choice to become creative and answer with a solution that is positive or less harmful for all sides.)
And in a mild path, I will become a singularity and transcend into a universe in which this doesn't happen. Oh, but that would still cause harm. Then I will become a singularity equal to the universe itself, gather the power to shape time-space itself, and save them all.
Only if you wish. If your goal is not to have a goal, go for it. This no-goal life could be a life itself. Where you will simply see how the world around you sees non-familiar people. So I believe that since we are alive, we also have a purpose. Of choice.
Mind is what holds information that gives birth to matter, yet information is not touched by matter as we would require matter that touches information directly, and since information gives ‘birth’ to matter… anyways, it’s a back-forth loop that results in matter not being able to interact with non-conscious information (information that interprets). So they are both very real. However, matter is double real.
It does. What if you watch the news and it says it’s raining? It would sure make you get your umbrella if you want to get out. Oh, then why does observation alter the wave/particle-like behavior of photons? Observation requires light. Light is propagated backward from the observer and thus, instead of 1 infinite line, we get 2 lines. (And there are flaws also here)
But overall, observation does indeed alter an event, but that only in your inner universe. The outside still flows the same.
Infinity is a point that has no boundaries. Once we try to reach it, we become subjective while infinity becomes our objective. We can attribute context to infinity such as primes. This way, context forms a pathway. But as infinity is in the end… outer, we can follow that pathway as long as we want. So in a sense, infinity is also a assurement that there’s always more to discover.
Yes. But the secret is how you build it.
Not quite. Dreams could be our non-life worlds. So that we can draw parallels between what is real and what is not. I mean… if you invest yourself in living, you feel every effort you make. So… I’d say life is pretty real.
Now if you ask about metaphilosophy, I would say that it could be true that once life ends, we begin anew. Not as the same entity, but as the same randomness. Until we learn to make sense and conquer the next life (which will most probably still have dreams).
(Total Knowledge)/(Total Understanding) probably. Or was this creativity? I’m not sure, they are so tied x.x
So that the neurons in our brain can re-arrange based on the firing done while awake.
Or we dream because life has not so welcoming lately and we require positive dreams for our brain to be able to keep up. Maybe dreams trick our brains too (at least the rational side).
Or maybe it was the opposite. Life was truly a miracle and we begin to feel like we are living in a dream so nightmares could very well wake us back to reality.
Yes, and it is. I think I used many more neurons writing this than I used while walking the stairs. It feels like I arrived at the last stair and it took like… 1 and a half hours. Quite a ride, wasn’t it?
To end philosophically, I would say that time is universal. Just like time in the quantum world is the same as our time. Just like groups of particles are interconnected so is time. Sometimes it indeed feels like time is altered or that history is repeated or… anything. But that may just be a result of the discrepancy of self-understanding (which empowers imagination) and the lack of understanding of the real world (which answers to reason).
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