The World Wide Web, thank you Sir Tim, was conceived as a technology designed to be “
While very entertaining and very useful in many ways the hegemonic Web platforms present as artificial rather than organic, hierarchical rather than egalitarian. The Big Platforms are owned and managed by a handful of dominant, supervalued, companies.
Prominent are Alphabet (Google’s parent) and Meta (Facebook’s parent). Low cost and high profit, they are great at informing and entertaining us. Meanwhile, however, in consequential ways they are beggaring those who provide the content and the users who consume that content.
The top platforms are richly paid to channel advertising. To us.
The Web has evolved into a massive, and massively profitable, advertising engine. As such, the Web now might be (and is becoming) seen as a form of de facto feudalism, digital imperialism, and digerati aristocracy.
The attention of us billions of serfs is the product sold to advertisers.
No coercion there. More like… seduction.
Note, this critique does not imply a call for legislation or government regulation. Both tend to be blunt instruments that land much harder on startups than on the hegemons of the digital megaverse.
It calls for transformation. Which will come, as always,
How did we get here? Can we, and if so how can we, once again unleash the imprisoned lighting (
Enter the blockchain.
First, though, who am I to judge?
I am one of the few surviving Original Gangsters of the Supply Side/Reaganomics revolution.
We, relentlessly mocked by the right (“voodoo economics”) and the left (“trickle-down economics”), got policies enacted that, over time, pushed the Dow from 814 (on that day in November 1979 that Reagan officially declared his candidacy for the presidency) to its current flirtation with 40,000.
Pretty good voodoo.
That said, what’s the next act?
The juice from the original equitable prosperity policy formula -- of stabilizing the dollar (slaying the inflation dragon for two generations and cutting the top marginal income tax rate from 70% to, initially, 28%) -- got wrung out around the time Bill Clinton left the building.
I was and am enthusiastic about reducing counterproductively high marginal tax rates across-the-board. Yet much of what ensued in the name of supply-side during the 21st century is a cargo-cult version of supply-side’s successes of the ‘80s and ‘90s.
The post-Reagan/Clinton grotesque caricature of authentic supply-side economics has left the economy limping for a generation. Cumulatively, over 20+ years, sub-par growth rates are crippling. They leave us with an economy, both national and personal, far lower than what consistent 3+% supply-side growth rates would have delivered over time.
Is there a new, plausible, way to re-ignite vibrant, widely shared, rising living standards?
Enter A16z’s
Dixon has delivered a splendid new book
How to restore sizzling, equitable, prosperity?
The blockchain.
The blockchain is a revolutionary form of software which, when more fully developed, portends to allow most of the value created by the community and by its cultural creatives to be enjoyed by the full community and its cultural creatives.
Not (as now) exclusively, or at least primarily, by the corporate royalty and tech aristocracy.
At long last, Dixon gives us a presentation of the blockchain and its properties imbued with an enthusiasm leavened with shrewd practical insight devoid of hype. Dixon is one of the Masters of the Digital Universe (as coder, entrepreneur, and investor).
He knows whereof he writes and has written the first really great, comprehensive, book on the blockchain,
Dixon provides an overview in his introduction. He there provides us a World-Wide-Webb-telescopic-eye view of the three eras of the internet, of a new movement, of seeing the truth and determining the internet’s future.
Part One, “Read Write”—treats the early internet, which was effectively read only, and Web2, allowing us surfers to write and post through websites, blogs, podcasts, social media and so forth. He explains why networks matter and lays out a trenchant taxonomy of the two dominant incumbent networks (protocol, like the internet and email, and corporate, such as Google and Facebook) and their properties.
In Part Two, “Own,” Dixon then goes on to explain what blockchains are, what “tokens” are, and what the – radically great – properties of blockchain networks are… or could and can be.
“Own” is a short word with huge implications. Ownership is what has been lost, and which can be restored via a (better) blockchain.
In Part Three, “A New Era,” Dixon explains and explores the fundamentals of the business model, community-created software, and take rates (meaning the vigorish that the corporate network proprietors extract from their communities, a process he aptly calls “attract and extract”).
He lays out how building networks with token incentives can dramatically change the way the world works for the better, making it more prosperous, cultured, and equitable. He presents vividly the attendant “tokenomics” … and how to restore popular, rather than corporate-autocratic, governance.
In Part Four, “Here and Now”, he contrasts the culture of the computer (blockchain as compute platform) with the casino (cryptocurrency), concluding with “What’s Next” … showing how mobile computing, starting with the iPhone, changed everything.
He then lays out “some promising applications.”
Dixon concludes with a pragmatic vision of the reinvention of the internet… and what grounds his cause for optimism.
Until Dixon, in many years of my searching, like Diogenes with his lantern, I had encountered not one single really good, comprehensive, book on the blockchain. (I may have missed one, admittedly, for instance, not yet having gotten to Alex Tapscott’s critically acclaimed
There I rested, baffled. So much sizzle. So little steak.
