Who among us has not been sad when we realize that our childhood dreams are no longer relevant? Conquering near space is unprofitable. Conquering deep space is impossible.
However, startups related to the commercialization of Earth's orbit live and multiply. They believe in the fact that humanity will try in some way to get beyond the Earth and that its best representatives will be willing to pay for the experience of being beyond these limits.
For example, Orbital Assembly Corporation from the US Sacramento announced its intention to open the
Perhaps you, too, dear reader, might want to get involved in space-related technology and/or business. In that case, remember to protect your intellectual property. Inventions are usually protected by patents - but they were invented for Earth. Going beyond Earth brings unexpected legal nuances that will need to be considered.
Space tourism is certainly not the only area of space exploration.
The development of near-space technologies and business raises many questions. Including legal ones. Including in the field of intellectual property rights protection. First of all, patenting of inventions.
Patent is a territorial phenomenon by nature. A patent obtained in one region does not protect an inventor in another region.
In space, territorial boundaries are blurred. The general principles of interaction between states beyond the planet are set by a 1972 document called the
This agreement, as well as a convention from the same year, tied the jurisdiction of space objects to the state that launched them. But it quickly became clear that it wasn't that simple:
As a result, it is unclear who owns and protects the rights to this or that space object.
In 1974, the Convention on Registration was adopted. It was already stipulated there that objects launched into space are attributed to the jurisdiction of the state directly providing the launch. As a result, if country A launched a satellite from the territory and spaceport of country B, they had to somehow decide which satellite it was. So, it belongs to both.
So, if a satellite or other object launched from the territory of country B violated some patents registered in this country, this violation could be recorded. However, if it used technology patented somewhere but not in country B, there was a legal white spot, and there were no grounds to protect the rights of the patent owner.\
In 1990, the U.S. attempted to extend its borders into space with respect to intellectual property protection and passed the U.S. Patents in Space Act (U.S.C. §105).
According to the Act, “an invention made, used, or sold on a space object under the jurisdiction or control of the United States (or a component thereof) shall be deemed to have been made, used, or sold in the United States.” Unfortunately (for U.S. inventors), this document applies to countries that have a special agreement to do so with the United States.
Patent law lawyers simply recommend that creators of space-related technologies patent them separately in all 72 countries that have signed the aforementioned Registration Convention. Of course, this is time-consuming and expensive.
However, a patent may describe an invention in such a way that only the use of the invention, but not the process of making it, is protected. In this case, there may not be a tie to the manufacturer jurisdiction. For example, if you invent a technology for extracting a certain element from lunar soil that can only be used on the Moon.
The most relevant example of a vulnerable invention right now is something that can be printed on a 3D printer outside of Earth (in orbit, on the Moon, on Mars, and so on). The ICON company, for example, is going to print on the Moon housing modules and entire houses suitable for living not only for astronauts but also for “civilian” colonizers.
And ICON patents, first of all, the printer itself. They have developed a device that has solved three problems of printing modules in space. The printer can withstand lunar temperature differences from plus hundred to minus hundred degrees Celsius, is lightweight so that you do not have to move excess mass, and, most importantly - can print components with dimensions larger than itself. Usually, the scale of the printer components is commensurate with the scale of the design being created.
So, what should a person who has developed a technology applicable to space exploration, invented a device or other invention, and rightly expects to reap the fruits of his labors do?
IP Watchdog columnists recommend three simple steps:
As a result:
Virtually all experts who have spoken on this topic advise the inventor to be as proactive as possible and protect his rights without waiting for the risk of infringement to arise. It is unlikely that apple trees will blossom on Mars in our lifetime, but the commercialization of space is developing and will accelerate (as well as its scientific exploration). So, if you are working on the relevant technologies, start consulting with lawyers in advance.