Unfortunately quarantine has become our new reality for some indefinite time. However, it doesn’t mean we are completely doomed to give up on what we love doing. Of course, certain limitations are inevitable, on the other hand when life gives you lemons... you know what to do.
I do believe that the quarantine has its potential not just in protecting people from catching that vicious virus, but also to devote extra free time gotten to discover new things and rediscover those that have been forgotten due to the hectic life conditions. Our world is already pretty much online. Therefore staying at home will not cause that much discomfort. On the contrary it will open up more opportunities for some development, growth, learning new skills and sharpening those that you possess already. And, yes, there is Netflix, of course.
What if you are an amazing cook? Now it is a perfect time to sharpen your culinary skills and impress your family with your food masterpieces. How about sharing this not just with family members, but with those who would love to recreate your delicious beauty and get inspired by what they see. Create an instagram account solely devoted to your yummy experiments. Do not be afraid to do so, excusing yourself for possessing poor skills of creating attractive graphics, that will highlight that vegan cake of yours.
There is Crello, that is so easy and fun to use. Even having no graphic design experience, this platform is proved to be able to help anyone who is willing to try. Crello will assist you in creating wonderful posts for your social media, animations and videos for your website, if you decide to go further than just Instagram.It will supply you with an impressive amount of bright and vivid pictures from its photobank. And in general, Crello will help you feel proud of yourself because of new skills you get to master due to its easy-to-operate options.
It’s never late to learn
If you tried yourself at design and quite like the potential, probably you might want to continue learning new stuff. There are so many platforms offering you courses that your soul might find attractive to pursue. Lots of them will let you study for free and due to CoronaVirus limitations, some of those that charge fees, are going free now. Think of what has been keeping you interested lately, but you were not sure you will fit and the time is always an issue. Just go for it now.
Your brain got to exercise! Do not forget about your precious body. Yes, gyms are closed, but stop panic here. No need to mention about the amount of online sport channels are there available. Your phone may become your personal portable gym. So many apps have been developed and adjusted particularly for your personal needs, health wise. If you feel like working out just by yourself will not motivate you enough, your gym will probably arrange Zoom, or any other platform, to make group training happen. Where there is a will…
Borders are closed, tourism has experienced huge collapse, tickets are returned... This is dire reality. Just travel online. I know pictures will not be taken and delicious cuisine will be just observed as opposed to eaten. However you will still “visit” interesting places, peek into luxurious hotels and “fly” safely from point A to point B. As for me - full of advantages. TVShows, youtube channels and instagram travel bloggers let you experience the joy of virtual tourism.
You have learned, worked out and traveled so far. How about work? Freelance work, the one you can get and deliver online? You must be capable of certain things that someone somewhere there is really in need of. Find the service which can allow you to register and offer your writing skills, or accounting skills or design skills… Anything. Do not be afraid to start. What if when our freedom is back you will be already building new career in different dimension though.
All work and no play... Time to find some quality entertainment. There is plenty of it: from online chess to membership in online greatest libraries with the selection of books to satisfy your soul preferences. Websites, blogs, platforms with funny things to read about are all there for you to relax and get distracted from all the horror news portioned for us daily. We have to be in the know of what is happening, however pleasant distractions are simply must for our mind to remain sane.
The situation is definitely overwhelming and we are not allowed to go and meet with people we usually share our emotional situation ( friends, psychologists, grandmoms, etc.) Online meeting might not be able to maintain the atmosphere of a real meeting filled with its usual rituals. Start blogging. It may not be daily activity. Do it when you feel you have things to say. This way you will free yourself from all the emotional load you have recently achieved and let people know that they are not the only ones with same worries, hopes, sadness or joy. No problem if writing is not your strongest skill, imagine yourself simply be talking about it and then transform sounds into written speech. Decorate it with beautiful pictures, graphics, animations (you sort of know already, where to get that) and share.
Your friend has moved to another country long time ago and you occasionally get to share news with each other. Let’s say once in a month, or two. Well, now is quite a time to make those shares more frequent. Brew some coffee that smells like heaven, take that masterpiece cake, you have recently made, press a button of “video call” and devote some time to your distant friendship.
One of the best ways to shutter all fears down and bring serenity to your mind and soul is to meditate. You do not need to take a retreat to Central Asia to join monks and meditate together with them. There a lot of resources that will guide you through every step of this incredible spiritual practice. Light some candles, manage to find some secluded space, sit comfortably ( lotus pose is not really required) and let the calm vibes rule your mind.
No need to comment. Just enjoy!
Quarantine is not a sentence to bear. It might serve as a quite useful period to grow evolve and reinvent some real values. We did get more free time and yes, I know that some might have gotten it for all the sad reasons. However, it is still not the end of the world, and this disaster will be ended some day. How about meeting that day with new skills and achievements, or simply slightly bit relaxed and with totally reconceptualized worldview?