Udacity has teamed up with SUSE — a global leader in innovative, reliable and enterprise-grade open source solutions — to help students everywhere get the in-demand skills they need to launch a successful career in cloud native application development.
Cloud Native Architecture (CNA) is a form of tech stack that consists of microservices and cloud technology, and has been described as the future of application development today.
The Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree program — launching soon — will be our latest addition to the School of Cloud Computing, and the product of our partnership with SUSE.
Along with collaborating to create the Cloud Native Foundations course — the first course of the soon to be released Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree program — SUSE has also worked with us to provide 300 scholarships for the program.
How the SUSE Cloud Native Foundations Scholarship Works
Udacity and SUSE will welcome 15,000 applicants into the Cloud Native Foundations challenge course.
In the first course of the Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree program, students will learn how to structure, package and release an application to a Kubernetes cluster, while using an automated CI/CD pipeline.
Once students complete the scholarship challenge, 300 top performers will be selected to receive a full scholarship to the Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree program.
Applications for the SUSE Cloud Native Foundations Scholarship Program open April 6, 2021 and close May 25, 2021.