Software development has seen a massive paradigm shift in the last couple of decades, and we have moved from the Monolithic approach to the multi-tiered and Agile approach, to remain effective in the market and offer flexible and scaled solutions for enterprises. It is an established norm to breakdown the overall software development process into little tasks and then work on them simultaneously to fulfill the requirements, instead of getting overwhelmed by the enormity of the entire process.
Another important change we are witnessing is about .Net Microservices, which is gaining massive popularity in the Tech market, as enterprises
are moving gradually towards developing more larger and complex applications that can be set apart and handled as an amalgamation of multiple smaller services. With the advent of Microservices, people are exploring the avenues to redesign their existing monolithic systems and convert them into sequence-independent microservices.
.Net Microservices offer a solution to the issues and challenges we were facing with the traditional and monolithic architecture. In a traditional approach, with the growth of application the associated code base used to be expanded as well, which used to overload the software development environment wherever it used to load the application, which ultimately reduced the productivity of a developer.
In traditional architecture, an application is packaged in one EAR/WAR, and when we change the technology stack of the application due to any reason, it makes the overall process too much cumbersome. It becomes very difficult to refactor the code base with the monolithic architecture as it becomes hard to predict how it may impact the functionality of the application.
If any function or application component fails, then the entire application becomes unstable or just crashes. Imagine a web application that may have separate functions such as user login, purchase, history, and payment gateway. Under such a scenario, the application becomes unstable and its performance is compromised if a specific function starts putting more pressure on the computing resources.
Picture Credit: Divante
Application scaling is another challenge with traditional and monolithic architecture. In the above-mentioned example, the web application could be scaled by deploying the EAR/WAR packages in the given additional servers, this practice is also called Horizontal scaling. But this design is highly inefficient, as all the additional servers may contain copy of the application, which will utilize the similar kind of computing resources of all additional servers.
Monolithic architecture usually impacts both the application development and application deployment stages. With the ever-increasing user-base and application usage, the developers feel challenges while breaking
down their application into smaller components.
As every component in monolithic approach is closely tied together, developers can seldom work independently to build and deploy the modules due to their dependency on existing modules, this approach only increases the overall development time and inefficient usage of resources. .Net Microservices address all these flaws, and in next section, we will learn about them.
Typically, a Microservice is a service with one specific capability that a remote Application Programming Interface (API) exposes to the rest of the software. It is developed in such a way that each capability in the system is executed as a separate microservice. In a typical setup, every microservice runs in its own separate process. It can be deployed on its own, without having any sort of dependency on other microservices. It can have its own dedicated data store and it can seamlessly collaborate with several other
microservices to fulfil its action.
Here one of the most important aspects is that microservices do not need to be coded in the same programming language (Java, Erlang, or C#) or for a similar platform (Node, IIS, or NGINX). Microservices only need to know the communication method to stay in touch with each other. Some microservices may communicate using a binary protocol or a service bus like Thrift, which also depends on the system’s requirements. However, the most common method through which microservices communicate is via HTTP.
Picture Credit: Microservices.io
As we said, Microservice is a service with focused capability, and it possess the following characteristics.
We use Microservices to develop a software solution, which should be scalable, robust, malleable, and above all shall be resilient. Such software or application must allow a comparatively short lead time from development phase to deployment phase. Any application developed via .Net Microservice must offer the following benefits.
Enable continuous delivery - The .Net microservices architecture method takes continuous delivery into account.
Allows an efficient developer workflow - Microservice enables an environment where developers can utilize an efficient workflow, which is highly maintainable.
Offers robust systems by design - Microservices aided software and application are too much robust in nature and can withstand all sorts of technical challenges.
Seamless Scaling capability - It offers seamless scaling capability, which enables developers to expand the application up or down at any point of time.
The .Net Microservices Architecture is a unique software development
methodology, which allows developers to fragment an application into several smaller services, wherein each service can independently execute its process and interact with other application mechanisms.
These microservices are built around several business capabilities, which can be deployed independently with deployment mechanism, that is automatic in nature. The .Net Microservices architecture requires almost negligible level of management of these services, it could be developed in different programming languages, it also offers flexibility to employ different sets of data storage technologies.
If we are developing a scaled server-side enterprise app, it must support different kind of clients such as mobile browsers, native mobile applications, or desktop browsers. The application must be exposed to the 3rd party APIs for additional functionality. The application might need to interact with other applications, web services, or a message broker to fulfill the end user’s requests.
The application shall be designed to handle HTTP requests and messages; execute business logic, access the database; exchange the messages with other system components, and return a response in XML/HTML/JSON format. For any application, we do have logical components corresponding to all the functional areas.
With the help of .Net Microservice Architecture, developers can build an application as a collection of services that have following traits.
.Net Microservices offer numerous advantages, that is the reason why all the big Tech Firms such as Netflix, Amazon, or eBay have already adopted this architecture and it is gaining massive traction among the netizens. If we compare .Net Microservice with the Traditional Monolithic design structures, then we get the following advantages.
.Net Microservices are certainly popular like a hotcake, but they do have certain drawbacks. Here are some disadvantages of .Net Microservices, that any distributed system can face in a real-time scenario.
However, we can address these bottlenecks with the usage of automation tools and adequate training of the development team.
We can deploy the .Net Microservices-based applications within containers. A container is nothing but a complete virtual operating system(OS) environment, which offers all the processes a great degree of isolation, but at the same time enables dedicated access for them to utilize the underlying hardware resources. One of the most popular container solutions is Docker, which can be used to deploy .Net microservices-based
We can also use the Virtual machines (AWS) for .Net microservices
deployments, though we must ensure that lightweight microservices packages should not leverage the whole virtual machine, as that will reduce the cost-effectiveness of the solution.
.Net microservices-based application can also be deployed using an Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGI) bundle. In this scenario, the application service will be executed under one Java virtual machine (JVM), though this option comes with several management and isolation challenges.
As we said earlier, many large enterprises like Amazon, Netflix, or eBay have already opted for this architectural approach as they have understood the potential advantages this architecture offers. Here we will talk about their implementation of .Net Microservices architecture.
With the gradual change in the web application development paradigm, we may witness more debate between using traditional Monolithic architecture or Microservices. However, it is important for the developers to perform their due diligence and adopt the necessary approach based on their projects.
For small enterprises, it is easy, cost-effective and faster to start with the monolithic application method. They can keep using the monolithic approach if the product has not attained much mature; However, they
can swiftly migrate to microservices at any time in the future. Whereas the
large enterprises with massive user base can certainly opt for .Net
microservice methodology, as it helps them to scale the application easily, ensures uptime, and flexibility to add more modules in the future with ease.
The .Net microservices architecture enables the developers to employ a different set of technologies between each service. It offers the necessary flexibility to utilize the .Net for a specific module of an application, without having to implement it everywhere.
Developers can easily amalgamate the .Net microservices with apps coded in Node JS, Java, or any other programming language. This ability allows an easier migration to .Net core technology for microservices that execute in tandem with other microservices developed with other technologies. .Net microservices can easily run on all prominent cloud platforms in the market.
The future of .Net microservices certainly leads us closer to serverless architecture. It helps organizations to save time, cost, and resource at the same time, as they must pay an amount of only utilized computing resources.
Microservices is an exceptional concept that is implemented to develop applications and software solutions from a more modular and granular level. However, please keep in mind that it is not recommended to initiate developing the .Net microservices architecture from the scratch, since it is complex to define the interface and boundaries of each service right at the beginning. But yes, it is certainly a good idea to opt for .Net microservices architecture, as it allows us to develop applications, that can cater requirements of the high demanding users and markets.