So, together with a brilliant acquaintance, I helped write one: Redefining the Future of the Economy: Governance Blocks and Economic Architecture. That said, it mainly was focused on the potential finance applications of the blockchain, not the Big Picture.
I thereafter co-authored a second book on this subject,
It took a long odyssey to arrive at Dixon. I wandered around for years asking people vastly smarter than me what the blockchain was good for and seeking examples of killer applications (“use cases” in the prevailing jargon).
In response, I got oodles of hype. And almost no satisfying answers … with one
Cometh now Chris Dixon.
I am not the only one impressed.
Sam Altman, the godfather of ChatGPT, blurbs Read Write Own: “Read this book to understand a compelling vision of where the Internet should go and how to get there.” Shark Tank’s Mark Cuban: “Chris Dixon succeeds at explaining how crypto technology is vital to our technological future and how we all can benefit much as we have from the internet.”
And many more captains of industry, tech titans, and nouveau billionaires discovered Dixon’s writings before I did.
My own modest credentials? I have been working within and with the Blockchain ecosystem for, well, eons. One of my LinkedIn verticals is
Geology nerds will recognize the original
Dixon thinks so. So do I.
Call me
My own pilgrimage:
So … now what?
Dixon is a true Master of the Blockchain Universe. Not (like me) a practiced propagandist. Thus he buries his lede on page 179:
“The stakes are high. As I’ve argued here, blockchain networks are the only known technology that can re-establish an open, democratic internet.”
Hello Congress my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again….
This re-establishment is a very big deal indeed.
What’s next?
For the tantalizing promise of the blockchain to be realized we need smart policy that protects the public while not stifling innovation or exporting this cutting-edge tech, and the potentially trillions of associated dollars, to Berlin, Singapore or Zug.
Imagine how worse off America would be today if Congress and our regulators had effectively deported the headquarters of the big Web success stories, like Google, to Europe or the Pacific?
The need for a savvy legal and regulatory environment is something that legislators, regulators, and the ethical actors within the industry (like Dixon) all agree upon. Yet Washington has thus far proved mostly thrown, acting like the primates upon encountering the monolith at the beginning of
We’re at the precipice of deporting Web3 and its associated power, prestige and wealth.
That may be about to change.
The blockchain’s thought leaders are at long last gearing up to help guide the footsteps of the Washington elite back onto the Paths of Righteousness via smart policy, smart legislation, and smart regulation.
Some very smart leaders of the blockchain ecosystem are now promising to
The open question?
Will they deploy their resources effectively? Or be taken in by the wily Beltway Bandits?
What to do? Those of us who remember C.P. Snow’s seminal
This misunderstanding causes a terrible disconnect. As Snow reported, in 1959: “They have a curious distorted image of each other. Their attitudes are so different that, even at the level of emotion, they can’t find much common ground.”
This can be countered… if the blockchain thought leaders know how to adopt an effective approach. There is abundant potential common ground.
Dixon’s book offers a “
To their mutual, and our, great benefit.
There’s a simple way to expedite this process, one with a high ROI.
Were the thought leaders of the $78M blockchain advocacy effort to allocate an absurdly small fraction (less than 1%) of their dedicated resources to distributing two copies (one for the Congressperson or Senator, one for his or her most relevant legislative aide) of Read Write Own, the impact almost surely will be disproportionately valuable compared to the low cost of such an operation.
How do I know? I’ve pretty much single-handedly gotten (non-blockchain related) legislation passed through the House. Twice.
There are a lot of smart, idealistic, people working on Capitol Hill, many actively interested in the blockchain and in its tantalizing potential. Put Read Write Own in front of them!
The power of
“…put it before them briefly so that they will read it, clearly so that they will understand it, forcibly so that they will appreciate it, picturesquely so that they will remember it, and, above all, accurately so that they may be wisely guided by its light.”
The late supply-side chief propagandist Jude Wanniski’s book “The Way the World Works” played an outsized role in igniting the worldwide wave of unprecedented equitable prosperity driven by supply-side economics.
This arcane fact is mostly long forgotten. That said, I was there and remember.
In the
Read Write Own, properly deployed, very well could catalyze a comparably magnificent equitable prosperity transformation. Putting Dixon’s Read Write Own in front of the right eyeballs in the right way on Capitol Hill, could very well release the djinn of “the only known technology that can re-establish an open, democratic internet” from its lamp.
Which eyeballs? Don’t try to guess.
Simply trust the process known as “
Flood the zone and let the implicate order take it from there.
And then … let a new golden age of equitable prosperity, via the road thereto so ably mapped out by Dixon, foment well-designed policy and thereby foster the next great manifestation of equitable prosperity for America.
And the world.