This guide recommends 12 Chrome extensions that can help developers increase their productivity.
The extensions include tools suitable for developers of all types, including front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. By using these extensions, developers can save time and get more work done efficiently. The guide suggests using these Chrome extensions to boost productivity and make coding easier.
As a front-end developer, you know how important it is to make sure your responsive designs look great on all screen sizes. That's where Responsive Viewer comes in!
The Chrome extension allows you to preview your website or app on multiple screens at once, so you can easily identify and fix any issues. With Responsive Viewer, testing your responsive designs has never been easier. Give it a try and see the difference it can make in your workflow!"
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Material icons extension changes the file and folder icons in the GitHub file browser to icons representing the file's type and the tool it is used by. The icons used are from Visual Studio Code's Material Icon Theme. The extension can be used on multiple websites, including GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket and more
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Hackertab helps developers to stay up-to-date with the latest developer news, tools, and events.
With Hackertab, you can customize your feed to focus on your specific area of interest, whether that's frontend, backend, full-stack, mobile, or data science. Hackertab fetches content from the best developer news sources, including GitHub, Hacker News, DevTo, Hashnode, and more.
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Code Grepper helps you develop faster by showing you code snippets instantly right from your google search results.
Having answers at the top of your search results keeps you from having to scour forums for the correct answer, having quick access to the right answer allows you to stay in the "developer zone".
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This extension does exactly what it promises: it deletes all cookies, session data, and local storage from the website you're currently on. This can be useful in some edge cases, such as sending an invitation or testing permissions per user type…
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Better History is a Chrome extension that enhances your browsing history. It allows you to search through your history more easily, group and organize history entries by domain or date, and even import and export your history for safekeeping. With Better History, you can get more out of your browsing history and make it work for you.
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OctoLinker helps users navigate through projects more efficiently. It turns language-specific statements into links and allows users to quickly link to relative files, discover dependencies, access API documentation, and review code in pull requests.
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If you're a web developer, you know how frustrating it can be to debug production websites. But with Resource Override, you can easily edit and inject code on the fly, making your debugging process much smoother. Plus, you don't have to sift through minified code anymore – you can simply redirect to an unminified version or use the integrated file editor to paste it in. Overall, this extension is a game-changer for anyone working with production websites.
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This extension allows you to quickly and easily create beautiful browser and mobile mockups with just one click. You can wrap your screenshots in customizable frames, apply different styles and colours, and even export them in popular formats. With screenshot.rocks, you can make your screenshots stand out and never send a boring one again.
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Gimli Tailwind is a DevTools extension that helps developers work with Tailwind CSS more efficiently.
It provides instant feedback and allows developers to preview changes by hovering or using keyboard shortcuts. Gimli Tailwind groups inputs in the same way as the official documentation and only shows relevant inputs for flex and grid elements. Its goal is to help developers build better websites faster.
This extension displays a "z-index" pane that shows the ranking of elements, helping users to reduce the number of z-index values and make it easier to manage their web page's layout. This extension is particularly useful for developers working with the CSS z-index property, which specifies the stack order of elements on a webpage.
PerfectPixel helps both developers and designers ensure their code matches a design exactly by overlaying a semi-transparent image on top of the developed HTML.
It has multiple layers support, layer inversion and scaling, and the ability to save layers between sessions. PerfectPixel is useful for creating websites with pixel-perfect accuracy and has a convenient UI with drag-and-drop file upload and keyboard arrow and mousewheel support.
🚀 To sum it up, there are many ways to increase your productivity as a developer. By using helpful Chrome extensions and implementing effective strategies, you can streamline your workflow and achieve greater success. 💪 Happy coding! 💻